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Solar Clipping on Givenergy Hybrid Inverter #1250

Open robyholmes opened 5 days ago

robyholmes commented 5 days ago

Describe the bug Predbat isn't trying to stop hybrid inverters from clipping by discharging the battery before the peak of the day. So for example a 5kw inverter with the battery at 100%, and solar over forecast over the 5kw is not being discharged in the morning to avoid it clipping.

Expected behavior Planned discharging in the morning when the solar forecast is less than the inverter capacity, creating room in the battery so DC to DC charging.

Predbat version

V8.1.1 & Main on 24/06/2024 Predbat Add-on None AppDaemon

Environment details

Givenergy Hybrid 5kw Gen 3 2x 9.5kwh Batteries 7.2kwh Peak Solar Panels HAOS 2024.6.4

Screenshots Taken from Facebook Post (24/06/2024) V8.1.2 448924556_10161967827264744_7476904610614463826_n

Log file To follow soon, as I missed downloading it today before the peak today. Tomorrow doesn't look to be over the peak so might be later this week.

gcoan commented 5 days ago

There are a few other issues already raised related to inverter clipping and Predbat's management of it, #886 and #1206 as examples.

At the moment Predbat doesn't yet have actively try to reduce clipping, but this is something Trefor is working on.

There are different strategies such as force discharging the battery as you said, or letting the battery trickle charge at a lower rate so it doesn't fill up too early in the day.

To prevent duplication of issues can you see if you can add your experience/feedback to one of the existing issues please

robyholmes commented 5 days ago

I understand, however as Trefor was talking to me and others about this issue on facebook, trying different settings etc. I thought putting it on Github as an issue was the best way of tracking it, rather than facebook replies.

gcoan commented 5 days ago

Agreed it's a hot topic that others have been raising for some time. I was just suggesting that you add to an existing issue rather than duplicate the conversation about how to implement clipping control over multiple tickets so you join an existing conversation rather than starting a new one.

Have a look at the other issues though

robyholmes commented 4 days ago

So far today, things are looking good. It looks to be trying to avoid clipping by putting some planned discharges in. image