springfall2008 / batpred

Home battery prediction and charging automation for Home Assistant, supporting many inverter types
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Predbat - Telsa Powerwall 2 integration #891

Open springfall2008 opened 5 months ago

springfall2008 commented 5 months ago

Discussed in https://github.com/springfall2008/batpred/discussions/887

Originally posted by **mtaylor819** March 28, 2024 Hi there, I have a Solar array going into a Powerwall 2 via a Solax inverter. I am trying to get Predbat to charge the powerwall using the solar predication with octopus agile. I am struggling lol !! I have tried the following config but I can't get predbat to start: ``` # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # This is an example configuration, please modify it # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --- pred_bat: module: predbat class: PredBat # Sets the prefix for all created entities in HA - only change if you want to run more than once instance prefix: predbat # Timezone to work in timezone: Europe/London # Currency, symbol for main currency second symbol for 1/100s e.g. $ c or £ p or e c currency_symbols: - "£" - "p" # Number of threads to use in plan calculation # Can be auto for automatic, 0 for off or values 1-N for a fixed number threads: auto # XXX: This is a configuration template, delete this line once you edit your configuration #template: True # Sets the maximum period of zero load before the gap is filled, default 30 minutes # To disable set it to 1440 load_filter_threshold: 30 # # Sensors, more than one can be specified and they will be summed up automatically # # For two inverters the load today would normally be the master load sensor only (to cover the entire house) # If you have three phase and one inverter per phase then you would need three load sensors # # For pv_today if you have multiple solar inverter inputs then you should include one entry for each inverter # load_today: - sensor.my_home_load_power import_today: - sensor.my_home_site_import export_today: - sensor.my_home_site_export pv_today: - sensor.my_home_solar_import # Load forecast can be used to add to the historical load data (heat-pump) # To link to Predheat # Data must be in the format of 'last_updated' timestamp and 'energy' for incrementing kWh #load_forecast: # - predheat.heat_energy$external # # # Controls/status - must by 1 per inverter # num_inverters: 1 charge_start_hour: - "{{ expand('array', state_attr('sensor.octopus_agile_sequence_table', 'import_array')) | map(attribute='timefrom') | list }}" charge_stop_hour: - "{{ expand('array', state_attr('sensor.octopus_agile_sequence_table', 'import_array')) | map(attribute='timeupto') | list }}" # # Run balance inverters every N seconds (0=disabled) - only for multi-inverter balance_inverters_seconds: 60 # When enabled automatic restart will restart the add-on if communication fails # Example below is auto-restart for GivTCP add-on itself #auto_restart: # - shell: 'rm -rf /homeassistant/GivTCP/*.pkl' # - service: hassio/addon_restart # addon: a6a2857d_givtcp # Example on how to restart the inverter via GivTCP # - service: switch.turn_on # entity_id: switch.givtcp_{geserial}_reboot_invertor # Inverter max AC limit (one per inverter). E.g for a 3.6kw inverter set to 3600 # If you have a second inverter for PV only please add the two values together inverter_limit: - 3600 - 3600 # Export limit is a software limit set on your inverter that prevents exporting above a given level # When enabled Predbat will model this limit #export_limit: # - 3600 # - 3600 # Some inverters don't turn off when the rate is set to 0, still charge or discharge at around 200w # The value can be set here in watts to model this (doesn't change operation) #inverter_battery_rate_min: # - 200 # Workaround to limit the maximum reserve setting, some inverters won't allow 100% to be set # Comment out if your inverter allows 100% #inverter_reserve_max : 98 # Some batteries tail off their charge rate at high soc% # enter the charging curve here as a % of the max charge rate for each soc percentage. # the default is 1.0 (full power) # The example below is from GE 9.5kwh battery with latest firmware and gen1 inverter # # Predbat can compute this curve automatically if you have enough data, restart the add-on and look in the logfile for the data # once set here Predbat will no longer re-compute the curve. # Can also be set to 'auto' to just use the calculation curve, not recommended if you are using low power charging mode. #battery_charge_power_curve: # 91 : 0.91 # 92 : 0.81 # 93 : 0.71 # 94 : 0.62 # 95 : 0.52 # 96 : 0.43 # 97 : 0.33 # 98 : 0.24 # 99 : 0.24 # 100 : 0.24 #battery_discharge_power_curve: # 4 : 1.0 # Inverter clock skew in minutes, e.g. 1 means it's 1 minute fast and -1 is 1 minute slow # Separate start and end options are applied to the start and end time windows, mostly as you want to start late (not early) and finish early (not late) # Separate discharge skew for discharge windows only inverter_clock_skew_start: 0 inverter_clock_skew_end: 0 inverter_clock_skew_discharge_start: 0 inverter_clock_skew_discharge_end: 0 # Clock skew adjusts the Appdaemon time # This is the time that Predbat takes actions like starting discharge/charging # Only use this for workarounds if your inverter time is correct but Predbat is somehow wrong (AppDaemon issue) # 1 means add 1 minute to AppDaemon time, -1 takes it away clock_skew: 0 # Set these to match solcast sensor names # The regular expression (re:) makes the solcast bit optional # If these don't match find your own names in Home Assistant pv_forecast_today: re:(sensor.(solcast_|)(pv_forecast_|)forecast_today) pv_forecast_tomorrow: re:(sensor.(solcast_|)(pv_forecast_|)forecast_tomorrow) pv_forecast_d3: re:(sensor.(solcast_|)(pv_forecast_|)forecast_(day_3|d3)) pv_forecast_d4: re:(sensor.(solcast_|)(pv_forecast_|)forecast_(day_4|d4)) # Defines the number of cars modelled by the system, set to 0 for no car num_cars: 0 # Octopus saving session points to the saving session Sensor in the Octopus plugin, when enabled saving sessions will be at the assumed # Rate is read automatically from the add-in and converted to pence using the conversion rate below (default is 8) octopus_saving_session: "re:(binary_sensor.octopus_energy([0-9a-z_]+|)_saving_session(s|))" octopus_saving_session_octopoints_per_penny: 8 # Energy rates # Please set one of these three, if multiple are set then Octopus is used first, second rates_import/rates_export and latest basic metric # Set import and export entity to point to the Octopus Energy plugin import and export sensors # automatically matches your meter number assuming you have only one (no need to edit the below) # Will be ignored if you don't have the sensor but will error if you do have one and it's incorrect # NOTE: To get detailed energy rates you need to go in and manually enable the following events in HA # event.octopus_energy_electricity_xxxxxxxx_previous_day_rates # event.octopus_energy_electricity_xxxxxxxx_current_day_rates # event.octopus_energy_electricity_xxxxxxxx_next_day_rates # and if you have export enable: # event.octopus_energy_electricity_xxxxxxxx_export_previous_day_rates # event.octopus_energy_electricity_xxxxxxxx_export_current_day_rates # event.octopus_energy_electricity_xxxxxxxx_export_next_day_rates # Predbat will automatically find the event. entities from the link below to the sensors metric_octopus_import: "re:(sensor.(octopus_energy_|)electricity_[0-9a-z]+_[0-9a-z]+_current_rate)" metric_octopus_export: "re:(sensor.(octopus_energy_|)electricity_[0-9a-z]+_[0-9a-z]+_export_current_rate)" # Standing charge in pounds, can be set to a sensor or manually entered (e.g. 0.50 is 50p) # The default below will pick up the standing charge from the Octopus Plugin # The standing charge only impacts the cost graphs and doesn't change the way Predbat plans # If you don't want to show the standing charge then just delete this line or set to zero metric_standing_charge: "re:(sensor.(octopus_energy_|)electricity_[0-9a-z]+_[0-9a-z]+_current_standing_charge)" # Can be used instead of the plugin to get import rates directly online # Overrides metric_octopus_import and rates_import # rates_import_octopus_url : "https://api.octopus.energy/v1/products/FLUX-IMPORT-23-02-14/electricity-tariffs/E-1R-FLUX-IMPORT-23-02-14-A/standard-unit-rates" # rates_import_octopus_url : "https://api.octopus.energy/v1/products/AGILE-FLEX-BB-23-02-08/electricity-tariffs/E-1R-AGILE-FLEX-BB-23-02-08-A/standard-unit-rates" # Overrides metric_octopus_export and rates_export # rates_export_octopus_url: "https://api.octopus.energy/v1/products/FLUX-EXPORT-BB-23-02-14/electricity-tariffs/E-1R-FLUX-EXPORT-BB-23-02-14-A/standard-unit-rates" # rates_export_octopus_url: "https://api.octopus.energy/v1/products/AGILE-OUTGOING-BB-23-02-28/electricity-tariffs/E-1R-AGILE-OUTGOING-BB-23-02-28-A/standard-unit-rates/" # rates_export_octopus_url: "https://api.octopus.energy/v1/products/OUTGOING-FIX-12M-BB-23-02-09/electricity-tariffs/E-1R-OUTGOING-FIX-12M-BB-23-02-09-A/standard-unit-rates/" # Import rates can be overridden with rate_import_override # Export rates can be overridden with rate_export_override # Use the same format as above, but a date can be included if it just applies for a set day (e.g. Octopus power ups) # This will override even the Octopus plugin rates if enabled # #rates_import_override: # - date: '2023-09-10' # start: '14:00:00' # end: '14:30:00' # rate: 112 # load_scaling: 0.8 # For pv estimate, leave blank for central estimate, or add 10 for 10% curve (worst case) or 90 or 90% curve (best case) # If you use 10 then disable pv_metric10_weight below # pv_estimate: 10 # Days previous is the number of days back to find historical load data # Recommended is 7 to capture day of the week but 1 can also be used # if you have more history you could use 7 and 14 (in a list) but the standard data in HA only lasts 10 days days_previous: - 7 # Days previous weight can be used to control the weighting of the previous load points, the values are multiplied by their # weights and then divided through by the total weight. E.g. if you used 1 and 0.5 then the first value would have 2/3rd of the weight and the second 1/3rd # Include one value for each days_previous value, each weighting on a separate line. # If any days_previous's that are not given a weighting they will assume a default weighting of 1. days_previous_weight: - 1 # Number of hours forward to forecast, best left as-is unless you have specific reason forecast_hours: 24 # Specify the devices that notifies are sent to, the default is 'notify' which goes to all #notify_devices: # - mobile_app_treforsiphone12_2 # Battery scaling makes the battery smaller (e.g. 0.9) or bigger than its reported # If you have an 80% DoD battery that falsely reports it's kwh then set it to 0.8 to report the real figures # One per inverter battery_scaling: - 1.0 # Can be used to scale import and export data, used for workarounds import_export_scaling: 1.0 # Export triggers: # For each trigger give a name, the minutes of export needed and the energy required in that time # Multiple triggers can be set at once so in total you could use too much energy if all run # Creates an entity called 'binary_sensor.predbat_export_trigger_' which will be turned On when the condition is valid # connect this to your automation to start whatever you want to trigger export_triggers: - name: "large" minutes: 60 energy: 1.0 - name: "small" minutes: 15 energy: 0.25 # If you have a sensor that gives the energy consumed by your solar diverter then add it here # this will make the predictions more accurate. It should be an incrementing sensor, it can reset at midnight or not # It's assumed to be in Kwh but scaling can be applied if need be #iboost_energy_today: 'sensor.xxxxx' #iboost_energy_scaling: 1.0 # Gas rates for comparison #metric_octopus_gas: 're:(sensor.(octopus_energy_|)gas_[0-9a-z]+_[0-9a-z]+_current_rate)' # Nordpool market energy rates #futurerate_url: 'https://www.nordpoolgroup.com/api/marketdata/page/325?currency=GBP' #futurerate_adjust_import: True #futurerate_adjust_export: False #futurerate_peak_start: "16:00:00" #futurerate_peak_end: "19:00:00" #futurerate_peak_premium_import: 14 #futurerate_peak_premium_export: 6.5 # Watch list, a list of sensors to watch for changes and then update the plan if they change # This is useful for things like the Octopus Intelligent Slot sensor so that the plan update as soon as you plugin in # Only uncomment the items you actually have set up above in apps.yaml, of course you can add your own as well # Note those using +[] are lists that are appended to this list, whereas {} items are single items only #watch_list: # - '{octopus_intelligent_slot}' # - '{octopus_ready_time}' # - '{octopus_charge_limit}' # - '{octopus_saving_session}' # - '+[car_charging_planned]' # - '+[car_charging_soc]' # - '{car_charging_now}' inverter_type: MINE inverter: name: "Telsa Powerwall2" has_rest_api: False has_mqtt_api: False has_service_api: True output_charge_control: "power" has_charge_enable_time: True has_discharge_enable_time: False has_target_soc: False has_reserve_soc: False charge_time_format: "S" charge_time_entity_is_option: True soc_units: "%" num_load_entities: 1 has_ge_inverter_mode: False time_button_press: False clock_time_format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" write_and_poll_sleep: 2 has_time_window: True support_charge_freeze: False support_discharge_freeze": False # Services to control charging/discharging charge_start_service: service: number.set_value data: value: "100" target: entity_id: number.2_belcombe_close_backup_reserve option: "Charge from Solar Power and Grid" charge_stop_service: service: number.set_value data: value: "16" target: entity_id: number.2_belcombe_close_backup_reserve option: "Charge from Solar Power" #discharge_start_service: # service: select.select_option # entity_id: "select.solaredge_i1_storage_command_mode" # option: "Maximize Self Consumption" ``` 2024-03-28 16:15:01.767755 INFO pred_bat: ERROR: Exception raised 2024-03-28 16:15:01.755697 INFO pred_bat: ERROR: Inverter 0 unable to read charge window time as neither REST, charge_start_time or charge_start_hour are set 2024-03-28 16:15:01.754113 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 SOC: 0.0 kW 0 % Current charge rate 2600.0 w Current discharge rate 2600.0 w Current power 0.0 w Current voltage 52.0 2024-03-28 16:15:01.752555 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 with soc_max 10.0 kWh nominal_capacity 10.0 kWh battery rate raw 2600.0 w charge rate 2.6 kW discharge rate 2.6 kW battery_rate_min 0.0 w ac limit 3.6 kW export limit 3.6 kW reserve 4.0 % current_reserve 4.0 % 2024-03-28 16:15:01.750147 INFO pred_bat: Reserve min: 4.0% Battery_min:4.0% 2024-03-28 16:15:01.747992 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0: Type GE GivEnergy) 2024-03-28 16:15:01.698606 INFO pred_bat: Today's load divergence 100.0 % in-day adjustment 100.0 % damping 0.95x, Predicted so far 0 kWh with 0.0 kWh car excluded and 0.42 kWh import ignored and 0 forecast extra, Actual so far 0 kWh with 0.0 kWh car excluded and 0.0 kWh import ignored 2024-03-28 16:15:01.684172 INFO pred_bat: Historical days now [7] weight [1] 2024-03-28 16:15:01.557948 INFO pred_bat: WARN: Historical day 7 has no data, unable to fill gaps normally using nominal 24kWh - you should fix your system! 2024-03-28 16:15:01.554957 INFO pred_bat: Historical data totals for days [7] are [0] - min 0 2024-03-28 16:15:01.535993 INFO pred_bat: PV Data for pv_forecast_d4 total 15.45 kWh 2024-03-28 16:15:01.529765 INFO pred_bat: PV Data for pv_forecast_d3 total 17.64 kWh 2024-03-28 16:15:01.523810 INFO pred_bat: PV Data for pv_forecast_tomorrow total 15.59 kWh 2024-03-28 16:15:01.518171 INFO pred_bat: PV Data for pv_forecast_today total 6.55 kWh 2024-03-28 16:15:01.510719 INFO pred_bat: Todays energy import 12.2 kWh export 0.57 kWh cost 200.42 p import 204.2 p export -3.79 p 2024-03-28 16:15:01.462719 INFO pred_bat: Low Import rate found rates in range 6.81 to 30.24 2024-03-28 16:15:01.453209 INFO pred_bat: High export rate found rates in range 4.39 to 16.44 2024-03-28 16:15:01.443515 INFO pred_bat: Rate thresholds (for charge/discharge) are import 31.950000000000003p (0.0) export 4.33p (0.0) 2024-03-28 16:15:01.440830 INFO pred_bat: Export rates min 3.83 max 16.44 average 7.64 2024-03-28 16:15:01.431842 INFO pred_bat: Import rates min 6.81 max 32.45 average 15.24 2024-03-28 16:15:01.429328 INFO pred_bat: Rate min forward looking: now 6.81 at end of forecast 6.81 2024-03-28 16:15:01.157713 INFO pred_bat: Standing charge is set to 47.9535 p 2024-03-28 16:15:01.104557 INFO pred_bat: Fetching futurerate data from None 2024-03-28 16:15:01.101755 INFO pred_bat: Current data so far today: load 0 kWh import 12.2 kWh export 0.57 kWh pv 0.01 kWh 2024-03-28 16:15:01.099349 INFO pred_bat: Car charging hold True threshold 6.0 2024-03-28 16:15:00.879876 INFO pred_bat: Found 11520 load_today datapoints going back 7 days 2024-03-28 16:15:00.078917 INFO pred_bat: Predbat mode is set to Monitor 2024-03-28 16:15:00.076701 INFO pred_bat: Configuration: forecast_hours 24 max_windows 48 num_cars 0 debug enable is False calculate_plan_every 10 calculate_fast_plan False 2024-03-28 16:15:00.044350 INFO pred_bat: Autoupdate: Currently up to date It seems it doesn't like reading the charging times from the array, and I thought it would pick it up from the octopus events ? Please help !
springfall2008 commented 5 months ago

Welcome :)

I've not tried powerwall before so its hard to comment on specifics but many other systems do work with Predbat:


"{{ expand('array', state_attr('sensor.octopus_agile_sequence_table', 'import_array')) | map(attribute='timefrom') | list }}" You can't do this, predbat YAML is not HA yaml. You need to create the helper in HA and then reference it here just as an entity name.


What is this?

The charge_start_hour if you set this is meant to be the control of the inverters charging start time (needs to be writable)

mtaylor819 commented 5 months ago

So this is the start time found from a node red function I have that extracts the time from octopus for best charging slot. In the array you get a start and end time.

Can predbat read directly from octopus agile and read the charging times ?

gcoan commented 5 months ago

Can predbat read directly from octopus agile and read the charging times ?

Yes predbat uses the octopus integration and directly gets the car charging times from the intégration if you're on octopus intelligent go

mtaylor819 commented 5 months ago

Hi there,

I am octopus agile not intelligent go.

I removed the yaml you mentioned but am now getting the following error:

2024-03-30 22:06:14.607098 INFO pred_bat: ERROR: Exception raised 2024-03-30 22:06:14.594075 INFO pred_bat: ERROR: Inverter 0 unable to read charge window time as neither REST, charge_start_time or charge_start_hour are set 2024-03-30 22:06:14.592610 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 SOC: 0.0 kW 0 % Current charge rate 2600.0 w Current discharge rate 2600.0 w Current power 0.0 w Current voltage 52.0 2024-03-30 22:06:14.591166 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0 with soc_max 10.0 kWh nominal_capacity 10.0 kWh battery rate raw 2600.0 w charge rate 2.6 kW discharge rate 2.6 kW battery_rate_min 0.0 w ac limit 3.6 kW export limit 3.6 kW reserve 4.0 % current_reserve 4.0 % 2024-03-30 22:06:14.589131 INFO pred_bat: Reserve min: 4.0% Battery_min:4.0% 2024-03-30 22:06:14.587154 INFO pred_bat: Inverter 0: Type GE GivEnergy) 2024-03-30 22:06:14.556466 INFO pred_bat: Today's load divergence 100.0 % in-day adjustment 100.0 % damping 0.95x, Predicted so far 0 kWh with 0.0 kWh car excluded and 0.0 kWh import ignored and 0 forecast extra, Actual so far 0 kWh with 0.0 kWh car excluded and 0.0 kWh import ignored 2024-03-30 22:06:14.540668 INFO pred_bat: Historical days now [7] weight [1] 2024-03-30 22:06:14.404139 INFO pred_bat: WARN: Historical day 7 has no data, unable to fill gaps normally using nominal 24kWh - you should fix your system! 2024-03-30 22:06:14.400840 INFO pred_bat: Historical data totals for days [7] are [0] - min 0 2024-03-30 22:06:14.377353 INFO pred_bat: PV Data for pv_forecast_d4 total 10.23 kWh 2024-03-30 22:06:14.370412 INFO pred_bat: PV Data for pv_forecast_d3 total 13.42 kWh 2024-03-30 22:06:14.362951 INFO pred_bat: PV Data for pv_forecast_tomorrow total 12.68 kWh 2024-03-30 22:06:14.356588 INFO pred_bat: PV Data for pv_forecast_today total 20.57 kWh 2024-03-30 22:06:14.350770 INFO pred_bat: Todays energy import 10.1 kWh export 2.56 kWh cost 167.77 p import 184.9 p export -17.14 p 2024-03-30 22:06:14.296842 INFO pred_bat: Low Import rate found rates in range 8.9 to 31.12 2024-03-30 22:06:14.286845 INFO pred_bat: High export rate found rates in range 5.37 to 16.14 2024-03-30 22:06:14.276165 INFO pred_bat: Rate thresholds (for charge/discharge) are import 31.24p (0.0) export 5.23p (0.0) 2024-03-30 22:06:14.273974 INFO pred_bat: Export rates min 4.73 max 16.14 average 7.79 2024-03-30 22:06:14.264916 INFO pred_bat: Import rates min 8.9 max 31.74 average 15.6 2024-03-30 22:06:14.262803 INFO pred_bat: Rate min forward looking: now 8.9 at end of forecast 8.9 2024-03-30 22:06:13.963073 INFO pred_bat: Standing charge is set to 47.9535 p 2024-03-30 22:06:13.906930 INFO pred_bat: Fetching futurerate data from None 2024-03-30 22:06:13.904765 INFO pred_bat: Current data so far today: load 0 kWh import 10.1 kWh export 2.56 kWh pv 0.0 kWh 2024-03-30 22:06:13.902596 INFO pred_bat: Car charging hold True threshold 6.0 2024-03-30 22:06:13.700696 INFO pred_bat: Found 11520 load_today datapoints going back 7 days 2024-03-30 22:06:12.972217 INFO pred_bat: Predbat mode is set to Monitor 2024-03-30 22:06:12.970378 INFO pred_bat: Configuration: forecast_hours 24 max_windows 48 num_cars 0 debug enable is False calculate_plan_every 10 calculate_fast_plan False 2024-03-30 22:06:12.953371 INFO pred_bat: Autoupdate: Currently up to date 2024-03-30 22:06:12.952083 INFO pred_bat: Predbat /config/apps/predbat.py version v7.16.10 currently running, latest version is v7.16.10 latest beta v7.16.10 2024-03-30 22:06:12.417857 INFO pred_bat: --------------- PredBat - update at 2024-03-30 22:06:12.413800+00:00 with clock skew 0 minutes, minutes now 1325 2024-03-30 22:05:57.339803 INFO AppDaemon: App initialization complete 2024-03-30 22:05:57.337361 INFO pred_bat: Balance inverters will run every 60 seconds (if enabled) 2024-03-30 22:05:57.332435 INFO pred_bat: Predbat: Next run time will be 2024-03-30 22:10:00 and then every 300 seconds 2024-03-30 22:05:57.330376 INFO pred_bat: Watch list [] 2024-03-30 22:05:57.229806 INFO pred_bat: Note: Disabled configuration item plan_debug 2024-03-30 22:05:57.228133 INFO pred_bat: Note: Disabled configuration item forecast_plan_hours

Config below:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is an example configuration, please modify it
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
  module: predbat
  class: PredBat

  # Sets the prefix for all created entities in HA - only change if you want to run more than once instance
  prefix: predbat

  # Timezone to work in
  timezone: Europe/London

  # Currency, symbol for main currency second symbol for 1/100s e.g. $ c or £ p or e c
    - "£"
    - "p"

  # Number of threads to use in plan calculation
  # Can be auto for automatic, 0 for off or values 1-N for a fixed number
  threads: auto

  # XXX: This is a configuration template, delete this line once you edit your configuration
  #template: True

  # Sets the maximum period of zero load before the gap is filled, default 30 minutes
  # To disable set it to 1440
  load_filter_threshold: 30

  # Sensors, more than one can be specified and they will be summed up automatically
  # For two inverters the load today would normally be the master load sensor only (to cover the entire house)
  # If you have three phase and one inverter per phase then you would need three load sensors
  # For pv_today if you have multiple solar inverter inputs then you should include one entry for each inverter
    - sensor.my_home_load_power
    - sensor.my_home_site_import
    - sensor.my_home_site_export
    - sensor.my_home_solar_import

  # Load forecast can be used to add to the historical load data (heat-pump)
  # To link to Predheat
  # Data must be in the format of 'last_updated' timestamp and 'energy' for incrementing kWh
  #  - predheat.heat_energy$external

  # Controls/status - must by 1 per inverter
  num_inverters: 1

  # Run balance inverters every N seconds (0=disabled) - only for multi-inverter
  balance_inverters_seconds: 60

  # When enabled automatic restart will restart the add-on if communication fails
  # Example below is auto-restart for GivTCP add-on itself
  #  - shell: 'rm -rf /homeassistant/GivTCP/*.pkl'
  #  - service: hassio/addon_restart
  #    addon: a6a2857d_givtcp

  #  Example on how to restart the inverter via GivTCP
  #  - service: switch.turn_on
  #    entity_id: switch.givtcp_{geserial}_reboot_invertor

  # Inverter max AC limit (one per inverter). E.g for a 3.6kw inverter set to 3600
  # If you have a second inverter for PV only please add the two values together
    - 3600
    - 3600

  # Export limit is a software limit set on your inverter that prevents exporting above a given level
  # When enabled Predbat will model this limit
  # - 3600
  # - 3600

  # Some inverters don't turn off when the rate is set to 0, still charge or discharge at around 200w
  # The value can be set here in watts to model this (doesn't change operation)
  #  - 200

  # Workaround to limit the maximum reserve setting, some inverters won't allow 100% to be set
  # Comment out if your inverter allows 100%
  #inverter_reserve_max : 98

  # Some batteries tail off their charge rate at high soc%
  # enter the charging curve here as a % of the max charge rate for each soc percentage.
  # the default is 1.0 (full power)
  # The example below is from GE 9.5kwh battery with latest firmware and gen1 inverter
  # Predbat can compute this curve automatically if you have enough data, restart the add-on and look in the logfile for the data
  # once set here Predbat will no longer re-compute the curve.
  # Can also be set to 'auto' to just use the calculation curve, not recommended if you are using low power charging mode.
  #  91 : 0.91
  #  92 : 0.81
  #  93 : 0.71
  #  94 : 0.62
  #  95 : 0.52
  #  96 : 0.43
  #  97 : 0.33
  #  98 : 0.24
  #  99 : 0.24
  #  100 : 0.24
  #  4 : 1.0

  # Inverter clock skew in minutes, e.g. 1 means it's 1 minute fast and -1 is 1 minute slow
  # Separate start and end options are applied to the start and end time windows, mostly as you want to start late (not early) and finish early (not late)
  # Separate discharge skew for discharge windows only
  inverter_clock_skew_start: 0
  inverter_clock_skew_end: 0
  inverter_clock_skew_discharge_start: 0
  inverter_clock_skew_discharge_end: 0

  # Clock skew adjusts the Appdaemon time
  # This is the time that Predbat takes actions like starting discharge/charging
  # Only use this for workarounds if your inverter time is correct but Predbat is somehow wrong (AppDaemon issue)
  # 1 means add 1 minute to AppDaemon time, -1 takes it away
  clock_skew: 0

  # Set these to match solcast sensor names
  # The regular expression (re:) makes the solcast bit optional
  # If these don't match find your own names in Home Assistant
  pv_forecast_today: re:(sensor.(solcast_|)(pv_forecast_|)forecast_today)
  pv_forecast_tomorrow: re:(sensor.(solcast_|)(pv_forecast_|)forecast_tomorrow)
  pv_forecast_d3: re:(sensor.(solcast_|)(pv_forecast_|)forecast_(day_3|d3))
  pv_forecast_d4: re:(sensor.(solcast_|)(pv_forecast_|)forecast_(day_4|d4))

  # Defines the number of cars modelled by the system, set to 0 for no car
  num_cars: 0

  # Octopus saving session points to the saving session Sensor in the Octopus plugin, when enabled saving sessions will be at the assumed
  # Rate is read automatically from the add-in and converted to pence using the conversion rate below (default is 8)
  octopus_saving_session: "re:(binary_sensor.octopus_energy([0-9a-z_]+|)_saving_session(s|))"
  octopus_saving_session_octopoints_per_penny: 8

  # Energy rates
  # Please set one of these three, if multiple are set then Octopus is used first, second rates_import/rates_export and latest basic metric

  # Set import and export entity to point to the Octopus Energy plugin import and export sensors
  # automatically matches your meter number assuming you have only one (no need to edit the below)
  # Will be ignored if you don't have the sensor but will error if you do have one and it's incorrect
  # NOTE: To get detailed energy rates you need to go in and manually enable the following events in HA
  #       event.octopus_energy_electricity_xxxxxxxx_previous_day_rates
  #       event.octopus_energy_electricity_xxxxxxxx_current_day_rates
  #       event.octopus_energy_electricity_xxxxxxxx_next_day_rates
  # and if you have export enable:
  #       event.octopus_energy_electricity_xxxxxxxx_export_previous_day_rates
  #       event.octopus_energy_electricity_xxxxxxxx_export_current_day_rates
  #       event.octopus_energy_electricity_xxxxxxxx_export_next_day_rates
  # Predbat will automatically find the event. entities from the link below to the sensors
  metric_octopus_import: "re:(sensor.(octopus_energy_|)electricity_[0-9a-z]+_[0-9a-z]+_current_rate)"
  metric_octopus_export: "re:(sensor.(octopus_energy_|)electricity_[0-9a-z]+_[0-9a-z]+_export_current_rate)"

  # Standing charge in pounds, can be set to a sensor or manually entered (e.g. 0.50 is 50p)
  # The default below will pick up the standing charge from the Octopus Plugin
  # The standing charge only impacts the cost graphs and doesn't change the way Predbat plans
  # If you don't want to show the standing charge then just delete this line or set to zero
  metric_standing_charge: "re:(sensor.(octopus_energy_|)electricity_[0-9a-z]+_[0-9a-z]+_current_standing_charge)"

  # Can be used instead of the plugin to get import rates directly online
  # Overrides metric_octopus_import and rates_import
  # rates_import_octopus_url : "https://api.octopus.energy/v1/products/FLUX-IMPORT-23-02-14/electricity-tariffs/E-1R-FLUX-IMPORT-23-02-14-A/standard-unit-rates"
  # rates_import_octopus_url : "https://api.octopus.energy/v1/products/AGILE-FLEX-BB-23-02-08/electricity-tariffs/E-1R-AGILE-FLEX-BB-23-02-08-A/standard-unit-rates"

  # Overrides metric_octopus_export and rates_export
  # rates_export_octopus_url: "https://api.octopus.energy/v1/products/FLUX-EXPORT-BB-23-02-14/electricity-tariffs/E-1R-FLUX-EXPORT-BB-23-02-14-A/standard-unit-rates"
  # rates_export_octopus_url: "https://api.octopus.energy/v1/products/AGILE-OUTGOING-BB-23-02-28/electricity-tariffs/E-1R-AGILE-OUTGOING-BB-23-02-28-A/standard-unit-rates/"
  # rates_export_octopus_url: "https://api.octopus.energy/v1/products/OUTGOING-FIX-12M-BB-23-02-09/electricity-tariffs/E-1R-OUTGOING-FIX-12M-BB-23-02-09-A/standard-unit-rates/"

  # Import rates can be overridden with rate_import_override
  # Export rates can be overridden with rate_export_override
  # Use the same format as above, but a date can be included if it just applies for a set day (e.g. Octopus power ups)
  # This will override even the Octopus plugin rates if enabled
  # -  date: '2023-09-10'
  #    start: '14:00:00'
  #    end: '14:30:00'
  #    rate: 112
  #    load_scaling: 0.8

  # For pv estimate, leave blank for central estimate, or add 10 for 10% curve (worst case) or 90 or 90% curve (best case)
  # If you use 10 then disable pv_metric10_weight below
  # pv_estimate: 10

  # Days previous is the number of days back to find historical load data
  # Recommended is 7 to capture day of the week but 1 can also be used
  # if you have more history you could use 7 and 14 (in a list) but the standard data in HA only lasts 10 days
    - 7

  # Days previous weight can be used to control the weighting of the previous load points, the values are multiplied by their
  # weights and then divided through by the total weight. E.g. if you used 1 and 0.5 then the first value would have 2/3rd of the weight and the second 1/3rd
  # Include one value for each days_previous value, each weighting on a separate line.
  # If any days_previous's that are not given a weighting they will assume a default weighting of 1.
    - 1

  # Number of hours forward to forecast, best left as-is unless you have specific reason
  forecast_hours: 24

  # Specify the devices that notifies are sent to, the default is 'notify' which goes to all
  #  - mobile_app_treforsiphone12_2

  # Battery scaling makes the battery smaller (e.g. 0.9) or bigger than its reported
  # If you have an 80% DoD battery that falsely reports it's kwh then set it to 0.8 to report the real figures
  # One per inverter
    - 1.0

  # Can be used to scale import and export data, used for workarounds
  import_export_scaling: 1.0

  # Export triggers:
  # For each trigger give a name, the minutes of export needed and the energy required in that time
  # Multiple triggers can be set at once so in total you could use too much energy if all run
  # Creates an entity called 'binary_sensor.predbat_export_trigger_<name>' which will be turned On when the condition is valid
  # connect this to your automation to start whatever you want to trigger
    - name: "large"
      minutes: 60
      energy: 1.0
    - name: "small"
      minutes: 15
      energy: 0.25

  # If you have a sensor that gives the energy consumed by your solar diverter then add it here
  # this will make the predictions more accurate. It should be an incrementing sensor, it can reset at midnight or not
  # It's assumed to be in Kwh but scaling can be applied if need be
  #iboost_energy_today: 'sensor.xxxxx'
  #iboost_energy_scaling: 1.0
  # Gas rates for comparison
  #metric_octopus_gas: 're:(sensor.(octopus_energy_|)gas_[0-9a-z]+_[0-9a-z]+_current_rate)'

  # Nordpool market energy rates
  #futurerate_url: 'https://www.nordpoolgroup.com/api/marketdata/page/325?currency=GBP'
  #futurerate_adjust_import: True
  #futurerate_adjust_export: False
  #futurerate_peak_start: "16:00:00"
  #futurerate_peak_end: "19:00:00"
  #futurerate_peak_premium_import: 14
  #futurerate_peak_premium_export: 6.5

  # Watch list, a list of sensors to watch for changes and then update the plan if they change
  # This is useful for things like the Octopus Intelligent Slot sensor so that the plan update as soon as you plugin in
  # Only uncomment the items you actually have set up above in apps.yaml, of course you can add your own as well
  # Note those using +[] are lists that are appended to this list, whereas {} items are single items only
  #  - '{octopus_intelligent_slot}'
  #  - '{octopus_ready_time}'
  #  - '{octopus_charge_limit}'
  #  - '{octopus_saving_session}'
  #  - '+[car_charging_planned]'
  #  - '+[car_charging_soc]'
  #  - '{car_charging_now}'
inverter_type: MINE
  name: "Telsa Powerwall2"
  has_rest_api: False
  has_mqtt_api: False
  has_service_api: True
  output_charge_control: "power"
  has_charge_enable_time: False
  has_discharge_enable_time: False
  has_target_soc: False
  has_reserve_soc: False
  charge_time_format: "S"
  charge_time_entity_is_option: False
  soc_units: "%"
  num_load_entities: 1
  has_ge_inverter_mode: False
  time_button_press: False
  clock_time_format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
  write_and_poll_sleep: 2
  has_time_window: False
  support_charge_freeze: False
  support_discharge_freeze": False

  # Services to control charging/discharging
  service: number.set_value
    value: "100"
    entity_id: number.2_belcombe_close_backup_reserve
  option: "Charge from Solar Power and Grid"
  service: number.set_value
    value: "16"
    entity_id: number.2_belcombe_close_backup_reserve
  option: "Charge from Solar Power"
#   service: select.select_option
#    entity_id: "select.solaredge_i1_storage_command_mode"
#    option: "Maximize Self Consumption"
mtaylor819 commented 5 months ago

Just wondered if anyone had any ideas ?