We need to visualise how we are displaying tokens in the Elements documentation site.
It is important that the tokens are displayed in a way that our users can understand.
Done when
This is a design task only and the scope of the task is to create a design document that best visualises the tokens for initial release on the Eleventy documentation site.
A separate task will be created (if needed for the engineering aspects of this task)
We need to visualise how we are displaying tokens in the Elements documentation site.
It is important that the tokens are displayed in a way that our users can understand.
Done when
This is a design task only and the scope of the task is to create a design document that best visualises the tokens for initial release on the Eleventy documentation site.
A separate task will be created (if needed for the engineering aspects of this task)
Anything else
Initial slack thread: https://springernature.slack.com/archives/C038W76FYMN/p1678270322639119