spring / uberserver

uberserver, a matchmaking/chat lobby server for the spring rts project
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rename latest version to min version #278

Closed abma closed 5 years ago

abma commented 5 years ago


abma commented 5 years ago

don't forget the docs!

silentwings commented 5 years ago

I'll take this one.

When SETMINSPRINGVERSION is used, should all affected battles with a (newly) invalid engine version be closed? I think yes.

abma commented 5 years ago

At request of engine devs, who will also choose which Spring version is the current minimum. (Default will typically be the latest major release.)

IMHO should be similar to how the latest version was set. only the delay will be larger, depending on the required changes.

sth. like: "Spring 104.0 as it will be set as minimal version on lobbyserver on Tuesday, 03. October if no blocking bug is found. Download links will be updated then as well."

means basicly the engine devs will decide which surely will listen to game devs.

silentwings commented 5 years ago

I am thinking at the point at which SETMINSPRINGVERSION is called i.e. on the date of actually starting the live min version requirement.

I'm assuming the usual cycle of release candidates, then forum announcement of new release, plus grace period of a few weeks before SETMINSPRINGVERSION is called manually by a server admin. (Pre-notification could be done on the lobby too, is that what you meant?).

abma commented 5 years ago

hu? KISS?!

calling SETMINSPRINGVERSION should instantly set the min version.

silentwings commented 5 years ago

I think we have confused ourselves here. (Probably my fault, please ignore everything in the duplicate ticket.)

My plan is that when SETMINSPRINGVERSION is called the effect will be to (1) Immediately set the min spring version. (2) Automatically close all open battles that fail the (new) min version requirement. (3) Broadcast a server message to all users, notifying the new spring version.

Clearly (1) is necessary, but the check for min version only takes place in OPENBATTLE; so it seems sensible to me to do (2) at the same time, just wanted to check you agreed.

abma commented 5 years ago

i have no clue what your plan was/is: mine is/was (1).

silentwings commented 5 years ago

I changed my mind a few times ... end result (1-3) is #280