spring / uberserver

uberserver, a matchmaking/chat lobby server for the spring rts project
33 stars 38 forks source link

Joinbattle appears to be sent twice. #354

Closed MasterBel2 closed 5 years ago

MasterBel2 commented 5 years ago

Looking at uberserver's code, I'm not sure why it would do this. Doesn't happen the first time I join a battle. Happens across multiple hosts (all spads instances). My best guess is the server might be receiving a "joinbattleaccept" command which doesn't really make sense.

Server messages are the ones with quotation marks

["JOINBATTLE 1088 -10204720 __battle__204803"]
["JOIN __battle__204803"]
["JOINED __battle__204803 [CoF]MasterBel2"]
["CLIENTS __battle__204803 [CoF]MasterBel2 [ACE]Ortie"]
["JOINEDBATTLE 1088 [CoF]MasterBel2"]
… (script tags etc)
["LEFT __battle__204803 [CoF]MasterBel2"]
["LEFTBATTLE 1088 [CoF]MasterBel2"]
["JOINBATTLE 1087 -10204720 __battle__205378"]
["JOINBATTLE 1087 -10204720 __battle__205378"]

Edit: It doesn't always do this. Just most of the time.

silentwings commented 5 years ago

Could you post a log showing what is sent/recieved next (if anything) after

["JOINBATTLE 1087 -10204720 __battle__205378"]
["JOINBATTLE 1087 -10204720 __battle__205378"]

If it is script tags etc, how many times are you sent the script tags?

Also, a complete log to show which battles you had joined/left since logging in may be needed.

MasterBel2 commented 5 years ago

Nothing else is sent incorrectly:

["JOINBATTLE 1277 1146621252 __battle__206092"]
["JOIN __battle__206092"]
["JOINED __battle__206092 [CoF]MasterBel2"]
["CLIENTS __battle__206092 [ACE]Pirateur [CoF]MasterBel2"]
["JOINEDBATTLE 1277 [CoF]MasterBel2"]
["LEFT __battle__206092 [CoF]MasterBel2"]
["LEFTBATTLE 1277 [CoF]MasterBel2"]
["JOINBATTLE 1282 -10204720 __battle__202952"]
["JOINBATTLE 1282 -10204720 __battle__202952"]
["JOIN __battle__202952"]
["JOINED __battle__202952 [CoF]MasterBel2"]
["CLIENTS __battle__202952 [CoF]MasterBel2 [ACE]Perge"]
["JOINEDBATTLE 1282 [CoF]MasterBel2"]
["SETSCRIPTTAGS game/modoptions/mo_preventcombomb=0\tgame/modoptions/limitscore=2500\tgame/modoptions/startmetal=1000\tgame/modoptions/mo_coop=0\tgame/modoptions/mo_armageddontime=0\tgame/modoptions/minspeed=1\tgame/modoptions/maxunits=3000\tgame/modoptions/pathfinder=normal\tgame/modoptions/fixedallies=1\tgame/modoptions/mo_newbie_placer=0\tgame/modoptions/critters_multiplier=1\tgame/modoptions/starttime=0\tgame/modoptions/mo_no_close_spawns=1\tgame/modoptions/dominationscoretime=30\tgame/modoptions/capturetime=30\tgame/modoptions/mo_ffa=0\tgame/modoptions/startenergy=1000\tgame/modoptions/shareddynamicalliancevictory=0\tgame/hosttype=SPADS\tgame/modoptions/mo_heatmap=1\tgame/modoptions/capturebonus=0.5\tgame/modoptions/critters=1\tgame/modoptions/metalperpoint=5\tgame/modoptions/maxspeed=1\tgame/modoptions/decapspeed=3\tgame/modoptions/tugofwarmodifier=2\tgame/modoptions/scoremode=disabled\tgame/modoptions/captureradius=500\tgame/modoptions/deathmode=com\tgame/modoptions/energyperpoint=0\tgame/modoptions/mo_transportenemy=notcoms\tgame/modoptions/mo_enemycomcount=1\tgame/modoptions/disablemapdamage=0\tgame/startPosType=2"]
Command payload incorrectly parsed: remaning text was "game/modoptions/limitscore=2500  game/modoptions/startmetal=1000 game/modoptions/mo_coop=0   game/modoptions/mo_armageddontime=0 game/modoptions/minspeed=1  game/modoptions/maxunits=3000   game/modoptions/pathfinder=normal   game/modoptions/fixedallies=1   game/modoptions/mo_newbie_placer=0  game/modoptions/critters_multiplier=1   game/modoptions/starttime=0 game/modoptions/mo_no_close_spawns=1    game/modoptions/dominationscoretime=30  game/modoptions/capturetime=30  game/modoptions/mo_ffa=0    game/modoptions/startenergy=1000    game/modoptions/shareddynamicalliancevictory=0  game/hosttype=SPADS game/modoptions/mo_heatmap=1    game/modoptions/capturebonus=0.5    game/modoptions/critters=1  game/modoptions/metalperpoint=5 game/modoptions/maxspeed=1  game/modoptions/decapspeed=3    game/modoptions/tugofwarmodifier=2  game/modoptions/scoremode=disabled  game/modoptions/captureradius=500   game/modoptions/deathmode=com   game/modoptions/energyperpoint=0    game/modoptions/mo_transportenemy=notcoms   game/modoptions/mo_enemycomcount=1  game/modoptions/disablemapdamage=0  game/startPosType=2"
["CLIENTBATTLESTATUS [ACE]Perge 4194306 16777215"]
["ADDSTARTRECT 0 0 0 60 60"]
["ADDSTARTRECT 1 140 140 200 200"]
["SAIDEX __battle__202952 [ACE]Perge * WELCOME [CoF]MasterBel2 (Rank 70 - Veteran) on [ACE]Servers (SPADS 0.12.6)."]
["SAIDEX __battle__202952 [ACE]Perge * Use «!s» to show players skill. Need some help ? Type «!h»."]
["SAIDEX __battle__202952 [ACE]Perge * [ACE]Autohosts website at http://ace.springrts.fr ~~ SpringRTS en français ici http://springrts.fr"]
["SAIDEX __battle__202952 [ACE]Perge * You can contact [ACE]Associates at http://ace.springrts.fr/contact-aceassociates for any requests~suggests."]
["SAIDEX __battle__202952 [ACE]Perge * Tip1 «!cbalance» for TrueSkill + clan/team play (max deviation 5%) or «!sbalance» for pure TrueSkill balance."]
["SAIDEX __battle__202952 [ACE]Perge * Tip2 «!lock» / «!unlock» for private games."]
["SAIDEX __battle__202952 [ACE]Perge * Type «!bpresets» for SPECIAL SETTINGS list, more help at http://ace.springrts.fr/special-settings"]
["SETSCRIPTTAGS game/players/[cof]masterbel2/skill=30.10"]
["SETSCRIPTTAGS game/players/[cof]masterbel2/skilluncertainty=0"]
silentwings commented 5 years ago

Ok, thanks

silentwings commented 5 years ago

I'm unable to reproduce this, despite sending essentially identical commands to your example above. I can't see anything in uberservers code which could cause the issue you describe -> please check your own code!

lutemaking > JOINBATTLE 1382
lutemaking < JOINBATTLE 1382 1146621252 __battle__954978
lutemaking > PING
lutemaking < JOIN __battle__954978
lutemaking < JOINED __battle__954978 lutemaking
lutemaking < CHANNELTOPIC __battle__954978 ChanServ
lutemaking < CLIENTS __battle__954978 [ACE]Synchronisme lutemaking
lutemaking < JOINEDBATTLE 1382 lutemaking
lutemaking < SETSCRIPTTAGS game/modoptions/chicken_custom_spawnchance=33        game/modoptions/chicken_queendifficulty=
lutemaking < CLIENTBATTLESTATUS [ACE]Synchronisme 4194306 16777215
lutemaking < CLIENTBATTLESTATUS lutemaking 0 0
lutemaking < PONG
lutemaking < UPDATEBATTLEINFO 1372 1 0 1312796781 Tabula-v4
lutemaking < SAIDEX __battle__954978 [ACE]Synchronisme * WELCOME lutemaking (Rank 10 - Newbie) on [ACE]Servers (S
lutemaking < SAIDEX __battle__954978 [ACE]Synchronisme * Chicken help on http://ace.springrts.fr/tips-tricks-chic
lutemaking < SAIDEX __battle__954978 [ACE]Synchronisme * Tip : «!lock» / «!unlock» for private games.
lutemaking < SAIDEX __battle__954978 [ACE]Synchronisme * [ACE]Autohosts website at http://ace.springrts.fr ~ Spri
lutemaking < SAIDEX __battle__954978 [ACE]Synchronisme * You can contact [ACE]Associates at http://ace.springrts.
lutemaking < SETSCRIPTTAGS game/players/lutemaking/skill=~20
lutemaking < SETSCRIPTTAGS game/players/lutemaking/skilluncertainty=3
lutemaking > LEAVEBATTLE 1382
lutemaking < UPDATEBATTLEINFO 1177 1 0 733360208 Hotlips_Redux_V2
lutemaking > PING
lutemaking < UPDATEBATTLEINFO 1334 1 0 -2105056907 Fairyland v1.0
lutemaking < LEFT __battle__954978 lutemaking
lutemaking < LEFTBATTLE 1382 lutemaking
lutemaking < PONG
lutemaking < JOINBATTLE 1383 -2073101753 __battle__966588
lutemaking < JOIN __battle__966588
lutemaking < JOINED __battle__966588 lutemaking
lutemaking < CHANNELTOPIC __battle__966588 ChanServ
lutemaking < CLIENTS __battle__966588 [ACE]Been lutemaking
lutemaking < JOINEDBATTLE 1383 lutemaking
lutemaking < SETSCRIPTTAGS game/modoptions/luarules=1   game/modoptions/startmetal=1000 game/modoptions/maxunits=17
lutemaking < CLIENTBATTLESTATUS [ACE]Been 4194306 16777215
lutemaking < CLIENTBATTLESTATUS lutemaking 0 0
lutemaking < SAIDEX __battle__966588 [ACE]Been * WELCOME lutemaking (Rank 10 - Newbie) on [ACE]Servers (SPADS 0.1
lutemaking < SAIDEX __battle__966588 [ACE]Been * Use «!s» to show players skill. need some help ? Type «!h».
lutemaking < SAIDEX __battle__966588 [ACE]Been * SpringRTS Official site at http://springrts.com ~~ SpringRTS en
lutemaking < SAIDEX __battle__966588 [ACE]Been * Contact [ACE]FabriceFABS (private / by e-mail fabrice@springrts.
lutemaking < SAIDEX __battle__966588 [ACE]Been * Tip1 «!cbalance» for TrueSkill + clan/team play (max deviation 5
lutemaking < SAIDEX __battle__966588 [ACE]Been * Tip2 «!lock» 
silentwings commented 5 years ago

presumed to be a client side bug, re-open if you still believe the issues exists