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Balanced Annihilation rapid repo needs to be changed #47

Closed ForbodingAngel closed 7 years ago

ForbodingAngel commented 7 years ago

To https://github.com/Balanced-Annihilation/Balanced-Annihilation

Floris and I have moved it to GitHub, as both of us are working on some very large things in BA and svn sucks at branching. After enough griping/whining/nudging from me about svn, Floris agreed to move it over to an organization on GitHub and that is where all new changesets are happening.

abma commented 7 years ago

is BAR planned to be moved as well?

abma commented 7 years ago

edit: BACD should be migrated as well

(these are the last svn repositories in spring community)

abma commented 7 years ago


abma commented 7 years ago

i'm waiting for a statement from either beherith or bluestone (here or in public somewhere else) before switching. i hope thats understandable?!

ForbodingAngel commented 7 years ago

It really isn't.

Keep in mind that neither of them are involved with BA anymore and haven't been for quite some time.

ForbodingAngel commented 7 years ago

You do understand that Behe is not the maintainer nor does he have anything to do with BA anymore, correct? Additionally, Floris is the maintainer now and I have been doing a lot of it myself as well. Kind of on accident, but BA was very far behind in it's lua and various other things, so I overhauled it and added new stuff (feel free to look at the commit logs for the past month+). I have added shitloads of functionality to ba and I even set up the framework to entirely overhaul their effects (as in no more engine effects, CEGs and LUPS now), Floris is setting them up... sadly when I did it it was svn and not git so I had to do all of it in master.

Bluestone isn't involved either, for that matter. Decay was doing "Balance" (in other words, likes to play with numbers in a text editor), but he isn't involved anymore either. So holding this up for people who are no longer involved is silly to say the least.

BAR is it's own thing, neither I nor Floris are actively involved with BAR and at this point it's halfway dead in the water, but that's a sidenote.

abma commented 7 years ago

then at least a note from floris/decay, please.

abma commented 7 years ago


silentwings commented 7 years ago

Afaics this request should come from Floris and Decay, together (and they may well want to make it, idk).

To the best of my knowledge FA is not in a position to speak for BA development, or listed anywhere as such; were this to change it would also be Floris and Decay that decided so - and committing to the repo does not automatically confer rights to speak for the project.

Afaics any repo move would need to (at some point) consult Behe since he technically owns a CC-BY-ND license for all original content in the BA repo that is not otherwise marked with a license or is automatically GPL'ed code (there is not much; there is some). Moreover, it would be simple politeness to do so first, since he has provided BAs infra for many years, despite being mostly distanced in BA development.

I think that BAR is unlikely to move to git(hub), due to several prohibitively large data/binary files, and the fact that neither myself or Behe (who remain as BARs developers) have ever wished to move it.

I think it unlikely that future BAR development will sync to BA. We are more concerned with singleplayer stuff, and it now requires a large amount of technical skill to sync them - realistically, I think no one is in a position to do it anymore.

abma commented 7 years ago

IMHO we are at the point where BA/BAR must be released with a license which allows the project to continue without the original authors or we will have a similar state like SWIW very soon.

ForbodingAngel commented 7 years ago

Floris and I have been talking all along in BA's discord, conversations to which all of you are privy. I made the issue request on the behalf because Abma told me to, but Abma don't play dumb, it's not like you don't know. You were on IRC talking to Floris as I was helping him set up his git environment for BA.

What original content? It's all ripped from TA and with some CC0 stuff incorporated here and there. Unless you are counting "critters".

I PM'd behe about it almost a month ago and received no response, so the "politeness" was there. I never stated that I was speaking for the project not did I ever imply as such. I merely pointed out that neither you, behe, nor decay are even remotely actively involved in BA ongoing development and haven't been for quite some time.

silentwings commented 7 years ago

BA's discord, conversations to which all of you are privy.

I am not, nor do I really know what it is.

IMHO we are at the point where BA/BAR must be released with a license which allows the project to continue without the original authors

In BAs case I agree but it is not me that is needed, or involved anymore, and in Spring I own no licenses except GPL ones. In BARs case, I don't think so. Behe and I are both academics - our free time comes in irregular blocks. But again, all my stuff is already GPL.

abma commented 7 years ago

(deleted knorkes comment as he is banned on springrts forum.)

edit: also banned him https://help.github.com/articles/blocking-a-user-from-your-organization/ (if someone else needs this, too)

Ruwetuin commented 7 years ago

I 've send Beherith, Bluestone and Decay a pm via the forum regardign the github move... Mainly to reach Beherith. But that was 11 Oct 2016, 20:31, and no response was given.

the pm:

copy from #badev:

[21:25:55] this exists now since today: https://github.com/balanced-annihilation [21:26:39] <@[Fx]Bluestone> did you speak to behe? [21:26:43] no [21:27:02] <@[Fx]Bluestone> you probably should [21:27:09] <@[Fx]Bluestone> i doubt he'll mind but you technically just broke a license [21:27:24] eh wut [21:27:56] <@[Fx]Bluestone> anything that isn't linking to engine or explicitly licensed otherwise in the BA repo is CC-BY-ND

I'm still figuring out how things work and should be done...

What are your thoughts on the licensing and the migration it github?

Ruwetuin commented 7 years ago

Nobody has been opposed it yet so yeah why not link rapid to it.

Decay hasnt been around much last half year and we need someone around who is active... but this isnt much related to the repo issue. This does however needs to be adressed sooner or later.

abma commented 7 years ago

ok, done.

thanks for the feedback. BACD / BAR needs more discussion + feedback from behe.

can you please poke me before you make the next stable release so that the new ba:stable tag will work? (else there will be two ba:stable tags which will result in weird stuff)

abma commented 7 years ago

wrt BACD i hope/think https://github.com/Balanced-Annihilation/Balanced-Annihilation/issues/3 is fine.

wrt BAR it should be discussed public in the ba forum?!