springfall2008 / batpred

Home battery prediction and charging automation for Home Assistant, supporting many inverter types
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Predbat not fully charging overnight #496

Closed iainfogg closed 6 months ago

iainfogg commented 8 months ago

For the last two nights, Predbat has not fully charged the batteries, getting to around 90% then going between discharging and charging during the remainder of the IO window.

This is contrary to what the plan was late evening, which was to charge through the whole window.

Normal behaviour is to stay charging until the IO window ends, leaving the battery full for the day.

I'm on 7.14.15.

Givenergy 2*9.5 batteries and hybrid inverter, plus EV (plugged in last night, but not the night before, and both nights didn't charge fully).

Note, calculate plan faster was on, I just turned it off now before the screenshot of the settings below.







Note, calculate plan faster was on, I just turned it off now before the screenshot.


Logs to follow.

iainfogg commented 8 months ago


2023-12-19 04:10:00.005149 INFO pred_bat: --------------- PredBat - update at 2023-12-19 04:10:00.003971+00:00 with clock skew 0 minutes, minutes now 250
2023-12-19 04:10:00.006359 INFO pred_bat: Using cached GITHub data for https://api.github.com/repos/springfall2008/batpred/releases age 10.0 minutes
2023-12-19 04:10:00.007459 INFO pred_bat: Predbat version v7.14.15 currently running, latest version is v7.14.15
2023-12-19 04:10:00.017946 INFO pred_bat: Inverter type GE forecast_hours 48 max_windows 48 num_cars 1 debug enable is False calculate_plan_every 10
2023-12-19 04:10:00.019801 INFO pred_bat: Cars 1 charging from battery False planned [False], charging_now [False] smart [False], plan_time ['07:00:00'], battery size [100.0], limit [100.0], rate [7.4]
2023-12-19 04:10:00.021290 INFO pred_bat: Predbat mode is set to Control charge & discharge
2023-12-19 04:10:00.318932 INFO pred_bat: Found 11520 load_today datapoints going back 7 days
2023-12-19 04:10:00.605018 INFO pred_bat: Current data so far today: load 3.56 kWh import 15.5 kWh export 0.0 kWh pv 0.0 kWh
2023-12-19 04:10:00.606388 INFO pred_bat: Fetching futurerate data from None
2023-12-19 04:10:00.617882 INFO pred_bat: Car 0 using Octopus Intelligent, charging limit 80.0, ready time 07:30:00 - battery size 100.0
2023-12-19 04:10:00.619896 INFO pred_bat: Current Car SOC kWh: [35.0]
2023-12-19 04:10:00.630161 INFO pred_bat: Joined Octopus saving session: 2023-11-16T17:30:00+00:00 - 2023-11-16T18:30:00+00:00 at rate 225.0 state False
2023-12-19 04:10:00.631835 INFO pred_bat: Joined Octopus saving session: 2023-11-29T17:00:00+00:00 - 2023-11-29T18:30:00+00:00 at rate 400.0 state False
2023-12-19 04:10:00.633517 INFO pred_bat: Joined Octopus saving session: 2023-12-01T16:30:00+00:00 - 2023-12-01T18:00:00+00:00 at rate 400.0 state False
2023-12-19 04:10:00.635249 INFO pred_bat: Joined Octopus saving session: 2023-12-12T17:00:00+00:00 - 2023-12-12T18:00:00+00:00 at rate 225.0 state False
2023-12-19 04:10:00.636906 INFO pred_bat: Joined Octopus saving session: 2023-12-14T17:00:00+00:00 - 2023-12-14T18:00:00+00:00 at rate 225.0 state False
2023-12-19 04:10:00.638552 INFO pred_bat: Joined Octopus saving session: 2023-12-15T17:00:00+00:00 - 2023-12-15T18:00:00+00:00 at rate 225.0 state False
2023-12-19 04:10:00.640246 INFO pred_bat: Standing charge is set to 0.0 p
2023-12-19 04:10:00.648621 INFO pred_bat: Octopus Intelligent slot at 12-19 01:00:00-12-19 05:00:00 assumed price 7.5
2023-12-19 04:10:01.052238 INFO pred_bat: Rate min forward looking: now 7.499899999999999 at end of forecast 7.5
2023-12-19 04:10:01.054191 INFO pred_bat: Import rates min 7.5 max 29.9 average 24.3
2023-12-19 04:10:01.062082 INFO pred_bat: Export rates min 15.0 max 15.0 average 15.0
2023-12-19 04:10:01.064376 INFO pred_bat: Rate thresholds (for charge/discharge) are import 19.44p (0.8) export 15.0p (1.0)
2023-12-19 04:10:01.069865 INFO pred_bat: High export rate found rates in range 15.0 to 15.0
2023-12-19 04:10:01.073123 INFO pred_bat: Low Import rate found rates in range 7.5 to 7.5
2023-12-19 04:10:01.074982 INFO pred_bat: Car 0 is using Octopus intelligent schedule
2023-12-19 04:10:01.076884 INFO pred_bat: Car 0 charging plan is: [{'start': 60, 'end': 300, 'kwh': 11.56, 'average': 7.5, 'cost': 86.7}]
2023-12-19 04:10:01.116049 INFO pred_bat: Todays energy import 15.5 kWh export 0.0 kWh cost 116.25 p import 116.25 p export 0.0 p
2023-12-19 04:10:01.119854 INFO pred_bat: PV Data for pv_forecast_today total 0.66 kWh
2023-12-19 04:10:01.123659 INFO pred_bat: PV Data for pv_forecast_tomorrow total 0.65 kWh
2023-12-19 04:10:01.127416 INFO pred_bat: PV Data for pv_forecast_d3 total 0.77 kWh
2023-12-19 04:10:01.131188 INFO pred_bat: PV Data for pv_forecast_d4 total 0.65 kWh
2023-12-19 04:10:01.148993 INFO pred_bat: Today's load divergence 100.0 % in-day adjustment 100.0 % damping 1.0x, Predicted so far 0.0 kWh with 8.26 kWh car excluded and 3.31 kWh import ignored and 0.0 forecast extra, Actual so far 0.15 kWh with 0.06 kWh car excluded and 3.5 kWh import ignored
2023-12-19 04:10:01.186123 INFO pred_bat: Historical data totals for days [7] are [13.12] - min 13.12
2023-12-19 04:10:01.188397 INFO pred_bat: WARN: Historical day 7 has 180 minutes of gap in the data, filled from 13.12 kWh to make new average 14.99 kWh (percent 88%)
2023-12-19 04:10:01.192522 INFO pred_bat: Historical days now [7] weight [1]
2023-12-19 04:10:01.193934 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 using Rest API
2023-12-19 04:10:02.427105 INFO pred_bat: Invertor time 2023-12-19 04:09:26+00:00 AppDaemon time 2023-12-19 04:10:00.003971+00:00 difference -0.58 minutes
2023-12-19 04:10:02.428738 INFO pred_bat: Reserve min: 4.0% Battery_min:4.0%
2023-12-19 04:10:02.431421 INFO pred_bat: New Inverter 0 with soc_max 19.05 kWh nominal_capacity 19.05 kWh battery rate raw 3600.0 w charge rate 3.6 kW discharge rate 3.6 kW battery_rate_min 200.0 w ac limit 5.0 kW export limit 5.0 kW reserve 4.0 % current_reserve 99.0 %
2023-12-19 04:10:03.664430 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 SOC: 17.14 kW 90 % Current charge rate 3600.0 w Current discharge rate 200.0 w Current power -3492.0 w Current voltage 52.0
2023-12-19 04:10:03.666060 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 scheduled charge enable is True
2023-12-19 04:10:03.667652 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 charge windows currently [{'start': 0, 'end': 330, 'average': 0}, {'start': 1440, 'end': 1770, 'average': 0}, {'start': 2880, 'end': 3210, 'average': 0}]
2023-12-19 04:10:03.669319 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 Charge settings: 12-19 00:00:00-12-19 05:30:00 limit 100.0 power 3.6 kW
2023-12-19 04:10:03.671011 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 scheduled discharge enable is False
2023-12-19 04:10:03.672628 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 discharge windows currently [{'start': 1245, 'end': 1381, 'average': 0}, {'start': 2685, 'end': 2821, 'average': 0}]
2023-12-19 04:10:03.673828 INFO pred_bat: Found 1 inverters totals: min reserve 0.76 current reserve 18.86 soc_max 19.05 soc 17.14 charge rate 3.6 kW discharge rate 0.2 kW battery_rate_min 200.0 w ac limit 5.0 export limit 5.0 kW loss charge 5 % loss discharge 5 % inverter loss 0 %
2023-12-19 04:10:03.707354 INFO pred_bat: Base charge    window [ 19-12 00:00:00 - 19-12 05:30:00 @ 0.0p 19.05%, 20-12 00:00:00 - 20-12 05:30:00 @ 0.0p 19.05%, 21-12 00:00:00 - 21-12 05:30:00 @ 0.0p 19.05% ]
2023-12-19 04:10:03.708671 INFO pred_bat: Base discharge window [ 19-12 20:45:00 - 19-12 23:01:00 @ 0.0p 100.0%, 20-12 20:45:00 - 20-12 23:01:00 @ 0.0p 100.0% ]
2023-12-19 04:10:03.709658 INFO pred_bat: Plan was last updated on 2023-12-19 04:00:00.003432+00:00 and is now 10.0 minutes old
2023-12-19 04:10:03.710857 INFO pred_bat: Best charge    window [ 19-12 00:00:00 - 19-12 05:30:00 @ 7.5p 19.05%, 19-12 23:30:00 - 20-12 05:30:00 @ 7.5p 19.05% ]
2023-12-19 04:10:03.712033 INFO pred_bat: Best discharge window [ 19-12 06:00:00 - 19-12 20:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 20:05:00 - 19-12 23:00:00 @ 15.0p 8.0%, 20-12 06:00:00 - 21-12 04:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0% ]
2023-12-19 04:10:03.749531 INFO pred_bat: predict base end_record 12-20 05:40:00 final soc 19.01 kWh metric 255.06 p metric_keep 0.0 min_soc 10.28 @ 12-19 23:55:00 kWh load 19.85 pv 0.66
2023-12-19 04:10:03.751823 INFO pred_bat:          [  04:10,   05:10,   06:10,   07:10,   08:10,   09:10,   10:10,   11:10,   12:10,   13:10,   14:10,   15:10,   16:10,   17:10,   18:10,   19:10,   20:10,   21:10,   22:10,   23:10,   00:10,   01:10,   02:10,   03:10,   04:10,   05:10]
2023-12-19 04:10:03.753980 INFO pred_bat:     SOC: [  17.14,   18.85,   18.47,    18.1,   17.26,   17.06,   16.66,   16.49,   16.38,   16.36,   16.27,   16.12,   15.96,   15.69,   14.68,   13.57,   13.13,   12.32,   11.48,   10.78,   10.85,   14.27,   17.66,   18.99,   19.05,   19.05]
2023-12-19 04:10:03.756143 INFO pred_bat:   STATE: [  g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<be-,   g~be~]
2023-12-19 04:10:03.758338 INFO pred_bat:    LOAD: [   3.56,    6.37,    6.96,    7.31,    8.12,    8.33,    8.78,    9.06,    9.32,    9.49,    9.68,    9.85,   10.01,   10.26,   11.22,   12.27,   12.69,   13.46,   14.26,   14.93,   15.58,   16.73,   17.61,   18.36,    19.1,   19.79]
2023-12-19 04:10:03.760648 INFO pred_bat:      PV: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.03,    0.09,    0.22,    0.37,    0.53,    0.63,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66]
2023-12-19 04:10:03.762910 INFO pred_bat:  IMPORT: [   15.5,   20.11,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   21.14,   25.89,   30.34,   32.49,   33.29,   33.98]
2023-12-19 04:10:03.765107 INFO pred_bat:  EXPORT: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0]
2023-12-19 04:10:03.767358 INFO pred_bat:    CAR0: [   35.0,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22]
2023-12-19 04:10:03.769887 INFO pred_bat:  METRIC: [ 116.25,  150.84,   152.7,   152.7,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  158.61,  194.22,  227.58,  243.74,   249.7,  254.91]
2023-12-19 04:10:03.979634 INFO pred_bat: Battery has 48.0 hours left - now at 17.14
2023-12-19 04:10:04.013504 INFO pred_bat: predict base10 end_record 12-20 05:40:00 final soc 19.01 kWh metric 265.42 p metric_keep 0.0 min_soc 9.14 @ 12-19 23:55:00 kWh load 20.81 pv 0.44
2023-12-19 04:10:04.015849 INFO pred_bat:          [  04:10,   05:10,   06:10,   07:10,   08:10,   09:10,   10:10,   11:10,   12:10,   13:10,   14:10,   15:10,   16:10,   17:10,   18:10,   19:10,   20:10,   21:10,   22:10,   23:10,   00:10,   01:10,   02:10,   03:10,   04:10,   05:10]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.018043 INFO pred_bat:     SOC: [  17.14,   18.85,   18.41,   18.01,   17.11,   16.88,   16.42,   16.18,    16.0,    15.9,   15.74,   15.56,   15.38,   15.09,   13.97,   12.76,   12.27,   11.38,   10.46,    9.69,    9.71,   13.13,   16.55,   18.72,   19.05,   19.05]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.020201 INFO pred_bat:   STATE: [  g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g>be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g~be~]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.022399 INFO pred_bat:    LOAD: [   3.56,    6.41,    7.06,    7.44,    8.33,    8.57,    9.06,    9.37,    9.65,    9.85,   10.05,   10.24,   10.41,   10.69,   11.75,    12.9,   13.36,   14.21,   15.09,   15.82,   16.54,   17.69,   18.56,   19.32,   20.05,   20.75]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.024619 INFO pred_bat:      PV: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.02,    0.07,    0.16,    0.27,    0.37,    0.42,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.026849 INFO pred_bat:  IMPORT: [   15.5,   20.15,    20.4,    20.4,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   21.23,   25.98,   30.45,   33.49,   34.58,   35.27]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.029093 INFO pred_bat:  EXPORT: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.031354 INFO pred_bat:    CAR0: [   35.0,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.033636 INFO pred_bat:  METRIC: [ 116.25,  151.14,  153.04,  153.04,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,   154.0,   154.0,   154.0,   154.0,   154.0,  159.95,  195.56,  229.12,  251.91,  260.06,  265.27]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.152509 INFO pred_bat: predict best10 end_record 12-20 05:40:00 final soc 19.01 kWh metric 213.13 p metric_keep 10.5 min_soc 1.47 @ 12-19 23:15:00 kWh load 20.81 pv 0.44
2023-12-19 04:10:04.156085 INFO pred_bat:          [  04:10,   05:10,   06:10,   07:10,   08:10,   09:10,   10:10,   11:10,   12:10,   13:10,   14:10,   15:10,   16:10,   17:10,   18:10,   19:10,   20:10,   21:10,   22:10,   23:10,   00:10,   01:10,   02:10,   03:10,   04:10,   05:10]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.158358 INFO pred_bat:     SOC: [  17.14,   18.85,   18.41,   18.01,   17.11,   16.88,   16.42,   16.18,    16.0,    15.9,   15.74,   15.56,   15.38,   15.09,   13.97,   12.76,   11.99,     8.2,    4.42,    1.52,    3.75,    7.17,   10.59,   14.01,   17.43,   18.92]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.160556 INFO pred_bat:   STATE: [  g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g>be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g>bf-,   g>bf-,   g>bf-,   g~be-,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.162855 INFO pred_bat:    LOAD: [   3.56,    6.41,    7.06,    7.44,    8.33,    8.57,    9.06,    9.37,    9.65,    9.85,   10.05,   10.24,   10.41,   10.69,   11.75,    12.9,   13.36,   14.21,   15.09,   15.82,   16.54,   17.69,   18.56,   19.32,   20.05,   20.75]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.165126 INFO pred_bat:      PV: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.02,    0.07,    0.16,    0.27,    0.37,    0.42,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.167370 INFO pred_bat:  IMPORT: [   15.5,   20.15,    20.4,    20.4,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,    23.5,   28.25,   32.73,   37.08,   41.42,   43.68]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.169718 INFO pred_bat:  EXPORT: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.27,    3.02,    5.74,    7.76,    7.76,    7.76,    7.76,    7.76,    7.76,    7.76]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.172020 INFO pred_bat:    CAR0: [   35.0,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.174322 INFO pred_bat:  METRIC: [ 116.25,  151.14,  153.04,  153.04,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,   154.0,  150.02,  108.68,   67.92,   37.61,    60.6,   96.21,  129.77,  162.44,  194.95,  211.95]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.301273 INFO pred_bat: predict best end_record 12-20 05:40:00 final soc 19.01 kWh metric 199.31 p metric_keep 0.0 min_soc 2.02 @ 12-19 23:15:00 kWh load 19.85 pv 0.66
2023-12-19 04:10:04.303612 INFO pred_bat:          [  04:10,   05:10,   06:10,   07:10,   08:10,   09:10,   10:10,   11:10,   12:10,   13:10,   14:10,   15:10,   16:10,   17:10,   18:10,   19:10,   20:10,   21:10,   22:10,   23:10,   00:10,   01:10,   02:10,   03:10,   04:10,   05:10]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.305813 INFO pred_bat:     SOC: [  17.14,   18.85,   18.47,    18.1,   17.26,   17.06,   16.66,   16.49,   16.38,   16.36,   16.27,   16.12,   15.96,   15.69,   14.68,   13.57,   12.85,    9.06,    5.27,    2.06,     4.3,    7.72,   11.14,   14.56,   17.87,   19.05]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.307993 INFO pred_bat:   STATE: [  g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g>bf-,   g>bf-,   g>bf-,   g~be-,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.310638 INFO pred_bat:    LOAD: [   3.56,    6.37,    6.96,    7.31,    8.12,    8.33,    8.78,    9.06,    9.32,    9.49,    9.68,    9.85,   10.01,   10.26,   11.22,   12.27,   12.69,   13.46,   14.26,   14.93,   15.58,   16.73,   17.61,   18.36,    19.1,   19.79]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.313020 INFO pred_bat:      PV: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.03,    0.09,    0.22,    0.37,    0.53,    0.63,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.315294 INFO pred_bat:  IMPORT: [   15.5,   20.11,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   23.37,   28.12,    32.6,   36.95,   41.17,   43.11]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.317576 INFO pred_bat:  EXPORT: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.27,     3.1,     5.9,    8.28,    8.28,    8.28,    8.28,    8.28,    8.28,    8.28]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.319859 INFO pred_bat:    CAR0: [   35.0,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.322120 INFO pred_bat:  METRIC: [ 116.25,  150.84,   152.7,   152.7,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  148.72,  106.23,   64.27,   28.53,   51.12,   86.72,  120.29,  152.96,  184.61,  199.14]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.563708 INFO pred_bat: Best charging limit socs [19.05, 19.05] export [99, 8, 4] gives import battery 27.63 house 6.65 export 22.91 metric 199.31 metric10 213.13
2023-12-19 04:10:04.646811 INFO pred_bat: Export threshold used for optimisation was 14.2p
2023-12-19 04:10:04.703378 INFO pred_bat: High export rate windows [0: 12-19 04:00:00 - 12-19 05:00:00 @ 15.0, 1: 12-19 05:00:00 - 12-19 06:00:00 @ 15.0, 2: 12-19 06:00:00 - 12-19 07:00:00 @ 15.0, 3: 12-19 07:00:00 - 12-19 08:00:00 @ 15.0, 4: 12-19 08:00:00 - 12-19 09:00:00 @ 15.0, 5: 12-19 09:00:00 - 12-19 10:00:00 @ 15.0, 6: 12-19 10:00:00 - 12-19 11:00:00 @ 15.0, 7: 12-19 11:00:00 - 12-19 12:00:00 @ 15.0, 8: 12-19 12:00:00 - 12-19 13:00:00 @ 15.0, 9: 12-19 13:00:00 - 12-19 14:00:00 @ 15.0, 10: 12-19 14:00:00 - 12-19 15:00:00 @ 15.0, 11: 12-19 15:00:00 - 12-19 16:00:00 @ 15.0, 12: 12-19 16:00:00 - 12-19 17:00:00 @ 15.0, 13: 12-19 17:00:00 - 12-19 18:00:00 @ 15.0, 14: 12-19 18:00:00 - 12-19 19:00:00 @ 15.0, 15: 12-19 19:00:00 - 12-19 20:00:00 @ 15.0, 16: 12-19 20:00:00 - 12-19 21:00:00 @ 15.0, 17: 12-19 21:00:00 - 12-19 22:00:00 @ 15.0, 18: 12-19 22:00:00 - 12-19 23:00:00 @ 15.0, 19: 12-19 23:00:00 - 12-20 00:00:00 @ 15.0, 20: 12-20 00:00:00 - 12-20 01:00:00 @ 15.0, 21: 12-20 01:00:00 - 12-20 02:00:00 @ 15.0, 22: 12-20 02:00:00 - 12-20 03:00:00 @ 15.0, 23: 12-20 03:00:00 - 12-20 04:00:00 @ 15.0, 24: 12-20 04:00:00 - 12-20 05:00:00 @ 15.0, 25: 12-20 05:00:00 - 12-20 06:00:00 @ 15.0, 26: 12-20 06:00:00 - 12-20 07:00:00 @ 15.0, 27: 12-20 07:00:00 - 12-20 08:00:00 @ 15.0, 28: 12-20 08:00:00 - 12-20 09:00:00 @ 15.0, 29: 12-20 09:00:00 - 12-20 10:00:00 @ 15.0, 30: 12-20 10:00:00 - 12-20 11:00:00 @ 15.0, 31: 12-20 11:00:00 - 12-20 12:00:00 @ 15.0, 32: 12-20 12:00:00 - 12-20 13:00:00 @ 15.0, 33: 12-20 13:00:00 - 12-20 14:00:00 @ 15.0, 34: 12-20 14:00:00 - 12-20 15:00:00 @ 15.0, 35: 12-20 15:00:00 - 12-20 16:00:00 @ 15.0, 36: 12-20 16:00:00 - 12-20 17:00:00 @ 15.0, 37: 12-20 17:00:00 - 12-20 18:00:00 @ 15.0, 38: 12-20 18:00:00 - 12-20 19:00:00 @ 15.0, 39: 12-20 19:00:00 - 12-20 20:00:00 @ 15.0, 40: 12-20 20:00:00 - 12-20 21:00:00 @ 15.0, 41: 12-20 21:00:00 - 12-20 22:00:00 @ 15.0, 42: 12-20 22:00:00 - 12-20 23:00:00 @ 15.0, 43: 12-20 23:00:00 - 12-21 00:00:00 @ 15.0, 44: 12-21 01:00:00 - 12-21 02:00:00 @ 15.0, 45: 12-21 02:00:00 - 12-21 03:00:00 @ 15.0, 46: 12-21 03:00:00 - 12-21 04:00:00 @ 15.0, 47: 12-21 04:00:00 - 12-21 05:00:00 @ 15.0]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.711757 INFO pred_bat: Import threshold used for optimisation was 7.9p
2023-12-19 04:10:04.768125 INFO pred_bat: Low import rate windows [0: 12-19 00:00:00 - 12-19 05:30:00 @ 7.5, 1: 12-19 23:30:00 - 12-20 05:30:00 @ 7.5, 2: 12-20 23:30:00 - 12-21 05:30:00 @ 7.5]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.776674 INFO pred_bat: Include original charge start 12-19 00:00:00, keeping this instead of new start 12-19 00:00:00
2023-12-19 04:10:04.777854 INFO pred_bat: Charge window will be: 2023-12-19 00:00:00+00:00 - 2023-12-19 05:30:00+00:00 - current soc 90 target 100
2023-12-19 04:10:04.779083 INFO pred_bat: Configuring charge window now (now 12-19 04:10:00 target set_window_minutes 30 charge start time 12-19 00:00:00
2023-12-19 04:10:04.780418 INFO pred_bat: Next discharge window will be: 2023-12-19 06:00:00+00:00 - 2023-12-19 20:01:00+00:00 at reserve 99
2023-12-19 04:10:04.781827 INFO pred_bat: Setting ECO mode as we are not yet within the discharge window - next time is 12-19 06:00:00 - 12-19 20:00:00
2023-12-19 04:10:04.783635 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 Adjust force discharge to False, change times from 20:45:00 - 23:01:00 to None - None
2023-12-19 04:10:04.785085 INFO pred_bat: Car charging from battery is off, next slot for car 0 is 12-19 01:00:00 - 12-19 05:00:00
2023-12-19 04:10:04.786551 INFO pred_bat: Disabling battery discharge while the car 0 is charging
2023-12-19 04:10:04.788177 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 Current Target SOC is 100.0 already at target
2023-12-19 04:10:04.789795 INFO pred_bat: Adjust reserve to target charge 100 % (set_reserve_enable is true)
2023-12-19 04:10:04.791533 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 Current reserve is 99.0 already at target
2023-12-19 04:10:04.806508 INFO pred_bat: Will recompute the plan as it is now 10.0 minutes old and will exceed the max age of 10 minutes before the next run
2023-12-19 04:10:04.808019 INFO pred_bat: Best charge    window [ 19-12 00:00:00 - 19-12 05:30:00 @ 7.5p 19.05%, 19-12 23:30:00 - 20-12 05:30:00 @ 7.5p 19.05%, 20-12 23:30:00 - 21-12 05:30:00 @ 7.5p 19.05% ]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.809916 INFO pred_bat: Best discharge window [ 19-12 04:00:00 - 19-12 05:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 05:00:00 - 19-12 06:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 06:00:00 - 19-12 07:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 07:00:00 - 19-12 08:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 08:00:00 - 19-12 09:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 09:00:00 - 19-12 10:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 10:00:00 - 19-12 11:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 11:00:00 - 19-12 12:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 12:00:00 - 19-12 13:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 13:00:00 - 19-12 14:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 14:00:00 - 19-12 15:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 15:00:00 - 19-12 16:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 16:00:00 - 19-12 17:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 17:00:00 - 19-12 18:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 18:00:00 - 19-12 19:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 19:00:00 - 19-12 20:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 20:00:00 - 19-12 21:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 21:00:00 - 19-12 22:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 22:00:00 - 19-12 23:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 19-12 23:00:00 - 20-12 00:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 00:00:00 - 20-12 01:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 01:00:00 - 20-12 02:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 02:00:00 - 20-12 03:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 03:00:00 - 20-12 04:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 04:00:00 - 20-12 05:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 05:00:00 - 20-12 06:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 06:00:00 - 20-12 07:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 07:00:00 - 20-12 08:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 08:00:00 - 20-12 09:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 09:00:00 - 20-12 10:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 10:00:00 - 20-12 11:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 11:00:00 - 20-12 12:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 12:00:00 - 20-12 13:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 13:00:00 - 20-12 14:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 14:00:00 - 20-12 15:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 15:00:00 - 20-12 16:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 16:00:00 - 20-12 17:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 17:00:00 - 20-12 18:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 18:00:00 - 20-12 19:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 19:00:00 - 20-12 20:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 20:00:00 - 20-12 21:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 21:00:00 - 20-12 22:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 22:00:00 - 20-12 23:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 20-12 23:00:00 - 21-12 00:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 21-12 01:00:00 - 21-12 02:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 21-12 02:00:00 - 21-12 03:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 21-12 03:00:00 - 21-12 04:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0%, 21-12 04:00:00 - 21-12 05:00:00 @ 15.0p 100.0% ]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.836345 INFO pred_bat: Calculate Best options: mode(Control charge & discharge) calculate_discharge_oncharge(False) set_discharge_freeze_only(False) set_discharge_during_charge(False) combine_charge_slots(True) combine_discharge_slots(False) best_soc_min(0.5 kWh) best_soc_max(0.0 kWh) best_soc_keep(2.0 kWh) inverter_loss(0 %) battery_loss(5 %) battery_loss_discharge (5 %) inverter_hybrid(True) metric_min_improvement(0.0 p) metric_min_improvement_discharge(0.0 p) metric_battery_cycle(0.0 p/kWh)metric_battery_value_scaling(1.0 x)
2023-12-19 04:10:04.837800 INFO pred_bat: Optimise all windows, total charge 2 discharge 47
2023-12-19 04:10:04.839185 INFO pred_bat: All prices [14.2, 7.9, 6.9]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.853062 INFO pred_bat: Optimise all charge found best buy/sell price band 14.2 best price threshold 7.9 at metric 180.92 keep 0.0 cost 269.98 limits [0, 19.05, 0.0] discharge [100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0]
2023-12-19 04:10:04.866839 INFO pred_bat: Optimise all charge found best buy/sell price band 14.2 best price threshold 7.9 at metric 180.75 keep 0.0 cost 269.8 limits [19.05, 19.05, 0.0] discharge [100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0]
2023-12-19 04:10:05.025460 INFO pred_bat: Optimise all charge found best buy/sell price band 7.9 best price threshold 7.9 at metric 129.7 keep 64.97 cost 70.73 limits [19.05, 19.05, 0.0] discharge [100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100.0]
2023-12-19 04:10:05.078298 INFO pred_bat: Optimise all charge found best buy/sell price band 7.9 best price threshold 7.9 at metric 123.06 keep 61.08 cost 67.99 limits [19.05, 19.05, 0.0] discharge [100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0, 0, 0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0, 0, 0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0, 0, 0, 100.0]
2023-12-19 04:10:05.120630 INFO pred_bat: Optimise all charge found best buy/sell price band 7.9 best price threshold 7.9 at metric 82.1 keep 4.96 cost 83.15 limits [0, 19.05, 0.0] discharge [100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0, 100.0]
2023-12-19 04:10:05.575716 INFO pred_bat: Optimise all charge for all bands best price threshold 7.9 charges at 7.9 at metric 82.1 keep 4.96 cost 83.15 soc_min 0.76 limits [0, 19.05, 0.0] discharge [100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 0, 100.0]
2023-12-19 04:10:05.577184 INFO pred_bat: Calculated end_record as 12-20 23:30:00
2023-12-19 04:10:05.578521 INFO pred_bat: Starting second optimisation with charge limits [0, 19.05, 0.0] based on
2023-12-19 04:10:05.579971 INFO pred_bat: Optimise price set 14.2 start_at_low False best_price 7.9
2023-12-19 04:10:05.891742 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 46: 12-21 03:00:00 - 12-21 04:00:00 price 15.0 cost 254.88 metric 163.37 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 163.37, '99_60': 163.37, '4_10': 163.37, '4_15': 163.37, '4_20': 163.37, '4_25': 163.37, '4_30': 163.37, '4_35': 163.37, '4_40': 163.37, '4_45': 163.37, '4_50': 163.37, '4_55': 163.37, '4_60': 163.37}
2023-12-19 04:10:06.215613 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 45: 12-21 02:00:00 - 12-21 03:00:00 price 15.0 cost 254.88 metric 163.37 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 163.37, '99_60': 163.37, '4_10': 163.37, '4_15': 163.37, '4_20': 163.37, '4_25': 163.37, '4_30': 163.37, '4_35': 163.37, '4_40': 163.37, '4_45': 163.37, '4_50': 163.37, '4_55': 163.37, '4_60': 163.37}
2023-12-19 04:10:06.541008 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 44: 12-21 01:00:00 - 12-21 02:00:00 price 15.0 cost 254.88 metric 163.37 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 163.37, '99_60': 163.37, '4_10': 163.37, '4_15': 163.37, '4_20': 163.37, '4_25': 163.37, '4_30': 163.37, '4_35': 163.37, '4_40': 163.37, '4_45': 163.37, '4_50': 163.37, '4_55': 163.37, '4_60': 163.37}
2023-12-19 04:10:06.853858 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 43: 12-20 23:00:00 - 12-21 00:00:00 price 15.0 cost 237.03 metric 155.4 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 163.37, '99_60': 163.37, '4_10': 163.37, '4_15': 163.37, '4_20': 163.37, '4_25': 163.37, '4_30': 163.37, '4_35': 162.68, '4_40': 161.32, '4_45': 159.96, '4_50': 158.6, '4_55': 157.41, '4_60': 155.4}
2023-12-19 04:10:07.177401 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 42: 12-20 22:00:00 - 12-20 23:00:00 price 15.0 cost 189.34 metric 134.13 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 155.4, '99_60': 155.4, '4_10': 151.39, '4_15': 149.38, '4_20': 147.37, '4_25': 145.37, '4_30': 143.36, '4_35': 142.01, '4_40': 140.59, '4_45': 138.84, '4_50': 137.82, '4_55': 135.82, '4_60': 134.13}
2023-12-19 04:10:07.497719 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 41: 12-20 21:00:00 - 12-20 22:00:00 price 15.0 cost 146.66 metric 115.1 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 134.13, '99_60': 134.13, '4_10': 130.44, '4_15': 129.43, '4_20': 127.7, '4_25': 125.98, '4_30': 123.98, '4_35': 122.17, '4_40': 120.16, '4_45': 118.18, '4_50': 117.38, '4_55': 116.24, '4_60': 115.1}
2023-12-19 04:10:07.824807 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 40: 12-20 20:00:00 - 12-20 21:00:00 price 15.0 cost 114.96 metric 100.96 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 40 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 115.1, '99_60': 115.1, '4_10': 111.08, '4_15': 109.08, '4_20': 107.34, '4_25': 105.33, '4_30': 103.33, '4_35': 101.98, '4_40': 100.96, '4_45': 103.97, '4_50': 106.44, '4_55': 109.11, '4_60': 112.07}
2023-12-19 04:10:08.148978 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 39: 12-20 19:00:00 - 12-20 20:00:00 price 15.0 cost 114.96 metric 100.96 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 100.96, '99_60': 100.96, '4_10': 106.42, '4_15': 109.41, '4_20': 112.59, '4_25': 111.63, '4_30': 116.06, '4_35': 118.49, '4_40': 121.05, '4_45': 123.75, '4_50': 126.5, '4_55': 125.9, '4_60': 129.09}
2023-12-19 04:10:08.472019 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 38: 12-20 18:00:00 - 12-20 19:00:00 price 15.0 cost 114.96 metric 100.96 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 100.96, '99_60': 100.96, '4_10': 106.34, '4_15': 109.14, '4_20': 112.08, '4_25': 115.05, '4_30': 117.47, '4_35': 114.83, '4_40': 122.64, '4_45': 124.77, '4_50': 127.59, '4_55': 127.04, '4_60': 127.17}
2023-12-19 04:10:08.801037 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 37: 12-20 17:00:00 - 12-20 18:00:00 price 15.0 cost 114.96 metric 100.96 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 100.96, '99_60': 100.96, '4_10': 106.52, '4_15': 109.37, '4_20': 112.81, '4_25': 110.55, '4_30': 116.75, '4_35': 119.37, '4_40': 122.04, '4_45': 124.45, '4_50': 127.55, '4_55': 127.28, '4_60': 127.08}
2023-12-19 04:10:09.121832 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 36: 12-20 16:00:00 - 12-20 17:00:00 price 15.0 cost 114.96 metric 100.96 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 100.96, '99_60': 100.96, '4_10': 106.1, '4_15': 108.79, '4_20': 111.83, '4_25': 115.95, '4_30': 118.64, '4_35': 121.37, '4_40': 123.85, '4_45': 127.01, '4_50': 126.81, '4_55': 127.27, '4_60': 127.06}
2023-12-19 04:10:09.442889 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 35: 12-20 15:00:00 - 12-20 16:00:00 price 15.0 cost 114.96 metric 100.96 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 100.96, '99_60': 100.96, '4_10': 106.1, '4_15': 108.79, '4_20': 111.83, '4_25': 115.95, '4_30': 118.64, '4_35': 121.38, '4_40': 123.83, '4_45': 126.98, '4_50': 127.4, '4_55': 127.2, '4_60': 126.98}
2023-12-19 04:10:09.767999 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 34: 12-20 14:00:00 - 12-20 15:00:00 price 15.0 cost 114.96 metric 100.96 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 100.96, '99_60': 100.96, '4_10': 106.07, '4_15': 108.76, '4_20': 111.79, '4_25': 116.11, '4_30': 118.85, '4_35': 121.65, '4_40': 124.16, '4_45': 127.37, '4_50': 127.2, '4_55': 127.67, '4_60': 127.53}
2023-12-19 04:10:10.096968 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 33: 12-20 13:00:00 - 12-20 14:00:00 price 15.0 cost 114.96 metric 100.96 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 100.96, '99_60': 100.96, '4_10': 106.04, '4_15': 108.71, '4_20': 111.72, '4_25': 116.32, '4_30': 119.1, '4_35': 121.96, '4_40': 124.55, '4_45': 127.82, '4_50': 127.73, '4_55': 127.63, '4_60': 128.18}
2023-12-19 04:10:10.430269 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 32: 12-20 12:00:00 - 12-20 13:00:00 price 15.0 cost 114.96 metric 100.96 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 100.96, '99_60': 100.96, '4_10': 105.98, '4_15': 108.64, '4_20': 111.63, '4_25': 116.55, '4_30': 119.37, '4_35': 122.24, '4_40': 124.86, '4_45': 128.21, '4_50': 128.18, '4_55': 128.16, '4_60': 128.13}
2023-12-19 04:10:10.754717 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 31: 12-20 11:00:00 - 12-20 12:00:00 price 15.0 cost 114.96 metric 100.96 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 100.96, '99_60': 100.96, '4_10': 105.94, '4_15': 108.59, '4_20': 111.57, '4_25': 116.73, '4_30': 119.56, '4_35': 122.43, '4_40': 125.03, '4_45': 128.34, '4_50': 128.3, '4_55': 128.26, '4_60': 128.86}
2023-12-19 04:10:11.082987 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 30: 12-20 10:00:00 - 12-20 11:00:00 price 15.0 cost 114.96 metric 100.96 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 100.96, '99_60': 100.96, '4_10': 105.96, '4_15': 108.62, '4_20': 111.6, '4_25': 116.64, '4_30': 119.45, '4_35': 122.29, '4_40': 124.87, '4_45': 128.15, '4_50': 128.05, '4_55': 127.95, '4_60': 128.51}
2023-12-19 04:10:11.400935 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 29: 12-20 09:00:00 - 12-20 10:00:00 price 15.0 cost 114.96 metric 100.96 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 100.96, '99_60': 100.96, '4_10': 106.03, '4_15': 108.7, '4_20': 111.71, '4_25': 116.31, '4_30': 119.07, '4_35': 121.84, '4_40': 124.36, '4_45': 127.55, '4_50': 127.35, '4_55': 127.82, '4_60': 127.61}
2023-12-19 04:10:11.718817 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 28: 12-20 08:00:00 - 12-20 09:00:00 price 15.0 cost 114.96 metric 100.96 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 100.96, '99_60': 100.96, '4_10': 106.13, '4_15': 108.82, '4_20': 111.84, '4_25': 115.76, '4_30': 118.41, '4_35': 121.01, '4_40': 123.96, '4_45': 126.94, '4_50': 126.49, '4_55': 125.79, '4_60': 128.82}
2023-12-19 04:10:12.053006 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 27: 12-20 07:00:00 - 12-20 08:00:00 price 15.0 cost 114.96 metric 100.96 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 100.96, '99_60': 100.96, '4_10': 106.63, '4_15': 109.42, '4_20': 112.67, '4_25': 115.01, '4_30': 115.27, '4_35': 115.86, '4_40': 116.63, '4_45': 118.3, '4_50': 121.03, '4_55': 123.15, '4_60': 125.65}
2023-12-19 04:10:12.382456 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 26: 12-20 06:00:00 - 12-20 07:00:00 price 15.0 cost 114.96 metric 100.96 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 100.96, '99_60': 100.96, '4_10': 106.59, '4_15': 109.4, '4_20': 112.68, '4_25': 111.69, '4_30': 114.94, '4_35': 115.61, '4_40': 118.05, '4_45': 120.45, '4_50': 123.17, '4_55': 126.33, '4_60': 126.1}
2023-12-19 04:10:12.705699 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 18: 12-19 22:00:00 - 12-19 23:00:00 price 15.0 cost 96.83 metric 82.92 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 100.96, '99_60': 100.96, '4_10': 97.89, '4_15': 96.41, '4_20': 94.8, '4_25': 92.79, '4_30': 91.79, '4_35': 90.45, '4_40': 88.98, '4_45': 87.09, '4_50': 85.09, '4_55': 84.09, '4_60': 82.92}
2023-12-19 04:10:13.035101 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 17: 12-19 21:00:00 - 12-19 22:00:00 price 15.0 cost 77.53 metric 63.69 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 82.92, '99_60': 82.92, '4_10': 79.23, '4_15': 77.89, '4_20': 76.55, '4_25': 74.88, '4_30': 73.87, '4_35': 72.4, '4_40': 70.39, '4_45': 68.39, '4_50': 66.45, '4_55': 64.86, '4_60': 63.69}
2023-12-19 04:10:13.368923 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 16: 12-19 20:00:00 - 12-19 21:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 4% size 15 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 63.69, '99_60': 63.69, '4_10': 60.11, '4_15': 59.8, '4_20': 63.51, '4_25': 66.29, '4_30': 65.46, '4_35': 68.69, '4_40': 72.43, '4_45': 72.06, '4_50': 75.39, '4_55': 77.44, '4_60': 78.78}
2023-12-19 04:10:13.717889 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 15: 12-19 19:00:00 - 12-19 20:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 66.22, '4_15': 69.2, '4_20': 72.27, '4_25': 72.51, '4_30': 74.55, '4_35': 76.1, '4_40': 79.73, '4_45': 80.94, '4_50': 80.21, '4_55': 83.69, '4_60': 85.75}
2023-12-19 04:10:14.056457 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 14: 12-19 18:00:00 - 12-19 19:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 66.35, '4_15': 69.78, '4_20': 69.63, '4_25': 68.67, '4_30': 72.04, '4_35': 68.65, '4_40': 72.34, '4_45': 75.78, '4_50': 77.93, '4_55': 79.4, '4_60': 78.5}
2023-12-19 04:10:14.384602 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 13: 12-19 17:00:00 - 12-19 18:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 62.74, '4_15': 65.76, '4_20': 68.8, '4_25': 72.09, '4_30': 73.14, '4_35': 71.99, '4_40': 75.79, '4_45': 77.14, '4_50': 79.48, '4_55': 80.86, '4_60': 80.66}
2023-12-19 04:10:14.719327 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 12: 12-19 16:00:00 - 12-19 17:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 66.11, '4_15': 69.11, '4_20': 72.13, '4_25': 72.32, '4_30': 74.8, '4_35': 77.11, '4_40': 78.74, '4_45': 78.71, '4_50': 83.23, '4_55': 85.79, '4_60': 87.72}
2023-12-19 04:10:15.040801 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 11: 12-19 15:00:00 - 12-19 16:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 65.96, '4_15': 69.02, '4_20': 72.04, '4_25': 72.22, '4_30': 75.31, '4_35': 77.66, '4_40': 79.33, '4_45': 79.34, '4_50': 83.3, '4_55': 85.79, '4_60': 88.09}
2023-12-19 04:10:15.372257 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 10: 12-19 14:00:00 - 12-19 15:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 65.94, '4_15': 69.0, '4_20': 72.01, '4_25': 72.19, '4_30': 75.42, '4_35': 77.81, '4_40': 79.52, '4_45': 79.58, '4_50': 83.59, '4_55': 86.16, '4_60': 88.53}
2023-12-19 04:10:15.707784 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 9: 12-19 13:00:00 - 12-19 14:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 65.87, '4_15': 68.93, '4_20': 72.09, '4_25': 72.1, '4_30': 75.78, '4_35': 78.21, '4_40': 79.97, '4_45': 80.06, '4_50': 84.11, '4_55': 86.8, '4_60': 89.29}
2023-12-19 04:10:16.047104 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 8: 12-19 12:00:00 - 12-19 13:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 65.76, '4_15': 68.83, '4_20': 72.55, '4_25': 72.69, '4_30': 76.43, '4_35': 78.87, '4_40': 80.64, '4_45': 80.75, '4_50': 84.81, '4_55': 86.68, '4_60': 88.7}
2023-12-19 04:10:16.391443 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 7: 12-19 11:00:00 - 12-19 12:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 65.9, '4_15': 68.91, '4_20': 72.39, '4_25': 72.69, '4_30': 76.6, '4_35': 79.09, '4_40': 80.91, '4_45': 81.07, '4_50': 85.18, '4_55': 87.86, '4_60': 90.35}
2023-12-19 04:10:16.724126 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 6: 12-19 10:00:00 - 12-19 11:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 65.91, '4_15': 68.95, '4_20': 71.95, '4_25': 72.13, '4_30': 75.33, '4_35': 77.53, '4_40': 79.05, '4_45': 79.36, '4_50': 83.36, '4_55': 85.74, '4_60': 82.8}
2023-12-19 04:10:17.061487 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 5: 12-19 09:00:00 - 12-19 10:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 66.18, '4_15': 69.14, '4_20': 72.18, '4_25': 72.39, '4_30': 74.25, '4_35': 76.72, '4_40': 78.17, '4_45': 81.46, '4_50': 80.75, '4_55': 84.06, '4_60': 86.6}
2023-12-19 04:10:17.386793 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 4: 12-19 08:00:00 - 12-19 09:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 65.94, '4_15': 69.0, '4_20': 72.02, '4_25': 72.2, '4_30': 75.37, '4_35': 77.72, '4_40': 79.38, '4_45': 79.4, '4_50': 83.36, '4_55': 85.89, '4_60': 88.09}
2023-12-19 04:10:17.713187 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 3: 12-19 07:00:00 - 12-19 08:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 66.16, '4_15': 69.18, '4_20': 72.22, '4_25': 72.36, '4_30': 74.29, '4_35': 76.1, '4_40': 76.1, '4_45': 79.48, '4_50': 78.71, '4_55': 81.41, '4_60': 81.39}
2023-12-19 04:10:18.048556 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 2: 12-19 06:00:00 - 12-19 07:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 67.13, '4_15': 69.9, '4_20': 73.03, '4_25': 73.22, '4_30': 74.64, '4_35': 77.18, '4_40': 79.7, '4_45': 81.55, '4_50': 81.74, '4_55': 85.89, '4_60': 88.46}
2023-12-19 04:10:18.386938 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 1: 12-19 05:00:00 - 12-19 06:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 62.78, '4_15': 66.49, '4_20': 69.75, '4_25': 72.9, '4_30': 73.05, '4_35': 73.19, '4_40': 77.16, '4_45': 79.68, '4_50': 81.34, '4_55': 81.46, '4_60': 85.6}
2023-12-19 04:10:18.715054 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 0: 12-19 04:00:00 - 12-19 05:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 99% size 60 was 100.0% results {'100_60': 59.8, '99_60': 59.8, '4_10': 69.65, '4_15': 74.4, '4_20': 79.56, '4_25': 81.48, '4_30': 85.95, '4_35': 90.33, '4_40': 94.03, '4_45': 96.07, '4_50': 102.06, '4_55': 102.06, '4_60': 102.06}
2023-12-19 04:10:18.716445 INFO pred_bat: Optimise price set 7.9 start_at_low False best_price 7.9
2023-12-19 04:10:20.669316 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising charge window(s)    1: 12-19 23:30:00 - 12-20 05:30:00 price 7.5 cost 72.93 metric 59.8 keep 0.69 selected 19.05 was 19.05 results {19.05: 59.8, 18.8: 64.29, 18.55: 68.78, 18.3: 73.26, 18.05: 78.17, 17.8: 78.48, 17.55: 84.2, 17.3: 88.18, 17.05: 91.76, 16.8: 90.88, 16.55: 99.82, 16.3: 103.85, 16.05: 105.17, 15.8: 105.83, 15.55: 110.09, 15.3: 110.95, 15.05: 111.61, 14.8: 112.93, 14.55: 113.59, 14.3: 118.27, 14.05: 119.12, 13.8: 122.58, 13.55: 126.34, 13.3: 128.38, 13.05: 132.84, 12.8: 137.7, 12.55: 138.46, 12.3: 141.12, 12.05: 143.11, 11.8: 147.9, 11.55: 148.65, 11.3: 154.04, 11.05: 156.0, 10.8: 153.35, 10.55: 162.36, 10.3: 163.02, 10.05: 165.16, 9.8: 165.83, 9.55: 170.49, 9.3: 171.77, 9.05: 177.67, 8.8: 182.58, 8.55: 186.82, 8.3: 191.28, 8.05: 191.93, 7.8: 192.68, 7.55: 194.01, 7.3: 195.78, 7.05: 200.24, 6.8: 199.57, 6.55: 200.32, 6.3: 203.2, 6.05: 208.02, 5.8: 216.1, 5.55: 225.11, 5.3: 233.41, 5.05: 242.04, 4.8: 250.69, 4.55: 259.47, 4.3: 268.29, 4.05: 276.67, 3.8: 285.92, 3.55: 294.51, 3.3: 303.35, 3.05: 312.28, 2.8: 322.1, 2.55: 330.44, 2.3: 337.98, 2.05: 346.19, 1.8: 352.69, 1.55: 358.87, 1.3: 365.06, 1.05: 371.24, 0.8: 373.05, 0.76: 351.08}
2023-12-19 04:10:20.821754 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising charge window(s)    0: 12-19 00:00:00 - 12-19 05:30:00 price 7.5 cost 72.96 metric 59.83 keep 1.2 selected 19.05 was 0 results {19.05: 59.83, 17.3: 60.34, 17.05: 60.34, 16.8: 60.34, 0.76: 60.44}
2023-12-19 04:10:20.823357 INFO pred_bat: Best charge windows in price group 7.9 best_metric 59.83 best_cost 72.96 metric_keep 1.2 windows [ 19-12 23:30:00 - 20-12 05:30:00 @ 7.5p 100.0%, 19-12 00:00:00 - 19-12 05:30:00 @ 7.5p 100.0% ]
2023-12-19 04:10:20.825571 INFO pred_bat: Best discharge windows in price group 7.9 best_metric 59.83 best_cost 72.96 metric_keep 1.2 windows [ 19-12 04:00:00 - 19-12 05:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 05:00:00 - 19-12 06:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 06:00:00 - 19-12 07:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 07:00:00 - 19-12 08:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 08:00:00 - 19-12 09:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 09:00:00 - 19-12 10:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 10:00:00 - 19-12 11:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 11:00:00 - 19-12 12:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 12:00:00 - 19-12 13:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 13:00:00 - 19-12 14:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 14:00:00 - 19-12 15:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 15:00:00 - 19-12 16:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 16:00:00 - 19-12 17:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 17:00:00 - 19-12 18:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 18:00:00 - 19-12 19:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 19:00:00 - 19-12 20:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 20:45:00 - 19-12 21:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 19-12 21:00:00 - 19-12 22:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 19-12 22:00:00 - 19-12 23:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 20-12 06:00:00 - 20-12 07:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 07:00:00 - 20-12 08:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 08:00:00 - 20-12 09:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 09:00:00 - 20-12 10:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 10:00:00 - 20-12 11:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 11:00:00 - 20-12 12:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 12:00:00 - 20-12 13:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 13:00:00 - 20-12 14:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 14:00:00 - 20-12 15:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 15:00:00 - 20-12 16:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 16:00:00 - 20-12 17:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 17:00:00 - 20-12 18:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 18:00:00 - 20-12 19:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 19:00:00 - 20-12 20:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 20:20:00 - 20-12 21:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 20-12 21:00:00 - 20-12 22:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 20-12 22:00:00 - 20-12 23:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 20-12 23:00:00 - 21-12 00:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 21-12 01:00:00 - 21-12 02:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 21-12 02:00:00 - 21-12 03:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 21-12 03:00:00 - 21-12 04:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0% ]
2023-12-19 04:10:20.827196 INFO pred_bat: Best charge windows in price group 14.2 best_metric 59.83 best_cost 72.96 metric_keep 1.2 windows [ 19-12 23:30:00 - 20-12 05:30:00 @ 7.5p 100.0%, 19-12 00:00:00 - 19-12 05:30:00 @ 7.5p 100.0% ]
2023-12-19 04:10:20.829386 INFO pred_bat: Best discharge windows in price group 14.2 best_metric 59.83 best_cost 72.96 metric_keep 1.2 windows [ 19-12 04:00:00 - 19-12 05:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 05:00:00 - 19-12 06:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 06:00:00 - 19-12 07:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 07:00:00 - 19-12 08:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 08:00:00 - 19-12 09:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 09:00:00 - 19-12 10:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 10:00:00 - 19-12 11:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 11:00:00 - 19-12 12:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 12:00:00 - 19-12 13:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 13:00:00 - 19-12 14:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 14:00:00 - 19-12 15:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 15:00:00 - 19-12 16:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 16:00:00 - 19-12 17:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 17:00:00 - 19-12 18:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 18:00:00 - 19-12 19:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 19:00:00 - 19-12 20:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 19-12 20:45:00 - 19-12 21:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 19-12 21:00:00 - 19-12 22:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 19-12 22:00:00 - 19-12 23:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 20-12 06:00:00 - 20-12 07:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 07:00:00 - 20-12 08:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 08:00:00 - 20-12 09:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 09:00:00 - 20-12 10:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 10:00:00 - 20-12 11:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 11:00:00 - 20-12 12:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 12:00:00 - 20-12 13:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 13:00:00 - 20-12 14:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 14:00:00 - 20-12 15:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 15:00:00 - 20-12 16:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 16:00:00 - 20-12 17:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 17:00:00 - 20-12 18:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 18:00:00 - 20-12 19:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 19:00:00 - 20-12 20:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 20:20:00 - 20-12 21:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 20-12 21:00:00 - 20-12 22:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 20-12 22:00:00 - 20-12 23:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 20-12 23:00:00 - 21-12 00:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 21-12 01:00:00 - 21-12 02:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 21-12 02:00:00 - 21-12 03:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 21-12 03:00:00 - 21-12 04:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0% ]
2023-12-19 04:10:20.830973 INFO pred_bat: Second pass optimisation started
2023-12-19 04:10:20.982198 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising charge window(s)    0: 12-19 00:00:00 - 12-19 05:30:00 price 7.5 cost 72.96 metric 59.83 keep 1.2 selected 19.05 was 19.05 results {19.05: 59.83, 17.3: 60.34, 17.05: 60.34, 16.8: 60.34, 0.76: 60.44}
2023-12-19 04:10:20.983911 INFO pred_bat: Final optimisation type c window 0 metric 59.8276078952361 metric_keep 1.2 cost 72.96
2023-12-19 04:10:21.307182 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 2: 12-19 06:00:00 - 12-19 07:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.96 metric 60.34 keep 1.2 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.34, '99_60': 60.34, '4_10': 67.26, '4_15': 70.04, '4_20': 73.16, '4_25': 73.35, '4_30': 74.77, '4_35': 76.38, '4_40': 78.35, '4_45': 78.59, '4_50': 82.88, '4_55': 85.64, '4_60': 83.03}
2023-12-19 04:10:21.643921 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 3: 12-19 07:00:00 - 12-19 08:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.96 metric 60.34 keep 1.2 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.34, '99_60': 60.34, '4_10': 66.18, '4_15': 69.32, '4_20': 72.36, '4_25': 72.51, '4_30': 74.98, '4_35': 76.78, '4_40': 76.78, '4_45': 79.87, '4_50': 78.97, '4_55': 78.62, '4_60': 81.9}
2023-12-19 04:10:21.973616 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 4: 12-19 08:00:00 - 12-19 09:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.96 metric 60.34 keep 1.2 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.34, '99_60': 60.34, '4_10': 65.99, '4_15': 69.15, '4_20': 72.46, '4_25': 72.42, '4_30': 76.06, '4_35': 78.41, '4_40': 80.07, '4_45': 80.09, '4_50': 84.05, '4_55': 86.58, '4_60': 88.78}
2023-12-19 04:10:22.308952 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 5: 12-19 09:00:00 - 12-19 10:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.96 metric 60.34 keep 1.2 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.34, '99_60': 60.34, '4_10': 66.2, '4_15': 69.28, '4_20': 72.32, '4_25': 72.53, '4_30': 74.94, '4_35': 77.1, '4_40': 78.86, '4_45': 73.87, '4_50': 81.44, '4_55': 84.75, '4_60': 87.28}
2023-12-19 04:10:22.659570 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 6: 12-19 10:00:00 - 12-19 11:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.96 metric 60.34 keep 1.2 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.34, '99_60': 60.34, '4_10': 65.96, '4_15': 69.09, '4_20': 72.61, '4_25': 72.51, '4_30': 76.02, '4_35': 78.22, '4_40': 79.74, '4_45': 79.61, '4_50': 83.42, '4_55': 86.43, '4_60': 87.97}
2023-12-19 04:10:23.010643 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 7: 12-19 11:00:00 - 12-19 12:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.96 metric 60.34 keep 1.2 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.34, '99_60': 60.34, '4_10': 65.95, '4_15': 69.05, '4_20': 73.08, '4_25': 73.38, '4_30': 77.29, '4_35': 79.78, '4_40': 81.6, '4_45': 81.76, '4_50': 85.87, '4_55': 88.55, '4_60': 91.04}
2023-12-19 04:10:23.344550 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 8: 12-19 12:00:00 - 12-19 13:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.96 metric 60.34 keep 1.2 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.34, '99_60': 60.34, '4_10': 65.88, '4_15': 68.98, '4_20': 73.24, '4_25': 73.38, '4_30': 77.11, '4_35': 79.56, '4_40': 81.33, '4_45': 81.44, '4_50': 85.5, '4_55': 86.71, '4_60': 89.08}
2023-12-19 04:10:23.700350 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 9: 12-19 13:00:00 - 12-19 14:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.96 metric 60.34 keep 1.2 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.34, '99_60': 60.34, '4_10': 65.94, '4_15': 69.07, '4_20': 72.78, '4_25': 72.79, '4_30': 76.47, '4_35': 78.9, '4_40': 80.65, '4_45': 80.75, '4_50': 84.8, '4_55': 87.49, '4_60': 89.98}
2023-12-19 04:10:24.048747 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 10: 12-19 14:00:00 - 12-19 15:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.96 metric 60.34 keep 1.2 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.34, '99_60': 60.34, '4_10': 65.99, '4_15': 69.14, '4_20': 72.47, '4_25': 72.45, '4_30': 76.1, '4_35': 78.5, '4_40': 80.21, '4_45': 80.27, '4_50': 84.28, '4_55': 86.85, '4_60': 89.22}
2023-12-19 04:10:24.385962 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 11: 12-19 15:00:00 - 12-19 16:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.96 metric 60.34 keep 1.2 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.34, '99_60': 60.34, '4_10': 66.01, '4_15': 69.16, '4_20': 72.41, '4_25': 72.37, '4_30': 76.0, '4_35': 78.35, '4_40': 80.02, '4_45': 80.03, '4_50': 83.99, '4_55': 86.48, '4_60': 88.78}
2023-12-19 04:10:24.727750 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 12: 12-19 16:00:00 - 12-19 17:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.96 metric 60.34 keep 1.2 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.34, '99_60': 60.34, '4_10': 66.14, '4_15': 69.25, '4_20': 72.27, '4_25': 72.46, '4_30': 75.49, '4_35': 77.8, '4_40': 79.43, '4_45': 79.4, '4_50': 83.32, '4_55': 85.81, '4_60': 88.11}
2023-12-19 04:10:25.068609 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 13: 12-19 17:00:00 - 12-19 18:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.96 metric 60.34 keep 1.2 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.34, '99_60': 60.34, '4_10': 67.38, '4_15': 65.83, '4_20': 68.94, '4_25': 72.23, '4_30': 73.38, '4_35': 72.67, '4_40': 76.48, '4_45': 77.52, '4_50': 78.32, '4_55': 81.55, '4_60': 81.35}
2023-12-19 04:10:25.398352 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 14: 12-19 18:00:00 - 12-19 19:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.96 metric 60.34 keep 1.2 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.34, '99_60': 60.34, '4_10': 66.38, '4_15': 69.62, '4_20': 69.47, '4_25': 68.81, '4_30': 72.19, '4_35': 73.28, '4_40': 73.03, '4_45': 76.47, '4_50': 78.62, '4_55': 80.09, '4_60': 79.19}
2023-12-19 04:10:25.724245 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 15: 12-19 19:00:00 - 12-19 20:00:00 price 15.0 cost 72.96 metric 60.34 keep 1.2 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.34, '99_60': 60.34, '4_10': 66.25, '4_15': 69.34, '4_20': 72.41, '4_25': 72.65, '4_30': 74.4, '4_35': 76.78, '4_40': 78.31, '4_45': 81.63, '4_50': 80.9, '4_55': 84.38, '4_60': 86.44}
2023-12-19 04:10:25.834825 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 16: 12-19 20:45:00 - 12-19 21:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 10 was 4% results {'100_15': 63.71, '99_15': 63.71, '4_10': 60.14, '4_15': 60.34}
2023-12-19 04:10:26.252499 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 17: 12-19 21:00:00 - 12-19 22:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 4% results {'100_60': 79.37, '99_60': 79.37, '4_10': 75.68, '4_15': 74.35, '4_20': 73.01, '4_25': 71.33, '4_30': 70.33, '4_35': 68.85, '4_40': 66.84, '4_45': 64.84, '4_50': 62.9, '4_55': 61.31, '4_60': 60.14}
2023-12-19 04:10:26.254275 INFO pred_bat: Final optimisation type d window 17 metric 60.14 metric_keep 0.0 cost 73.97
2023-12-19 04:10:26.600873 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 18: 12-19 22:00:00 - 12-19 23:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 4% results {'100_60': 78.18, '99_60': 78.18, '4_10': 75.11, '4_15': 73.63, '4_20': 72.02, '4_25': 70.01, '4_30': 69.01, '4_35': 67.67, '4_40': 66.2, '4_45': 64.31, '4_50': 62.31, '4_55': 61.31, '4_60': 60.14}
2023-12-19 04:10:28.584249 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising charge window(s)    1: 12-19 23:30:00 - 12-20 05:30:00 price 7.5 cost 73.97 metric 60.13 keep 0.0 selected 19.05 was 19.05 results {19.05: 60.13, 18.8: 64.62, 18.55: 69.11, 18.3: 73.6, 18.05: 78.5, 17.8: 78.81, 17.55: 84.54, 17.3: 88.51, 17.05: 92.09, 16.8: 91.21, 16.55: 100.16, 16.3: 104.18, 16.05: 105.5, 15.8: 106.17, 15.55: 110.42, 15.3: 111.28, 15.05: 111.94, 14.8: 113.27, 14.55: 113.92, 14.3: 118.6, 14.05: 119.46, 13.8: 122.91, 13.55: 126.67, 13.3: 128.72, 13.05: 133.17, 12.8: 138.03, 12.55: 138.8, 12.3: 141.45, 12.05: 143.44, 11.8: 148.23, 11.55: 148.98, 11.3: 154.37, 11.05: 156.33, 10.8: 153.68, 10.55: 162.69, 10.3: 163.35, 10.05: 165.49, 9.8: 166.16, 9.55: 170.82, 9.3: 172.1, 9.05: 178.01, 8.8: 182.91, 8.55: 187.15, 8.3: 191.61, 8.05: 192.27, 7.8: 193.01, 7.55: 194.34, 7.3: 196.12, 7.05: 200.57, 6.8: 199.9, 6.55: 200.66, 6.3: 203.54, 6.05: 208.35, 5.8: 216.44, 5.55: 225.44, 5.3: 233.74, 5.05: 242.38, 4.8: 251.02, 4.55: 259.8, 4.3: 268.62, 4.05: 277.0, 3.8: 286.25, 3.55: 294.84, 3.3: 303.68, 3.05: 312.62, 2.8: 322.44, 2.55: 330.78, 2.3: 338.31, 2.05: 346.57, 1.8: 353.19, 1.55: 359.37, 1.3: 365.55, 1.05: 369.98, 0.8: 370.78, 0.76: 347.46}
2023-12-19 04:10:28.911609 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 26: 12-20 06:00:00 - 12-20 07:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 65.76, '4_15': 68.58, '4_20': 71.86, '4_25': 70.87, '4_30': 74.11, '4_35': 74.79, '4_40': 77.23, '4_45': 79.62, '4_50': 82.35, '4_55': 85.5, '4_60': 85.28}
2023-12-19 04:10:29.237287 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 27: 12-20 07:00:00 - 12-20 08:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 65.81, '4_15': 68.59, '4_20': 71.85, '4_25': 74.19, '4_30': 74.45, '4_35': 75.03, '4_40': 75.8, '4_45': 77.48, '4_50': 80.2, '4_55': 82.33, '4_60': 84.82}
2023-12-19 04:10:29.573331 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 28: 12-20 08:00:00 - 12-20 09:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 65.3, '4_15': 68.0, '4_20': 71.02, '4_25': 74.94, '4_30': 77.59, '4_35': 80.19, '4_40': 83.14, '4_45': 86.12, '4_50': 85.67, '4_55': 84.97, '4_60': 88.0}
2023-12-19 04:10:29.905691 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 29: 12-20 09:00:00 - 12-20 10:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 65.21, '4_15': 67.88, '4_20': 70.89, '4_25': 75.48, '4_30': 78.24, '4_35': 81.02, '4_40': 83.53, '4_45': 86.73, '4_50': 86.53, '4_55': 86.99, '4_60': 86.78}
2023-12-19 04:10:30.233915 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 30: 12-20 10:00:00 - 12-20 11:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 65.14, '4_15': 67.8, '4_20': 70.78, '4_25': 75.82, '4_30': 78.63, '4_35': 81.47, '4_40': 84.05, '4_45': 87.33, '4_50': 87.23, '4_55': 87.13, '4_60': 87.68}
2023-12-19 04:10:30.565613 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 31: 12-20 11:00:00 - 12-20 12:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 65.12, '4_15': 67.77, '4_20': 70.75, '4_25': 75.91, '4_30': 78.74, '4_35': 81.6, '4_40': 84.21, '4_45': 87.52, '4_50': 87.48, '4_55': 87.44, '4_60': 88.04}
2023-12-19 04:10:30.906931 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 32: 12-20 12:00:00 - 12-20 13:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 65.16, '4_15': 67.82, '4_20': 70.81, '4_25': 75.73, '4_30': 78.54, '4_35': 81.41, '4_40': 84.03, '4_45': 87.38, '4_50': 87.36, '4_55': 87.33, '4_60': 87.31}
2023-12-19 04:10:31.236708 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 33: 12-20 13:00:00 - 12-20 14:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 65.21, '4_15': 67.89, '4_20': 70.9, '4_25': 75.5, '4_30': 78.28, '4_35': 81.13, '4_40': 83.72, '4_45': 87.0, '4_50': 86.9, '4_55': 86.8, '4_60': 87.35}
2023-12-19 04:10:31.567547 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 34: 12-20 14:00:00 - 12-20 15:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 65.25, '4_15': 67.94, '4_20': 70.96, '4_25': 75.29, '4_30': 78.02, '4_35': 80.82, '4_40': 83.34, '4_45': 86.54, '4_50': 86.37, '4_55': 86.85, '4_60': 86.71}
2023-12-19 04:10:31.902735 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 35: 12-20 15:00:00 - 12-20 16:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 65.27, '4_15': 67.97, '4_20': 71.01, '4_25': 75.13, '4_30': 77.82, '4_35': 80.56, '4_40': 83.01, '4_45': 86.16, '4_50': 86.58, '4_55': 86.38, '4_60': 86.16}
2023-12-19 04:10:32.239541 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 36: 12-20 16:00:00 - 12-20 17:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 65.27, '4_15': 67.97, '4_20': 71.01, '4_25': 75.13, '4_30': 77.82, '4_35': 80.55, '4_40': 83.02, '4_45': 86.19, '4_50': 85.98, '4_55': 86.44, '4_60': 86.24}
2023-12-19 04:10:32.571832 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 37: 12-20 17:00:00 - 12-20 18:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 65.7, '4_15': 68.55, '4_20': 71.98, '4_25': 69.73, '4_30': 75.93, '4_35': 78.55, '4_40': 81.22, '4_45': 83.62, '4_50': 86.73, '4_55': 86.46, '4_60': 86.26}
2023-12-19 04:10:32.907778 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 38: 12-20 18:00:00 - 12-20 19:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 65.52, '4_15': 68.31, '4_20': 71.26, '4_25': 74.23, '4_30': 76.65, '4_35': 74.01, '4_40': 81.82, '4_45': 83.95, '4_50': 86.77, '4_55': 86.22, '4_60': 86.34}
2023-12-19 04:10:33.277053 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 39: 12-20 19:00:00 - 12-20 20:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 99% size 60 was 99% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 65.6, '4_15': 68.59, '4_20': 71.77, '4_25': 70.8, '4_30': 75.24, '4_35': 77.67, '4_40': 80.23, '4_45': 82.93, '4_50': 85.67, '4_55': 85.08, '4_60': 88.27}
2023-12-19 04:10:33.280570 INFO pred_bat: Final optimisation type d window 39 metric 60.14 metric_keep 0.0 cost 73.97
2023-12-19 04:10:33.509677 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 40: 12-20 20:20:00 - 12-20 21:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 40 was 4% results {'100_40': 74.27, '99_40': 74.27, '4_10': 70.26, '4_15': 68.25, '4_20': 66.52, '4_25': 64.51, '4_30': 62.5, '4_35': 61.15, '4_40': 60.14}
2023-12-19 04:10:33.849174 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 41: 12-20 21:00:00 - 12-20 22:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 4% results {'100_60': 79.17, '99_60': 79.17, '4_10': 75.48, '4_15': 74.47, '4_20': 72.74, '4_25': 71.02, '4_30': 69.02, '4_35': 67.21, '4_40': 65.2, '4_45': 63.22, '4_50': 62.42, '4_55': 61.28, '4_60': 60.14}
2023-12-19 04:10:34.231481 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 42: 12-20 22:00:00 - 12-20 23:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 4% results {'100_60': 81.41, '99_60': 81.41, '4_10': 77.39, '4_15': 75.39, '4_20': 73.38, '4_25': 71.37, '4_30': 69.36, '4_35': 68.01, '4_40': 66.6, '4_45': 64.85, '4_50': 63.83, '4_55': 61.82, '4_60': 60.14}
2023-12-19 04:10:34.618258 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 43: 12-20 23:00:00 - 12-21 00:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 4% results {'100_60': 68.1, '99_60': 68.1, '4_10': 68.1, '4_15': 68.1, '4_20': 68.1, '4_25': 68.1, '4_30': 68.1, '4_35': 67.41, '4_40': 66.05, '4_45': 64.7, '4_50': 63.34, '4_55': 62.15, '4_60': 60.14}
2023-12-19 04:10:34.952832 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 44: 12-21 01:00:00 - 12-21 02:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 4% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 60.14, '4_15': 60.14, '4_20': 60.14, '4_25': 60.14, '4_30': 60.14, '4_35': 60.14, '4_40': 60.14, '4_45': 60.14, '4_50': 60.14, '4_55': 60.14, '4_60': 60.14}
2023-12-19 04:10:35.298569 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 45: 12-21 02:00:00 - 12-21 03:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 4% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 60.14, '4_15': 60.14, '4_20': 60.14, '4_25': 60.14, '4_30': 60.14, '4_35': 60.14, '4_40': 60.14, '4_45': 60.14, '4_50': 60.14, '4_55': 60.14, '4_60': 60.14}
2023-12-19 04:10:35.641767 INFO pred_bat: Try optimising discharge window(s) 46: 12-21 03:00:00 - 12-21 04:00:00 price 15.0 cost 73.97 metric 60.14 keep 0.0 selected 4% size 60 was 4% results {'100_60': 60.14, '99_60': 60.14, '4_10': 60.14, '4_15': 60.14, '4_20': 60.14, '4_25': 60.14, '4_30': 60.14, '4_35': 60.14, '4_40': 60.14, '4_45': 60.14, '4_50': 60.14, '4_55': 60.14, '4_60': 60.14}
2023-12-19 04:10:35.643773 INFO pred_bat: Second pass optimisation finished metric 60.14 cost 73.97 metric_keep 0.0
2023-12-19 04:10:35.656847 INFO pred_bat: Discharge windows filtered [ 19-12 04:00:00 - 19-12 20:00:00 @ 15.0p 92.0%, 19-12 20:50:00 - 19-12 23:00:00 @ 15.0p 8.0%, 20-12 06:00:00 - 20-12 20:00:00 @ 15.0p 99.0%, 20-12 20:20:00 - 21-12 00:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0%, 21-12 01:00:00 - 21-12 04:00:00 @ 15.0p 4.0% ]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.670241 INFO pred_bat: WARN: Clip charge window 0 as it's already passed
2023-12-19 04:10:35.671712 INFO pred_bat: Filtered charge windows [ 19-12 00:00:00 - 19-12 04:00:00 @ 7.5p 3.0%, 19-12 23:30:00 - 20-12 05:30:00 @ 7.5p 100.0% ] reserve 0.76
2023-12-19 04:10:35.684564 INFO pred_bat: predict base end_record 12-20 23:30:00 final soc 11.86 kWh metric 255.06 p metric_keep 0.0 min_soc 10.28 @ 12-19 23:55:00 kWh load 27.29 pv 1.31
2023-12-19 04:10:35.687096 INFO pred_bat:          [  04:10,   05:10,   06:10,   07:10,   08:10,   09:10,   10:10,   11:10,   12:10,   13:10,   14:10,   15:10,   16:10,   17:10,   18:10,   19:10,   20:10,   21:10,   22:10,   23:10,   00:10,   01:10,   02:10,   03:10,   04:10,   05:10,   06:10,   07:10,   08:10,   09:10,   10:10,   11:10,   12:10,   13:10,   14:10,   15:10,   16:10,   17:10,   18:10,   19:10,   20:10,   21:10,   22:10,   23:10]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.689475 INFO pred_bat:     SOC: [  17.14,   18.85,   18.47,    18.1,   17.26,   17.06,   16.66,   16.49,   16.38,   16.36,   16.27,   16.12,   15.96,   15.69,   14.68,   13.57,   13.13,   12.32,   11.48,   10.78,   10.85,   14.27,   17.66,   18.99,   19.05,   19.05,    18.9,   17.92,   16.72,   16.48,   16.37,   16.33,    16.3,   16.26,   16.17,   16.02,   15.85,   15.67,   15.19,    14.7,   14.13,   13.47,    12.9,   12.38]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.691838 INFO pred_bat:   STATE: [  g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<be-,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.694286 INFO pred_bat:    LOAD: [   3.56,    6.37,    6.96,    7.31,    8.12,    8.33,    8.78,    9.06,    9.32,    9.49,    9.68,    9.85,   10.01,   10.26,   11.22,   12.27,   12.69,   13.46,   14.26,   14.93,   15.58,   16.73,   17.61,   18.36,    19.1,   19.79,   19.95,   20.88,   22.02,   22.29,   22.48,   22.65,   22.82,    23.0,   23.16,   23.33,    23.5,   23.67,   24.13,   24.59,   25.14,   25.76,    26.3,    26.8]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.696845 INFO pred_bat:      PV: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.03,    0.09,    0.22,    0.37,    0.53,    0.63,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.67,     0.7,    0.79,    0.92,    1.07,     1.2,    1.28,    1.31,    1.31,    1.31,    1.31,    1.31,    1.31,    1.31,    1.31,    1.31]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.699290 INFO pred_bat:  IMPORT: [   15.5,   20.11,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   20.36,   21.14,   25.89,   30.34,   32.49,   33.29,   33.98,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0,    34.0]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.701712 INFO pred_bat:  EXPORT: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.704157 INFO pred_bat:    CAR0: [   35.0,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.706638 INFO pred_bat:  METRIC: [ 116.25,  150.84,   152.7,   152.7,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  152.75,  158.61,  194.22,  227.58,  243.74,   249.7,  254.91,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06,  255.06]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.887569 INFO pred_bat: Battery has 48.0 hours left - now at 17.14
2023-12-19 04:10:35.915264 INFO pred_bat: predict base10 end_record 12-20 23:30:00 final soc 11.37 kWh metric 265.42 p metric_keep 0.0 min_soc 9.14 @ 12-19 23:55:00 kWh load 28.24 pv 0.62
2023-12-19 04:10:35.917799 INFO pred_bat:          [  04:10,   05:10,   06:10,   07:10,   08:10,   09:10,   10:10,   11:10,   12:10,   13:10,   14:10,   15:10,   16:10,   17:10,   18:10,   19:10,   20:10,   21:10,   22:10,   23:10,   00:10,   01:10,   02:10,   03:10,   04:10,   05:10,   06:10,   07:10,   08:10,   09:10,   10:10,   11:10,   12:10,   13:10,   14:10,   15:10,   16:10,   17:10,   18:10,   19:10,   20:10,   21:10,   22:10,   23:10]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.920199 INFO pred_bat:     SOC: [  17.14,   18.85,   18.41,   18.01,   17.11,   16.88,   16.42,   16.18,    16.0,    15.9,   15.74,   15.56,   15.38,   15.09,   13.97,   12.76,   12.27,   11.38,   10.46,    9.69,    9.71,   13.13,   16.55,   18.72,   19.05,   19.05,    18.9,   17.92,   16.72,   16.46,   16.29,   16.14,   15.99,   15.85,    15.7,   15.53,   15.35,   15.18,   14.69,   14.21,   13.63,   12.98,    12.4,   11.88]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.922560 INFO pred_bat:   STATE: [  g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g>be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.924987 INFO pred_bat:    LOAD: [   3.56,    6.41,    7.06,    7.44,    8.33,    8.57,    9.06,    9.37,    9.65,    9.85,   10.05,   10.24,   10.41,   10.69,   11.75,    12.9,   13.36,   14.21,   15.09,   15.82,   16.54,   17.69,   18.56,   19.32,   20.05,   20.75,    20.9,   21.84,   22.98,   23.24,   23.43,   23.61,   23.78,   23.95,   24.12,   24.28,   24.45,   24.62,   25.08,   25.54,   26.09,   26.71,   27.26,   27.75]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.927388 INFO pred_bat:      PV: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.02,    0.07,    0.16,    0.27,    0.37,    0.42,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.46,    0.49,    0.52,    0.55,    0.58,    0.61,    0.62,    0.62,    0.62,    0.62,    0.62,    0.62,    0.62,    0.62,    0.62]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.929841 INFO pred_bat:  IMPORT: [   15.5,   20.15,    20.4,    20.4,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   20.44,   21.23,   25.98,   30.45,   33.49,   34.58,   35.27,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29,   35.29]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.932278 INFO pred_bat:  EXPORT: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.934759 INFO pred_bat:    CAR0: [   35.0,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22]
2023-12-19 04:10:35.937202 INFO pred_bat:  METRIC: [ 116.25,  151.14,  153.04,  153.04,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,  153.98,   154.0,   154.0,   154.0,   154.0,   154.0,  159.95,  195.56,  229.12,  251.91,  260.06,  265.27,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42,  265.42]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.004179 INFO pred_bat: predict best10 end_record 12-20 23:30:00 final soc 1.55 kWh metric 87.43 p metric_keep 19.47 min_soc 1.5 @ 12-19 23:15:00 kWh load 28.24 pv 0.62
2023-12-19 04:10:36.006936 INFO pred_bat:          [  04:10,   05:10,   06:10,   07:10,   08:10,   09:10,   10:10,   11:10,   12:10,   13:10,   14:10,   15:10,   16:10,   17:10,   18:10,   19:10,   20:10,   21:10,   22:10,   23:10,   00:10,   01:10,   02:10,   03:10,   04:10,   05:10,   06:10,   07:10,   08:10,   09:10,   10:10,   11:10,   12:10,   13:10,   14:10,   15:10,   16:10,   17:10,   18:10,   19:10,   20:10,   21:10,   22:10,   23:10]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.010008 INFO pred_bat:     SOC: [  17.14,   16.92,   16.23,   15.83,   14.93,   14.71,   14.24,    14.0,   13.82,   13.72,   13.56,   13.39,    13.2,   12.91,    11.8,   10.58,    10.1,    8.23,    4.44,    1.55,    3.78,     7.2,   10.62,   14.04,   17.45,   18.92,    18.9,   17.92,   16.72,   16.46,   16.29,   16.14,   15.99,   15.85,    15.7,   15.53,   15.35,   15.18,   14.69,   14.21,   13.63,   10.39,     6.6,    2.81]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.012547 INFO pred_bat:   STATE: [  g<be-,   g~be-,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g>be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g>bf-,   g>bf-,   g~be-,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be~,   g>bf-,   g>bf-,   g>bf-]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.015148 INFO pred_bat:    LOAD: [   3.56,    6.41,    7.06,    7.44,    8.33,    8.57,    9.06,    9.37,    9.65,    9.85,   10.05,   10.24,   10.41,   10.69,   11.75,    12.9,   13.36,   14.21,   15.09,   15.82,   16.54,   17.69,   18.56,   19.32,   20.05,   20.75,    20.9,   21.84,   22.98,   23.24,   23.43,   23.61,   23.78,   23.95,   24.12,   24.28,   24.45,   24.62,   25.08,   25.54,   26.09,   26.71,   27.26,   27.75]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.017719 INFO pred_bat:      PV: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.02,    0.07,    0.16,    0.27,    0.37,    0.42,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.44,    0.46,    0.49,    0.52,    0.55,    0.58,    0.61,    0.62,    0.62,    0.62,    0.62,    0.62,    0.62,    0.62,    0.62,    0.62]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.020249 INFO pred_bat:  IMPORT: [   15.5,   18.14,   18.14,   18.14,   18.17,   18.17,   18.17,   18.17,   18.17,   18.17,   18.17,   18.17,   18.17,   18.17,   18.17,   18.17,   18.17,   18.17,   18.17,   18.17,   21.24,   25.99,   30.46,   34.82,   39.15,   41.39,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55,   41.55]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.022841 INFO pred_bat:  EXPORT: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.93,    3.64,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    5.66,    8.12,   11.17,   14.28]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.025489 INFO pred_bat:    CAR0: [   35.0,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.028113 INFO pred_bat:  METRIC: [ 116.25,  136.06,  136.06,  136.06,  137.01,  137.01,  137.01,  137.01,  137.01,  137.01,  137.01,  137.01,  137.01,  137.01,  137.01,  137.03,  137.03,  123.13,   82.37,   52.06,   75.05,  110.66,  144.22,  176.89,   209.4,  226.17,  227.35,  227.35,  227.35,  227.35,  227.35,  227.35,  227.35,  227.35,  227.35,  227.35,  227.35,  227.35,  227.35,  227.35,  227.35,  190.54,  144.69,   98.11]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.120055 INFO pred_bat: predict best end_record 12-20 23:30:00 final soc 2.04 kWh metric 73.97 p metric_keep 0.0 min_soc 2.04 @ 12-20 23:25:00 kWh load 27.29 pv 1.31
2023-12-19 04:10:36.122605 INFO pred_bat:          [  04:10,   05:10,   06:10,   07:10,   08:10,   09:10,   10:10,   11:10,   12:10,   13:10,   14:10,   15:10,   16:10,   17:10,   18:10,   19:10,   20:10,   21:10,   22:10,   23:10,   00:10,   01:10,   02:10,   03:10,   04:10,   05:10,   06:10,   07:10,   08:10,   09:10,   10:10,   11:10,   12:10,   13:10,   14:10,   15:10,   16:10,   17:10,   18:10,   19:10,   20:10,   21:10,   22:10,   23:10]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.125004 INFO pred_bat:     SOC: [  17.14,   16.92,    16.3,   15.94,   15.09,   14.89,   14.49,   14.32,   14.21,   14.19,    14.1,   13.96,   13.79,   13.52,   12.51,   11.41,   10.96,    9.15,    5.37,    2.16,    4.39,    7.81,   11.23,   14.65,   17.93,   19.05,    18.9,   17.92,   16.72,   16.48,   16.37,   16.33,    16.3,   16.26,   16.17,   16.02,   15.85,   15.67,   15.19,    14.7,   14.13,   10.89,     7.1,    3.31]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.127368 INFO pred_bat:   STATE: [  g<be-,   g~be-,   g~be~,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g>bf-,   g>bf-,   g~be-,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g<bf+,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be-,   g~be~,   g>bf-,   g>bf-,   g>bf-]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.129811 INFO pred_bat:    LOAD: [   3.56,    6.37,    6.96,    7.31,    8.12,    8.33,    8.78,    9.06,    9.32,    9.49,    9.68,    9.85,   10.01,   10.26,   11.22,   12.27,   12.69,   13.46,   14.26,   14.93,   15.58,   16.73,   17.61,   18.36,    19.1,   19.79,   19.95,   20.88,   22.02,   22.29,   22.48,   22.65,   22.82,    23.0,   23.16,   23.33,    23.5,   23.67,   24.13,   24.59,   25.14,   25.76,    26.3,    26.8]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.132282 INFO pred_bat:      PV: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.03,    0.09,    0.22,    0.37,    0.53,    0.63,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.66,    0.67,     0.7,    0.79,    0.92,    1.07,     1.2,    1.28,    1.31,    1.31,    1.31,    1.31,    1.31,    1.31,    1.31,    1.31,    1.31]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.134740 INFO pred_bat:  IMPORT: [   15.5,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   18.11,   21.12,   25.87,   30.34,    34.7,   38.89,   40.75,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78,   40.78]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.137392 INFO pred_bat:  EXPORT: [    0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,     0.0,    0.95,    3.75,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    6.13,    8.58,   11.64,   14.75]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.139902 INFO pred_bat:    CAR0: [   35.0,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22,   37.22]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.142390 INFO pred_bat:  METRIC: [ 116.25,  135.79,  135.79,  135.79,  135.83,  135.83,  135.83,  135.83,  135.83,  135.83,  135.83,  135.83,  135.83,  135.83,  135.83,  135.83,  135.83,  121.57,    79.6,   43.87,   66.45,  102.06,  135.62,  168.29,  199.72,  213.72,  213.89,  213.89,  213.89,  213.89,  213.89,  213.89,  213.89,  213.89,  213.89,  213.89,  213.89,  213.89,  213.89,  213.89,  213.89,  177.08,  131.24,   84.66]
2023-12-19 04:10:36.392399 INFO pred_bat: Best charging limit socs [0.5, 19.05] export [92, 8, 99, 4, 4] gives import battery 22.67 house 4.84 export 16.35 metric 73.97 metric10 87.43
2023-12-19 04:10:36.499241 INFO pred_bat: Include original charge start 12-19 00:00:00, keeping this instead of new start 12-19 00:00:00
2023-12-19 04:10:36.500651 INFO pred_bat: No change to charge window yet, waiting for schedule.
2023-12-19 04:10:36.502016 INFO pred_bat: Next discharge window will be: 2023-12-19 04:00:00+00:00 - 2023-12-19 20:01:00+00:00 at reserve 92
2023-12-19 04:10:36.503545 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 Adjust force discharge to False, change times from 20:45:00 - 23:01:00 to None - None
2023-12-19 04:10:36.505040 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 current charge rate is 3600 and new target is 0
2023-12-19 04:10:44.661706 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 set charge rate 0 via REST successful on retry 0
2023-12-19 04:10:44.681772 INFO pred_bat: Discharge Freeze as discharge is now at/below target - current SOC 17.14 and target 17.526
2023-12-19 04:10:44.684579 INFO pred_bat: Car charging from battery is off, next slot for car 0 is 12-19 01:00:00 - 12-19 05:00:00
2023-12-19 04:10:44.686201 INFO pred_bat: Disabling battery discharge while the car 0 is charging
2023-12-19 04:10:44.688944 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 Current charge limit is 100.0 % and new target is 4.0 %
2023-12-19 04:10:57.273718 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 charge target 4 via REST successful on retry 0
2023-12-19 04:10:57.316375 INFO pred_bat: Adjust reserve to hold target charge 3 % (set_reserve_enable is true)
2023-12-19 04:10:57.318216 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 Current Reserve is 99.0 % and new target is 4 %
2023-12-19 04:11:05.456704 INFO pred_bat: Set inverter 0 reserve 4 via REST successful on retry 0
2023-12-19 04:11:05.493154 INFO pred_bat: Completed run status Freeze discharging, Hold for car
iainfogg commented 8 months ago

Last night it again started the night with a plan to fully charge, but once the battery level got to around 16kwh it stopped charging.

Last night calculate_plan_faster was turned off, everything else was the same.

springfall2008 commented 8 months ago

Can you try turning off the second pass optimisation?

iainfogg commented 8 months ago

Done, I'll see what that changes tonight, cheers

iainfogg commented 8 months ago

It was better last night, but it still didn't fully charge, and alternated between discharging and charging after a certain point, just that it was around 18 instead of 16 kWh.

Shout if you want logs again @springfall2008 and if so, let me know what time(s)



iainfogg commented 8 months ago

It was fine last night. The only thing that was different was the car wasn't charging.

At the moment I'm having issues with the car integration, so I've got no car SOC sensor, but I do have a sensor for the supply to the car.

Also, the car was charging on its own timer, rather than with an IO plan (Saladin for to issues with the integration).

Any idea why the car charging in that scenario would seem to be connected to the battery not fully charging?

springfall2008 commented 8 months ago

If the car is charging but Predbat doesn't know about it then the battery will get drained unexpectedly. Can you use car_charging_now sensor instead?

iainfogg commented 8 months ago

I've currently got no sensors from the car, all I've got is the sensor from the circuit that supplies the socket that is used to charge the car. Predbat can see the amount of load that's gone to the car to work out actual house load, but I can't see how to give it any more than that right now.

The issue isn't that the car is charging and running down the battery though, it's that Predbat is stopping charging the house battery part way through the Intelligent overnight window. For most of the window, the car and house battery are both charging, then the house battery gets to 80-90% and Predbat then cycles between discharging and charging for the rest of the Intelligent overnight window (even though the plan the evening before was to charge to 100%).

Historically the battery would be at 100% by 05:30, but not these two nights where the car was charging. I'm charging the car again tonight, and I'm on the new version. Will see what happens tonight.

iainfogg commented 8 months ago

Last night I set it to Control Charge, and also updated to .19. It charged normally, and the car charged too (the car is charging on its own timer, not controlled by Predbat).

I'm only guessing it was related to the car, as the two nights it didn't work correctly were nights that the car also charged.

iainfogg commented 6 months ago

Closing as this is consistently working fine now