springernature / shunter

A Node.js application built to read JSON and translate it into HTML
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Create a small demo application using Shunter #82

Closed andrewmee closed 7 years ago

andrewmee commented 8 years ago

Should have a small back end application and sample Shunter-based front end that someone can easily download, run, and play with.

andrewmee commented 8 years ago

We're discussing creating multiple (3 or so) backend applications which all use the same single shunter-based front-end.

This would demonstrate how a backend system is integrated, and the fact that shunter is language-agnostic.

Ideas for what the small application would do include a todo app, or perhaps RSS aggregator.

Key features:

rowanmanning commented 8 years ago

We should probably standardise a data store for the applications too, I was thinking SQLite because it's pretty ubiquitous and zero-configuration.

rowanmanning commented 8 years ago

I can attest that an RSS aggregator is pretty complicated compared to a TODO app

romulodl commented 8 years ago

I think the important would be to show how easy is to switch the backend technology without affect the frontend and show that one could run an app with another section running in another language (e. g. a publishing platform in ruby with a blog section in php.)

Because the first thing some devs ask is: why I would add node.js to my stack?

rowanmanning commented 8 years ago

We've come up with a specification for the example applications, which will be a list of good lunch places around the Kings Cross area. The application will not have a database, and each will instead get data from local JSON files.

The application will consist of two templates: a home page which lists the venues, and a venue page which includes detailed information on an individual venue. There will be no data entry – a focus on presenting data plays up Shunter's strengths and reduces the complexity of each back end.

rowanmanning commented 8 years ago

There's an example of the expected JSON starting to form in the Shunter example application

andrewmee commented 7 years ago

There are several such example backends here: https://github.com/shunterjs