springload / madewithwagtail

A showcase of sites and apps made with Wagtail CMS, the easy to use, open source Django content management system
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Add featured, curated list of sites on the homepage #82

Open thibaudcolas opened 6 years ago

thibaudcolas commented 6 years ago

From @bwjwright:

Does there need to be a curated list of featured/awesome sites on Made with Wagtail?


thibaudcolas commented 6 years ago

@bwjwright we discussed it in the past and the main reason why not much happened is that we're having a very hard time getting a back-end dev to work on this. That said if as Jenny suggests we leveraged the existing "featured" flag, we could get by with minimal back-end changes that a FED could do.

If you have some time to make a mock-up of what this would look, that would definitely kick things off :grin:

From a product owner standpoint, I think it's important that any Wagtail site is added to MWW because we don't want to be in a gatekeeper position, and I find it really cool to see even the smallest weirdest sites people make. It makes sense to showcase "latest submissions" on the homepage to give those some visibility, but we should have more control over the "above the fold" real estate to give a better first impression. Thoughts welcome 🙂