Display Type References
As a User
I want to see references to types from the next column
So that I can understand the relationships between elements.
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] In the edit drawer of a type, an option make it possible to create the link between two types, to create a type ref.
In 'IED 1 Type' config, there is a 'link to' option specifying Bays types: Choosing one creates a new type reference card underneath it.
[x] Each card might display type references cards underneath, only from types from the next column (on the right).
[ ] The types references should update dynamically as elements are added or removed.
[ ] A specific UI icon makes it clear that the card is a type reference
A 180-degree turn in logic is planned in another PR, with the team agreeing on a different way of handling the parent-child relationship in SCD integration.
Display Type References As a User I want to see references to types from the next column So that I can understand the relationships between elements.
Acceptance Criteria: