springfall2008 / batpred

Home battery prediction and charging automation for Home Assistant, supporting many inverter types
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predbat with ge_cloud and 3 phase inverter. #1210

Open LeeFarm11 opened 2 weeks ago

LeeFarm11 commented 2 weeks ago

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Sorry if this is in wrong place. If it is wrong place, please can you point me to the correct place.

I have Gen 3, 11kw 3 phase inverter. GivTCP is not yet working (I'm working with britkat1980). I'm trying to install Appdaemon-Predbat combined install, but with ge_cloud. I'm struggling with template file in https://github.com/springfall2008/batpred/tree/main/templates Based on instructions I think I need to replace the contents of /addon_configs/46f69597_appdaemon-predbat/apps/apps.yaml with the contents of givenery_cloud.yaml and then modify that version.

I see references to geseriale with e on the end, but is that a mistype? I think it should be without e on the end?

'# Set to auto-match with a GivEnergy serial number, but you can override the serial or the sensor names '# if it doesn't work or if you have more than one inverter you will need to list both geserial: 'cexxxx' geserial2: 'ceyyyy'

'# Sets the maximum period of zero load before the gap is filled, default 30 minutes '# To disable set it to 1440 load_filter_threshold: 30

'# '# Sensors, more than one can be specified and they will be summed up automatically '# '# For two inverters the load today would normally be the master load sensor only (to cover the entire house) '# If you have three phase and one inverter per phase then you would need three load sensors '# '# For pv_today if you have multiple solar inverter inputs then you should include one entry for each inverter '# load_today:

I only have 1 inverter. Do i need to comment all the references to second inverter {geserial2} throughout the yaml?

And then I see reference to separate sensors for each of the 3 phases, but sorry I don't know where to get that information. Is it possible to add instructions for how to deal with 3 phase GE inverter?

Are there other things I need to change due to 3 phase? I was also trying to look at installing dashboard from predbat_dashboard.yaml but I can't find it. I guess this will also be complicated by 3 phases?

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gcoan commented 2 weeks ago

Hello and welcome to Predbat

I'll try and help answer your questions...

Based on instructions I think I need to replace the contents of /addon_configs/46f69597_appdaemon-predbat/apps/apps.yaml with the contents of givenery_cloud.yaml and then modify that version.

Yes that's correct. My intent is to collapse all the different template files down into ideally just one 'master' template file as having lots of different templates might make it easier for the newcomer to have the right starting point, but it adds an additional 'copy the right template file in' step, and moreover what happens is that new features don't get added consistently to all the different apps.yaml files and this causes different problems.

I see references to geseriale with e on the end, but is that a mistype? I think it should be without e on the end?

Yes that is a typo, I will correct that, it should be 'geserial' as per apps.yaml:

'# Set to auto-match with a GivEnergy serial number, but you can override the serial or the sensor names
'# if it doesn't work or if you have more than one inverter you will need to list both
geserial: 'cexxxx'
geserial2: 'ceyyyy'

I only have 1 inverter. Do i need to comment all the references to second inverter {geserial2} throughout the yaml?

Yes you should do.

And then I see reference to separate sensors for each of the 3 phases, but sorry I don't know where to get that information. Is it possible to add instructions for how to deal with 3 phase GE inverter?

In the apps.yaml documentation https://springfall2008.github.io/batpred/apps-yaml/#data-from-home-assistant the 'add entries for each phase' is in the section for configuring Predbat to use PV, load, import and export data from Home Assistant. It doesn't appear in the following section for GE cloud data so I think the assumption is that the GE cloud data when retrieved is for all 3 phases, not just for a single phase. Indeed there's no configuration options to look at different phase data so if the GE cloud data doesn't cover all 3 phases then we have a different issue.

I will update the documentation to make this clearer.

Are there other things I need to change due to 3 phase? I was also trying to look at installing dashboard from predbat_dashboard.yaml but I can't find it. I guess this will also be complicated by 3 phases?

I'm not sure that you being on 3 phases should affect the dashboard as predbat manages all phases together and there isn't separate sensors for the different phases. When GivTCP is working for the 3 phases then yes you probably will want to have different dashboard views for the different phases and use eg the GivTCP battery card to show the phase activity.

But the predbat_dashboard appears to be broken. In my own install the logfile says that the dashboard is being written to but the last write of it is April 2024.

I'll raise a separate predbat github issue for that to Trefor to look at

LeeFarm11 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks very much for those hints and tips. The instructions suggest to sort out dashboards (in Predbat Output and Configuration Controls) before starting predbat (Ready to light the touch-paper) ie before removing template: True But I cannot find predbat_dashboard.yaml It is not anywhere in the addons_config area. Does it get created AFTER template: True is removed?

gcoan commented 2 weeks ago

I've been updating the documentation tonight, making it clearer where to find the predbat_dashboard.yaml and how to merge that into your own dashboard

The draft version is here: https://github.com/gcoan/batpred/blob/main/docs/output-data.md

Have a look in the /addon_configs/46f69597_appdaemon-predbat folder but to answer your question, and having looked at the code, it looks like predbat aborts processing as soon as it detects Template is still set to true. In which case none of the Predbat outputs or controls are created including this file.

I'll need to look at changing the install instructions as it looks like they can't be precisely followed as written!

LeeFarm11 commented 2 weeks ago

I have managed to get dashboard up and running and now also predbat plan. I am not live yet. But now running into this issue with 'possible thread starvation'. I see this has been happening for couple of days despite updates and restarts - Any ideas please?


gcoan commented 2 weeks ago

First thing to try is a restart of AppDaemon and see if that clears the problem.

If not, do you have 'threads' defined in your apps.yaml, if so, what is it set to ?


It should auto-determine the number of threads but maybe set it to say 2 or N for no threads.

LeeFarm11 commented 1 week ago

Thanks. Restart of appdaemon-predbat does the trick.... for a while. But I now think threads issue is only a sympton of a different issue/s

1) In the same log file you can see 'Warn: Inverter 0 Trying to write scheduled_charge_enable to False didn't complete got None' I have isues with GivTCP unable to control the inverter so I am using GE cloud to try to control the inverter. But ge_cloud also seems to be struggling.

2) And I also got another error - Note: Can not find battery charge curve (settings missing), one of the required settings for soc_kw, battery_power and charge_rate are missing from apps.yaml

In templates/givenergy_givtcp.yaml there IS soc_kw. But in templates/givenery_cloud.yaml there IS NOT soc_kw

Is this a setting missing from givenery_cloud.yaml ?

Thanks again.

gcoan commented 1 week ago

And I also got another error - Note: Can not find battery charge curve (settings missing), one of the required settings for soc_kw, battery_power and charge_rate are missing from apps.yaml

The second error you can safely ignore. Predbat tries to calculate an accurate battery charge and discharge curve so it can more accurately model (in the plan) how the battery slows down charging/ discharging as it nears being full/empty. To do this it uses the givtcp sensors mentioned in the error message to calculate the curve. If you are using the giv cloud link these sensors don't exist. It might be possible to use the cloud data to calculate the curves but as the cloud is only at 5 minute data granularity, I doubt it would be that accurate. I will change the code to stop it trying to auto calculate the curve for cloud connection.

On point 1, can you share the full logfile, does it do this repeatedly or was it a one off (which might be a comms issue talking to the inverter)


LeeFarm11 commented 1 week ago

Hi. Thanks for your support. Seems like as soon as I turn off Read-Only it starts to have problems, and then eventually it picks up the threads issue. I am able to make changes On and Off to the Inverter directly via these switches (ge cloud). But seems Predbat might be struggling to use them. image


Here is log file for today. predbat(1).log

gcoan commented 1 week ago

Looking at the logfile, the problem seems to be with the battery reserve. Can you see what's in that entity? I'm using givtcp not the ge cloud add-on and the entity is number.givtcp__battery_power_reserve so it might be something similar.

Predbat usually uses lower level controls such as battery reserve, battery mode, charge and discharge rate, the switches you highlighted are I believe 'macros' that change the underlying controls so these may not be what predbat uses. Of course, not familiar with precisely what the GE cloud exposes...

From the logfile the issue is with the battery reserve, it's currently reported as 0.0% (which should never happen) and predbat tries to set it to the default 4% which crashes due to a data type mismatch. I suspect the issue is with the GE cloud addon not correctly retrieving the battery reserve.

2024-06-19 21:08:34.645962 INFO pred_bat: Adjust reserve to default (as set_reserve_enable is true)
2024-06-19 21:08:34.647020 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 Current Reserve is 0.0 % and new target is 4.0 %
2024-06-19 21:08:34.647426 INFO pred_bat: Error: Exception raised float() argument must be a string or a real number, not 'NoneType'
2024-06-19 21:08:34.648754 INFO pred_bat: Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/apps/predbat.py", line 11128, in run_time_loop
  File "/config/apps/predbat.py", line 9974, in update_pred
    status, status_extra = self.execute_plan()
  File "/config/apps/predbat.py", line 8873, in execute_plan
  File "/config/apps/inverter.py", line 1062, in adjust_reserve
    self.write_and_poll_value("reserve", self.base.get_arg("reserve", indirect=False, index=self.id), reserve)
  File "/config/apps/inverter.py", line 1272, in write_and_poll_value
    matched = abs(float(current_state) - new_value) <= fuzzy
TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a real number, not 'NoneType'

2024-06-19 21:08:34.661573 INFO pred_bat: Info: record_status Error: Exception raised float() argument must be a string or a real number, not 'NoneType'
LeeFarm11 commented 1 week ago

These are the only entities with 'reserve'. image Is it using 'GivTCP Control Battery Power Reserve' rather than anything from ge cloud? image

gcoan commented 1 week ago

Looking at the template apps.yaml and the one you posted earlier, I can see one bit that looks wrong and where the reserve gets picked up from:

num_inverters: 1
   - 'GEC'
   - 'GEC'

You only have 1 inverter and have manually set geserial near the start. I don't think 'GEC' should be duplicated as there's only 1 inverter, can you remove one line please.

    - number.ge_inverter_{geserial}_battery_reserve_limit
    - number.ge_inverter_{geserial2}_battery_reserve_limit

Did you delete/comment out all the lines with geserial2 in them in apps.yaml? I think you should.

Then can you check for the existence/current value of number.geinverter{geserial}_battery_reserve_limit

I might need to try installing the gecloud add-on myself to see more how it works. The apps.yaml isn't (or shouldn't) be pointing to any givtcp components which are all prefixed givtcp so even though you have it installed, it shouldn't be an issue.

LeeFarm11 commented 1 week ago

Thanks. Yes I did already have all those second inverter records commented out. image

I do not have any entities starting with number.ge_inverter_{geserial}_battery_reserve_limit

I do have entities starting with number.ge_inverter_{geserial}_ac_charge....... number.ge_inverter_{geserial}_charge....... number.ge_inverter_{geserial}_dc_discharge....... number.ge_inverter_{geserial}_discharge.......

but not


The only GE cloud entities I have containing the word battery are these -


gcoan commented 1 week ago

Thanks, its looking to me like a bug in the ge cloud integration https://github.com/springfall2008/ge_cloud/blob/main/README.md

I've just installed the GE Cloud integration with my Gen 1 hybrid inverters and it's created two sensors:


I looked through the code but couldn't find anything obvious as to which sensors are created So I can only assume this is a problem with using GE Cloud with the 3 phase inverter behaving slightly differently đŸ¤¬

Probably worth looking at the system/log in Home Assistant to see if there is anything of interest, but looking at the code there isn't any debug logging options so its only going to be major fails that appear.

Need @springfall2008 to advise, sorry