I see a few failures (unintended as far as I can see?) with the new template. Can you reproduce? Some scenarios fail deliberately for training purposes, but as I understand it the account and todo scenarios should work right?
Lets fix them before releasing 2.3.1:
Deprecation warning
Scenario: example01 - Spritecloud search # features/1_basic.feature:8
Given the user navigates to "blog" # features/step_definitions/basic_steps.rb:12
When the user searches for "lapis lazuli" # features/step_definitions/basic_steps.rb:17
2018-02-06 09:58:59 WARN Watir [DEPRECATION] :text locator with RegExp values to find elements based on only visible text is deprecated. Use :visible_text instead.
Then text "Open Source" should display somewhere on the page # features/step_definitions/basic_steps.rb:29
Error in the @account_01 scenario
@account_01 @log_in # @pause # You can add @pause to have a break between every step.
Scenario: account_01 - Logging in # features/2_account.feature:11
Given the user is logged out # features/step_definitions/account_steps.rb:17
When "test-user" logs in # features/step_definitions/account_steps.rb:7
timed out after 30 seconds, waiting for #<Watir::Input: located: false; {:xpath=>"//div[contains(concat('', normalize-space(@class), ''), 'container')]", :tag_name=>"div", :index=>0} --> {:id=>"login-password", :tag_name=>"input"}> to be located (Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException)
./features/helpers/authentication_helper.rb:108:in `log_in'
./features/step_definitions/account_steps.rb:10:in `/^"?(.*?)"? logs in$/'
features/2_account.feature:13:in `When "test-user" logs in'
Then the page should display as logged in state # features/step_definitions/account_steps.rb:26
Error in account_02 scenario
@account_02 @log_out
Scenario: account_02 - Logging out # features/2_account.feature:17
Given "test-user" is logged in # features/step_definitions/account_steps.rb:21
timed out after 30 seconds, waiting for #<Watir::Input: located: false; {:xpath=>"//div[contains(concat('', normalize-space(@class), ''), 'container')]", :tag_name=>"div", :index=>0} --> {:id=>"login-password", :tag_name=>"input"}> to be located (Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException)
./features/helpers/authentication_helper.rb:108:in `log_in'
./features/helpers/authentication_helper.rb:56:in `ensure_log_in'
./features/step_definitions/account_steps.rb:22:in `/^"(.*?)" is logged in$/'
features/2_account.feature:18:in `Given "test-user" is logged in'
When the user clicks on the logout button # features/step_definitions/account_steps.rb:13
Then the page should display as logged out state # features/step_definitions/account_steps.rb:26
Error in account_05
Scenario: account_05 - Logging in a new registration # features/2_account.feature:35
Given "default-user" has registered a new account # features/step_definitions/account_steps.rb:49
When the user logs in # features/step_definitions/account_steps.rb:7
timed out after 30 seconds, waiting for #<Watir::Input: located: false; {:xpath=>"//div[contains(concat('', normalize-space(@class), ''), 'container')]", :tag_name=>"div", :index=>0} --> {:id=>"login-password", :tag_name=>"input"}> to be located (Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException)
./features/helpers/authentication_helper.rb:108:in `log_in'
./features/step_definitions/account_steps.rb:10:in `/^"?(.*?)"? logs in$/'
features/2_account.feature:37:in `When the user logs in'
Then the page should display as logged in state # features/step_definitions/account_steps.rb:26
Error in the todo_01 scenario
Scenario: todo_01 - adding a todo item # features/3_todo_list.feature:7
Given "test-user" is logged in # features/step_definitions/account_steps.rb:21
timed out after 30 seconds, waiting for #<Watir::Input: located: false; {:xpath=>"//div[contains(concat('', normalize-space(@class), ''), 'container')]", :tag_name=>"div", :index=>0} --> {:id=>"login-password", :tag_name=>"input"}> to be located (Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException)
./features/helpers/authentication_helper.rb:108:in `log_in'
./features/helpers/authentication_helper.rb:56:in `ensure_log_in'
./features/step_definitions/account_steps.rb:22:in `/^"(.*?)" is logged in$/'
features/3_todo_list.feature:8:in `Given "test-user" is logged in'
When a todo item with text "Hello world" is added # features/step_definitions/todo_steps.rb:1
Then a todo item with text "Hello world" should be present # features/step_definitions/todo_steps.rb:5
I see a few failures (unintended as far as I can see?) with the new template. Can you reproduce? Some scenarios fail deliberately for training purposes, but as I understand it the account and todo scenarios should work right?
Lets fix them before releasing 2.3.1:
Deprecation warning
Error in the @account_01 scenario
Error in account_02 scenario
Error in account_05
Error in the todo_01 scenario