springernature / frontend-toolkits

Frontend Component Toolkits for the Elements Design System
MIT License
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Swap Merriweather Sans font weight from 300 to 400 #849

Open foxintherain opened 2 years ago

foxintherain commented 2 years ago


In the stylesheet we refer to using the 300 font weight for Merriweather sans.

This needs to be updated to 400 - which equates to regular:


300 font weight equates to “light” for the Merriweather Sans typeface: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Merriweather%2BSans

This may negatively impact legibility, as the appearance of letters will appear thinner and difficult to read on low resolution screens.

Done when

Anything else

Include links to any links or background information that would be useful for someone working on the issue.

amyhupe commented 1 year ago

We looked at this today in planning and only remaining steps is for:

sturobson commented 1 year ago

There has been no update on this issue for 30 days. It is now marked as "stale". If you think this issue is still relevant and needs attention then reply with an update. If there is no update in 14 days, this issue will be closed.

amyhupe commented 1 year ago

@Heydon to split this out of the line height issue #856 and open a separate PR

foxintherain commented 1 year ago

@Heydon and @sturobson are unable to find any specific reference to the font weight being 300 (aside from the heading-level 1) so we only need to update the styleguide and make sure frontend devs on springernature products are aware of this.

sturobson commented 1 year ago

As it's not in the current versions of the brand-context or any of the components in in the toolkits but is still used in products - then I'd guess that it's via some 'custom css' in the project.

Letting SN Products know about the style changes from the system should help them find where it's being used to update it in their custom css.

Not knowing how many of the projects listed in these results use Elements there could be quite a few or just a couple of instances of font-weight: 300 (or similar) being defined in 'custom css'