spring98 / flutter-yolo-realtime-plugin

실시간 객체검출 플러그인 배포 (2023)
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How to use this pluging to fetch feed from USB/wifi Camera in andriod/ios #9

Open nickagrawal opened 2 months ago

nickagrawal commented 2 months ago

I found the pluging for usb feed https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_uvc_camera not sure how to both can connect @spring98

spring98 commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your interest in my plugin.

My plugin implementation takes the camera stream provided by native and infers the result directly from native.

I haven't used the flutter_uvc_camera plugin, but I expect it to import USB camera data into flutter and then do the following:

I think it will be difficult to integrate it into my plugin because the function of directly inferring with stream data imported from flutter is not implemented.

If you want to do real-time inference, you must write code to infer data received from USB directly at the native level.

If you do inference using a Flutter plugin such as tflite with an image stream imported into Flutter, it is difficult to expect good performance.

thank you