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In Springwolf UI, add support for sending RabbitMQ Message towards an exchange using a RoutingKey #366

Open pdalfarr opened 1 year ago

pdalfarr commented 1 year ago

Describe the feature request In Springwolf UI, add support for sending RabbitMQ Message towards an exchange using a Routing Key.

Motivation Springwolf is able to list all the Publishers and Subscribers and present a UI which, not only list these, but also allow to test them by sending message. Regarding RabbitMq, this 'message sending' feature is working fine for RabbitMQ QUEUES, but does not work for EXCHANGE. This feature request aims to implements this missing part.

Technical details

Here are some technical details I gathered so far:

The springwolf UI allows to send messages to QUEUES (when plugin.amqp.publishing.enabled: true ) which is OK when specifying queue name in AsyncOperation.channelName

But sending a message to a TOPIC (exchange) is not working as expected:

Let's take an example:

In one of the RabbitMQ your example, here


we have:

            operation =
                            channelName = "example-producer-channel-publisher",
                            description = "Custom, optional description defined in the AsyncPublisher annotation"))
    public void sendMessage(ExamplePayloadDto msg) {
        // send
        AnotherPayloadDto dto = new AnotherPayloadDto("fooValue", msg);
        rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("example-topic-exchange", "example-topic-routing-key", dto);

Now, let's suppose we have, in another micro-service, a method with the following annotation:

            bindings = @QueueBinding(
                    value = @Queue(
                            name = "microservice-2-private-queue-name" // this is a private queue of this micro-service: I do not want this string value to be known by the first micro-service (micro-service 1), i.e., your sample code
                    exchange = @Exchange(
                            name = "example-producer-channel-publisher", // the exchange from in your sample code
                            type = ExchangeTypes.TOPIC
                    key = "example-topic-routing-key" // the key from your sample code

So, this microservice2 does declare a topic which receives messages send by the RabbitMQ 'sample' code :

rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("example-topic-exchange", "example-topic-routing-key", dto);

This is working fine, BUT, when using the Springwolf UI, it does not work.

It seems that messages sent from the UI goes to a QUEUE named "example-producer-channel-publisher" along with a routing-key with the same value, i.e. "example-producer-channel-publisher"

Ideas: Maybe we could make use of amqpchannelbinding to express the fact that we want 'the UI' to send message towards a given exchange (a topic in my example), along with a routing key ?

In the example I gave here, your code (micro-service 1) is sending a message to a topic (rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("example-topic-exchange", "example-topic-routing-key", dto); ). Of course, I do NOT want the "microservice-2-private-queue-name" queue name (from micro-service 2) to be known by the AsyncPublisher annotation of micro-service 1.

And I want my microservice-2 being able to change 'at will' the name of it's own internal/private queue. microservice-1should only know about the exchange+routing-key of micro-service 2. In other words, microservice-1, must send message to this (let's say public) exchange, and this is what is actually done in the code. So I guess this should be reflected in the annotation, as well as in the behavior of Springwolf UI.

I tested this on my side in my project, and the messages send from the UI get delivered to micro-service 2 if I set, in micro-service 1, the channelName to "microservice-2-private-queue-name".

Describe alternatives you've considered I haven't considered any alternatives yet.

timonback commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this elaborate explanation. Now, I understand that an exchange with a routingKey is a feature to hide the underlying queue name - or adjust it dynamically.

Basically you want to use springwolf-ui on microservice 1 to publish a message. It should take the info from rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("example-topic-exchange", "example-topic-routing-key", dto);. The exchange knows the private queue of microservice 2 and does the mapping internally.

Springwolf UI does not support this at this point. I see three things that would need to change:

  1. Microservice 1 needs to be aware of the routingKey, i.e. through the AmqpAsyncChannelBinding annotation
  2. The Springwolf UI would need to extract the routingKey from the doc and render - specific for amqp - an additional publishing field - or at least pass it on.
  3. The SpringwolfAmqpProducer needs to send the message to the specified routingKey that is supplied from the frontend.

Feel free to contribute this feature, we are happy to help.

pdalfarr commented 1 year ago

Just adding a link and a picture to illustrate the different kind of exchanges supported by RabbitMQ:


src: https://hevodata.com/learn/rabbitmq-exchange-type/

So the 'complete chain' is:

Producer > Channel > Exchange > Binding > Routing Key > Queue > Consumer

pdalfarr commented 6 months ago

I am not really sure of myself here, but still I do share some thoughts to try to move things forward. The text below is a kind of brainstorming if you will.

I had a look at the code and I think that maybe we could first change a bit the code without adding a new 'routingKey' attribute you mentioned.

1. What if we also add bindings here:


So we we would have something like

 ChannelObject channelItem = channelBuilder 
         .messages(Map.of(message.getMessageId(), MessageReference.toComponentMessage(message))) 

2. So ChannelBinding would be available for these 2 methods here
(In my case, when I use AsyncPublisher + AsyncOperation and AmqpAsyncOperationBinding, the code below does not find any "amqp" bindings) :


By doing this I think we should be able to deal with the type of AMQPChannelBinding

If it's AMQPChannelType.ROUTING_KEY, then we should publish like so:

    rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("exchange-name", "routing-key-as-per-AMQPOperationBinding.cc[0]-OR-empty-string-if-not-defined", dto); 

and if it's AMQPChannelType.QUEUE, then we should publish like so:

    rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("", "queue-name-as-routing-key", dto); // we publish towards the 'default exchange'

for the latter case, maybe we should be able to to specify / or to obtain from some place , the exchange, other than default exchange? Or maybe the AMQPChannelType.QUEUEis meant to declare a queue, but not a binding to it.. so there is no point of taking this into in the from of performing a rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend method call.. this I am not really sure of.

3. About existing annotations

FYI, the method I am testing in the frame of this explanation has the following annotations

            operation = @AsyncOperation(
                    channelName = "", // I want to publish on exchange "", is this the proper way to specify this? this generate some weird things in asyncapi.yaml , like '_send_other_service.get-observations.v1' and such ... 
                    description = "other_service.get-observations.v1" + " description",
                    payloadType = GetObservationsRequest.class
            // cc[0] = routingKey, as defined by the other service
            // is this OK? or should I write cc = "other_service.get-observations.v1", without { } ?
            cc = {"other_service.get-observations.v1"}
AmqpAsyncOperationBinding.cc[0] )
    public void sendObservationsRequest(

So, here, I am expecting SpringWolf UI to do this:

rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend( AsyncPublisher.operation.channelName , AmqpAsyncOperationBinding.cc[0] )

which is, with actual values :

rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend( "" , "other_service.get-observations.v1")

but what I do observe is this:

rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend( "" , "")

so, routingKey is not 'taken from' AmqpAsyncOperationBinding.cc[0]

4. Possible or not ?

What is your opinion on the idea presented here? Is it feasible and correct regarding the existing code base? I am a bit worried about adding bindings in ChannelObject as I have no idea about the implication of such a change. I do not have the big picture of SpringWolf in mind, so maybe it would break things here and there.

( 5. What's next

Once done, we could could possibly think of a feature in SpringWolf UI which would be 'overwrite routingKey'. But I guess we could first focus in the current proposal here. )

pdalfarr commented 6 months ago

FYI, here is a screenshot of RabbitMQ management UI. This screenshot illustrates how one can send a message "towards a queue". More precisely, the message will be sent

(The "Default exchange" then will 'route' the message to the queue)



pdalfarr commented 5 months ago

@timonback @sam0r040 I just created a PR to share some new unit tests with you. I think there is something fishy with asyncapi.yaml generation using @RabbitListenr as input. PR availalbe here: https://github.com/springwolf/springwolf-core/pull/790 If you run ApiIntegrationTest tests, we will see what I mean ;-)

timonback commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the PR @pdalfarr

I guess we need to into the asyncapi docs how amqp is mapped to channels, particular routing keys. In case you find time to check, this seems to be one of the relevant lines within springwolf: https://github.com/springwolf/springwolf-core/blob/86e3406ab9167ea208e6f799019db31c61efc550/springwolf-plugins/springwolf-amqp-plugin/src/main/java/io/github/springwolf/plugins/amqp/asyncapi/scanners/bindings/RabbitListenerUtil.java#L44

pdalfarr commented 5 months ago

You are welcome. I'll try to investigate. Also, FYI, I sent out a message in a bottle here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78581918/async-api-bare-minimum-asyncapi-yaml-for-simple-rabbitlistener

pdalfarr commented 5 months ago

@timonback FYI, a guy from Modelina answered to my SO question here : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78581918/async-api-bare-minimum-asyncapi-yaml-for-simple-rabbitlistener?noredirect=1#comment138573527_78581918 inital contact with him was established here: https://github.com/asyncapi/modelina/issues/1376

I think there is valuable information there for your springwolf-amqp plugin ;-)

timonback commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the contact.

I get the feeling that we need to deeply look into the amqp plugin implementation and how exchanges, routing keys and queues are mapped to asyncapi and springwolf.

timonback commented 3 months ago

Relates to https://github.com/asyncapi/bindings/pull/259