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RollingRead - Project 2 & 3 for Web Application Development COM531 at Illinois Tech
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Storyboard user interaction - April 6 #3

Open mfreema5 opened 9 years ago

mfreema5 commented 9 years ago

From the UX Book, starting on p. 316

From your ideation and sketches, select the most promising ideas for each of the three perspectives. Create illustrated sequences that show each of these ideas in a narrative style.

Include things like these in your storyboards:

  • Hand-sketched pictures annotated with a few words
  • All the work practice that is part of the task, not just interaction with the system, for example, include telephone conversations with agents or roles outside the system
  • Sketches of devices and screens
  • Any connections with system internals, for example, flow to and from a database
  • Physical user actions
  • Cognitive user actions in “thought balloons”
mfreema5 commented 9 years ago

Drawing on our user persona, Nicole Farnsworth, I'm hoping we can start to concoct some scenarios, and then storyboard them.

I'm thinking something like, “Nicole has another two hours on the clock at the library, but nothing to do. She pulls out her iPhone and…”. Or, “Knowing that her suite-mates are planning on playing the Project Runway drinking game that night, Nicole closes the Comic Zeal app on her iPad and…


Though, considering the feedback from Karl on the alpha-app, a better story might be, “It's the start of a new semester, and Nicole wants to organize all the readings she'll need to do for her classes…

jhignight commented 9 years ago

Here's a concept of what Nicole might want to see if she's trying to cram in a quick study session before binge-drinking over America's Next Top Model.


jhignight commented 9 years ago

Here we see Nicole's frustration; she has a lot due very soon... how can we help her?


mfreema5 commented 9 years ago

I'm thinking we need an integrated assignment input form, that's structured like a syllabus, so Nicole doesn't have to keep flipping back and forth between pages of a course syllabus. flip