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Spring Security
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OIDC Backchannel Logout does not allow logout tokens having `typ` header of `logout+jwt` #15003

Open justin-tay opened 2 weeks ago

justin-tay commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug OIDC Backchannel Logout does not allow logout tokens having typ header of logout+jwt. By default the logoutTokenDecoderFactory creates a decoder that only allows null or JWT and this logoutTokenDecoderFactory doesn't seem to be easily configurable using the DSL.

In the OpenID Connect Back-Channel Logout specification it is recommended that the typ Header Parameter is set with a value of logout+jwt.

To Reproduce Have an identity provider send a back-channel logout request to the Spring backend with a logout token with typ header of logout+jwt instead of JWT.

An error [invalid_request] An error occurred while attempting to decode the Jwt: JOSE header typ (type) logout+jwt not allowed occurs.

Expected behavior The OIDC Backchannel Logout should by default accept and process tokens having typ header of logout+jwt.