spring / uberserver

uberserver, a matchmaking/chat lobby server for the spring rts project
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have custom groups for auth services #365

Open abma opened 4 years ago

abma commented 4 years ago

-> https://github.com/springfiles/springrts_logs/issues/11

would be nice if we could add custom groups for permissions / auth.

i guess this requires:

table groups: group_id, group_name table group_user: group_id, user_id

xmlrpc interface needs to be adjusted: the same for access to the user table.


silentwings commented 4 years ago

seems like overkill rn if you all you want is a store of infologs for engine devs somewhere

the status/access control system of uberserver is old-fashioned status ints & human readable strings in db ('admin', 'mod, 'agreement', etc), it could use a rewrite because there are no free bits left in the status ints... definitely possible but not so easy to do it in a short time

aside from that, user statuses with customizable content makes an argument for doing https://github.com/spring/uberserver/issues/249

abma commented 4 years ago

infologs is not the only place where it would be useful. for springfiles upload it would be nice, too: or should be moderator / admin rights just be mapped 1:1 to it?

maybe when adding it to the xmlrpc service, it could already use a list as result so its prepared for groups.

atm there is no need for showing up the new groups in lobby. it would be enough if they are available via XmlRpcServer.py and if they can be set via sth. like addgroup / removegroup which could replace SETACCESS.

hmm, atm i'm at the point that the 1:1 mapping could be enough for now?!