springload / madewithwagtail

A showcase of sites and apps made with Wagtail CMS, the easy to use, open source Django content management system
MIT License
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Cool new features #38

Open thibaudcolas opened 7 years ago

thibaudcolas commented 7 years ago

Automated screenshots

Right now we have https://github.com/springload/screenshotron, which is a fancier and hopefully more reliable version of the Slimer.js scripts we had before.

Tom suggested https://screenshotlayer.com/, like what https://github.com/adriangoe/wagtailvisualdiff does.

makes 2 screenshots for each page and screenshotlayer.com requires paid subscription if you reach limit of 100 screenshots per month

jennyadamsnz commented 6 years ago

Regarding Call to action. Need help with Wagtail? Call us, I think a contact form linked to a new general made with wagtail Springload email address would be a more realistic option for user support. I think this would also make sense to use this new email address to send confirmation emails from as I currently send these from my own Springload address and get replies re questions and adjustments etc which won't get answered when I'm no longer at Springload.

loicteixeira commented 6 years ago

Regarding automated screenshots, headless Chrome is now a thing and could be used for that purpose.

Snippet from @mojeto:

google-chrome --headless --hide-scrollbars --disable-gpu --screenshot --window-size=1200,996 https://www.madewithwagtail.org