spring-projects / spring-graphql

Spring Integration for GraphQL
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TypeMismatchError if controller method returning `Flow` is declared without suspend keyword #988

Closed hantsy closed 3 weeks ago

hantsy commented 1 month ago

I tried to update my example project to use Flow, Spring Boot 3.3.0/Spring GraphQL 1.3 includes the Kotlin Flow type support.

fun allPosts(): Flow<Post> = postService.allPosts()// remove .toList() to return Flow type directly

But run the following tests in the QueryTests.

fun `get all posts`() = runTest {
    coEvery { postService.allPosts() } returns
                    id = UUID.randomUUID(),
                    title = "Post 1",
                    content = "Post 1 content",
                    status = PostStatus.DRAFT,
                    createdAt = LocalDateTime.now()
                    id = UUID.randomUUID(),
                    title = "Post 2",
                    content = "Post 2 content",
                    status = PostStatus.DRAFT,
                    createdAt = LocalDateTime.now()
    val query = "{ allPosts { title content }}"
message: ${error.message}") } }
       .entityList(String::class.java).hasSize(2).contains("POST 1", "POST 2")

    coVerify(exactly = 1) { postService.allPosts() }

And I got the error [TypeMismatchError{path=[allPosts], expectedType=[Post!]}].

The example project here: https://github.com/hantsy/spring-graphql-sample/tree/master/spring-graphql-rsocket-kotlin-co

https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-graphql/issues/954 resolved the Flow return type, it should support Flow in @QueryMapping also.

rstoyanchev commented 1 month ago

It works when the method is declared with suspend, but not without.