spring / RapidTools

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RevisionNinja is too verbose #31

Closed silentwings closed 9 years ago

silentwings commented 9 years ago

At the moment it prints far more info than is needed, with more lines and repition than is needed. This can cloud channels - see screenshot.

Part of it is SLs fault, though.

silentwings commented 9 years ago


abma commented 9 years ago

what do you suggest, how to improve?

silentwings commented 9 years ago

Remove the "left the channel + link" message for RevisionNinja & remove the request to 'update', in both cases the info is available elsewhere and is not useful to have there.

abma commented 9 years ago

the message isn't for fun there. the exit message requires a change in springlobby

abma commented 9 years ago

a small note:

removal of direct svn support doesn't mean rapidtools can't handle svn at all. git itself has a wrapper to handle svn repositories. the code of svn support make it very difficult to use it in other projects, as the dependencies (apr) are difficult to compile on other platforms. the other dependencies are mostly already are available as spring requires them, too.

-> the removal allows integration / merge with spring/springlobby/pr-downloader.

silentwings commented 9 years ago

That's not relevent to this ticket - and spamming "please don't use svn" messages after you've already spammed thousands is unlikely to change anyones mind. In any case, it's not me you have to convince here. I don't maintain BAs infrastructure and (except for a minor irritation with softlinks) its immaterial to me whether I commit to svn/git repos. I'm just put off joining the badev channel due to spam.

abma commented 9 years ago

http://imolarpg.dyndns.org/trac/balatest/ticket/830 is ignored, why to remove the informal message, that svn is deprecated? is a hard end-date needed for svn support?

abma commented 9 years ago

shall i disable the bot for svn?

silentwings commented 9 years ago

It's no use threatening me either, I can't change anything here. You should contact Behe (and it would probably be better to do it sooner rather than later, since he has been active the past couple of weeks).

abma commented 9 years ago

pm'ed him on the springrts forum...