springload / homebrew-tools

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Makefile:35: recipe for target 'test' failed #1

Open johnanders123 opened 5 years ago

johnanders123 commented 5 years ago
==> make tools test bin
Last 15 lines from /home/john/.cache/Homebrew/Logs/terraform/01.make:
2019/07/17 19:09:55 Generated command/internal_plugin_list.go
go: downloading github.com/golang/mock v1.3.1
go: extracting github.com/golang/mock v1.3.1
# go fmt doesn't support -mod=vendor but it still wants to populate the
# module cache with everything in go.mod even though formatting requires
# no dependencies, and so we're disabling modules mode for this right
# now until the "go fmt" behavior is rationalized to either support the
# -mod= argument or _not_ try to install things.
GO111MODULE=off go fmt command/internal_plugin_list.go > /dev/null
go list -mod=vendor ./... | xargs -t -n4 go test  -mod=vendor -timeout=2m -parallel=4
build flag -mod=vendor only valid when using modules
go test -mod=vendor -timeout=2m -parallel=4 
build flag -mod=vendor only valid when using modules
Makefile:35: recipe for target 'test' failed
make: *** [test] Error 123
johnanders123 commented 5 years ago
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).
==> New Formulae
asyncplusplus                         bazelisk                              cpl                                   libspng                               libvncserver                          quickjs                               tflint
==> Updated Formulae
abcm2ps                   bundletool                deark                     faas-cli                  haskell-stack             media-info                perltidy                  sdlpop                    tmpreaper                 vim
abcmidi                   byacc                     deno                      ffmpeg                    hidapi                    mercurial                 pinboard-notes-backup     serverless                tomcat-native             vmtouch
ack                       cake                      diff-pdf                  ffmpeg@2.8                hub                       mesos                     pjproject                 sflowtool                 topgrade                  volatility
angular-cli               ccache                    digdag                    firebase-cli              imageoptim-cli            metabase                  platypus                  ship                      translate-toolkit         vttest
apache-arrow              certbot                   direvent                  flashrom                  jenkins                   minio                     png++                     skaffold                  triton                    watson
apache-arrow-glib         cfn-lint                  docker                    flawfinder                jenkins-lts               minio-mc                  poppler                   snakemake                 twine-pypi                wcslib
ask-cli                   cfssl                     docker-completion         fn                        kubernetes-cli            monero                    presto                    stella                    txr                       webpack
astrometry-net            click                     docker-credential-helper  fossil                    kustomize                 mono                      pulumi                    stress-ng                 urh                       wgetpaste
avfs                      clojure                   doctl                     freediameter              libheif                   mpg123                    qmmp                      stuntman                  uriparser                 whois
awscli                    cmake                     dovecot                   gatsby-cli                libphonenumber            nats-server               remarshal                 subnetcalc                v8                        wireshark
azure-cli                 cockroach                 drone-cli                 gdal                      libstatgrab               netlify-cli               rex                       swift-protobuf            vala                      x265
babel                     cocoapods                 eiffelstudio              geoserver                 libvpx                    newt                      rke                       swiftlint                 vapoursynth               xa
bacula-fd                 contentful-cli            ejabberd                  git-absorb                libxmlsec1                nim                       rpm2cpio                  tag                       vapoursynth-imwri         xonsh
balena-cli                convox                    elixir                    glances                   link-grammar              omega                     rsyslog                   terraform                 vapoursynth-ocr           youtube-dl
bazel                     cpprestsdk                epubcheck                 glooctl                   liquibase                 overmind                  rush                      terraformer               vapoursynth-sub           zstd
binaryen                  cromwell                  esptool                   gnu-apl                   lmdb                      pazpar2                   scamper                   terragrunt                vegeta
bit                       curl                      exiftool                  gpgme                     lolcat                    pcsc-lite                 scdoc                     terrahub                  vert.x
btfs                      curl-openssl              exploitdb                 grails                    mdbook                    pdftoipe                  sdl2_image                thors-serializer          vfuse

==> Installing terragrunt from springload/tools
==> Installing dependencies for springload/tools/terragrunt: patchelf, go, dep, gox and springload/tools/terraform
==> Installing springload/tools/terragrunt dependency: patchelf
==> Downloading https://linuxbrew.bintray.com/bottles/patchelf-0.10.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /home/john/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/405227c46362964d2bc2e9ff6428fe082dff4dbd3a4b0b29453743f71923304b--patchelf-0.10.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
==> Pouring patchelf-0.10.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/patchelf/0.10: 8 files, 921.5KB
==> Installing springload/tools/terragrunt dependency: go
==> Downloading https://linuxbrew.bintray.com/bottles/go-1.12.7.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /home/john/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/7ccb7fd7b38bf282aa84c02bbef984e8935c7153e02f69c351dfe654e7747e89--go-1.12.7.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
==> Pouring go-1.12.7.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/go/1.12.7: 9,814 files, 459.5MB
==> Installing springload/tools/terragrunt dependency: dep
==> Downloading https://linuxbrew.bintray.com/bottles/dep-0.5.4.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /home/john/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/4a5655a1715932b3ce79e7ddd99ffc5e889a1b5698185789e0945089795c3ef7--dep-0.5.4.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
==> Pouring dep-0.5.4.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/dep/0.5.4: 7 files, 10.6MB
==> Installing springload/tools/terragrunt dependency: gox
==> Downloading https://linuxbrew.bintray.com/bottles/gox-1.0.1.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /home/john/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/4e92b84ea4b5a5f09791d83c94bf742fe02e987e0f821db452e7a6c0ecd58a6c--gox-1.0.1.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
==> Pouring gox-1.0.1.x86_64_linux.bottle.tar.gz
🍺  /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/gox/1.0.1: 5 files, 4.0MB
==> Installing springload/tools/terragrunt dependency: springload/tools/terraform
==> Downloading https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/archive/v0.12.3.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /home/john/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/a37660d148d5276477095954d87f7c3e9892811d47ab00c78d05e8b08f3f80da--terraform-0.12.3.tar.gz
==> Downloading https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ekini/2770b54ad619967928eaa04fc496a162/raw/084243b8416085ab8fd2266a4b38de8ca577e5e4/variables.patch
Already downloaded: /home/john/.cache/Homebrew/downloads/ccb6837e53c915250b626b1c971e8aa4c288c7ff313759d25905c2ecbe541da7--variables.patch
==> Patching
==> Applying variables.patch
patching file backend/unparsed_value.go
==> make tools test bin
Last 15 lines from /home/john/.cache/Homebrew/Logs/terraform/01.make:
2019/07/22 11:12:27 Generated command/internal_plugin_list.go
go: downloading github.com/golang/mock v1.3.1
go: extracting github.com/golang/mock v1.3.1
# go fmt doesn't support -mod=vendor but it still wants to populate the
# module cache with everything in go.mod even though formatting requires
# no dependencies, and so we're disabling modules mode for this right
# now until the "go fmt" behavior is rationalized to either support the
# -mod= argument or _not_ try to install things.
GO111MODULE=off go fmt command/internal_plugin_list.go > /dev/null
go list -mod=vendor ./... | xargs -t -n4 go test  -mod=vendor -timeout=2m -parallel=4
build flag -mod=vendor only valid when using modules
go test -mod=vendor -timeout=2m -parallel=4 
build flag -mod=vendor only valid when using modules
Makefile:35: recipe for target 'test' failed
make: *** [test] Error 123

If reporting this issue please do so at (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/core):
johnanders123 commented 5 years ago

john@john:~/Downloads/pycharm-2019.1.3/bin$ whereis go go: /usr/local/go /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/go