springfall2008 / predai

Apache License 2.0
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Version for HA Core users #1

Open PianSom opened 2 months ago

PianSom commented 2 months ago

Hi Trefor - very interested to give this a go, but I'm a HA Container (ie HA in Docker) user so can't use Add-ons. Any chance of a version which ties into the Appdeamon world, like Predbat does?

springfall2008 commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately the appdaemon add-on itself is based on the wrong linux version so you can't use it with PyTorch.

However the add on is just a Docker container so I think you can run it in a seperate Docker you just need to pass in your HA supervisor key to the environment.

PianSom commented 2 months ago

Ah, pity!

And double pity - HA Container is not compatible with Supervisor. :(

springfall2008 commented 2 months ago

I doubt its the same thing, the key I'm talking about is for the REST interface between HA and external Apps which allows them to read/write state?

PianSom commented 2 months ago

Oh good. I thought you meant this Supervisor interaction. But a Long Lived Access Token is very possible.

I'll have a play when I have a spare half hour, thanks.

springfall2008 commented 3 weeks ago

I made it work with predbat_addon so you might be able to copy the stand-alone Dockerfile from there

PianSom commented 3 weeks ago

I'm afraid neither my GitHub nor my docker skills are up to this.

I tried docker build -t predai github.com/springfall2008/predai#main:predai but got the error

   2 |     ARG BUILD_FROM                                                                                                                                                            
   3 |     ARG BUILD_VERSION                                                                                                                                                         
   4 | >>> FROM $BUILD_FROM                                                                                                                                                          
   5 |     
   6 |     # Set shell
ERROR: failed to solve: base name ($BUILD_FROM) should not be blank

I think it's probably better that I wait until someone more skilled/experienced than me uploads a container to DockerHub. But thanks.