spring-projects / sts4

The next generation of tooling for Spring Boot, including support for Cloud Foundry manifest files, Concourse CI pipeline definitions, BOSH deployment manifests, and more... - Available for Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Theia
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[Concourse] doesn't know about YAML anchors and aliases #482

Open OphyTe opened 4 years ago

OphyTe commented 4 years ago

The VSCode Concourse CI extension doesn't know about YAML anchors and aliases to navigate into the pipeline.yaml file.

  # Node.js gives OS info about the node (Host)
  nodeinfo: &function
    image: functions/nodeinfo:latest
      function: "true"
      - gateway
      - functions
      no_proxy: "gateway"
      https_proxy: $https_proxy
          - 'node.platform.os == linux'
  # Uses `cat` to echo back response, fastest function to execute.
    <<: *function
    image: functions/alpine:health
      fprocess: "cat"
      no_proxy: "gateway"
      https_proxy: $https_proxy

It should be great if we could go to an alias with Ctrl+click and if anchors were shown in the outline view.

martinlippert commented 3 years ago

@kdvolder Can you take a look at this? Sounds to me like we did something in this area a while ago. Can you verify?

OphyTe commented 3 years ago

Hi, @kdvolder had fixed the issue with the outline view in files with anchors and references (cf https://github.com/spring-projects/sts4/issues/483).

But this one is to add a functionality to navigate easily to the anchors definition (with the ctrl+clic or ctrl+shift+o shortcut or outline view). Currently, this extension doesn't offer that.

martinlippert commented 3 years ago

@OphyTe I see, agree, the navigation piece is missing and would be a great improvement. Thanks for the quick feedback here.

ThibaultDelaune-pro commented 1 year ago

Hi, any news with this request?

martinlippert commented 1 year ago

@ThibaultDelaune-pro Unfortunately no news on this yet...