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swagger-ui is not showing "select a definition" instead shows Explore option with text box #28

Closed ShambuGIT closed 2 years ago

ShambuGIT commented 2 years ago

Issue I have spring mvc project without spring boot that integrated springdoc-openapi as mentioned in the document. Everything works fine. but one issue seen in UI where I could not see "select a definition" with list of groups instead it was showing Text box with Explore option.

springdoc-openapi-ui - 1.6.4 spring-boot & spring-boot-autoconfigure - 2.6.2

Screen shot taken from non spring boot app image

If i specify api-docs path manually, it works fine. I tried with simple spring boot project where I could see the select a definition option. Is something am i missing in non spring boot integration.

Screen shot taken from spring boot app


bnasslahsen commented 2 years ago


Provide you complete configuration. Same incomplete information as springdoc/springdoc-openapi#1431. Make sure you follow the contribution guidelines before opening issues.

Looks like you are not scanning for your GroupedOpenApi beans. If you choose not to use spring-boot. Then you have to scan for all the beans that are automatically auto-configured with spring-boot.

ShambuGIT commented 2 years ago

@bnasslahsen - I have provided the samplehello project that shows text box with Explore button if you access http://localhost:8090/hello/openapi/swagger-ui/index.html

Please validate and let me know what am missing.

Note: if I map "DefaultSwagger" as root path(change the <url-pattern>/openapi/*</url-pattern> into <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>) then it works fine.

bnasslahsen commented 2 years ago

Already answered here: springdoc/springdoc-openapi#841 Simply, move your Beans definition inside a dedicated configuration class:

package com.example.hello;

import org.springdoc.core.GroupedOpenApi;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

class GroupsConfiguration {

    public GroupedOpenApi accountApi()
        return GroupedOpenApi.builder()
ShambuGIT commented 2 years ago

@bnasslahsen - Still it does not work under different context (http://localhost:8090/hello/**openapi**/swagger-ui/index.html). Attached the latest hello project

bnasslahsen commented 2 years ago


You are missing the following property in your project as explained here https://github.com/springdoc/springdoc-openapi/issues/899:

ShambuGIT commented 2 years ago

Thanks @bnasslahsen. It resolved the issue. One suggestion it would be nice if you put this details in https://springdoc.org/#faq

Add0z commented 8 months ago

@bnasslahsen CVan you help this humble soul?? I'm trying to do the same thing, grouping API under the same swagger page, but the difference is the main page is an API GATEWAY, so they are not in the same package. BookService and CambioService should be grouped under Api-Gateway.


The top bar shows the explore tab, I tried everything here to make it show the dropbox but it's not happening... /v3/api-docs/ comes written on the explore box, and if I add /v3/api-docs/book it shows the right page.. same for /cambio.

What I am missing is that the dropbox is refusing to show. I believe I'm grouping them right in the @configuration class

`@Bean @Lazy(false) public List apis( SwaggerUiConfigParameters config, RouteDefinitionLocator locator) {

    var definitions = locator.getRouteDefinitions().collectList().block();
    List<GroupedOpenApi> groupedOpenApis = new ArrayList<>();

            .filter(routeDefinition -> routeDefinition.getId() != null && !routeDefinition.getId().isEmpty())
            .forEach(routeDefinition -> {
                String name = routeDefinition.getId();
                GroupedOpenApi groupedOpenApi = GroupedOpenApi.builder()
                        .pathsToMatch("/" + name + "/**")
                        .displayName(name)  // Use displayName to set a friendly name in the UI

    return groupedOpenApis;
  port: 8765
      defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka
    name: api-gateway
          enabled: true
        - id: cambio
          uri: lb://cambio-service
            - Path=/cambio/**
        - id: book
          uri: lb://book-service
            - Path=/book/**
        - id: openApi
          uri: lb://api-gateway
            - Path=/v3/api-docs/**
          - RewritePath=/v3/api-docs/(?<path>.*), /$\{path}/v3/api-docs
    filter: true