Deleting all the images from the Smart Sprite Sheet and published then preview in the resource inspector doesn't change back to the correct texture. #755
Move ground.png and background.png outside of the Sprites folder.
Control-click on the Sprites folder and select "Make Smart Sprite Sheet".
Publish it and preview in the resource inspector.
--Observe: All images are displayed.
Delete all the images from the Smart folder.
Publish project.
See preview of the folder again.
--Result: Deleting all the images from the Smart Sprite Sheet and published then preview in the resource inspector doesn't change back to the correct texture.
See preview of the folder again.
--Result: Deleting all the images from the Smart Sprite Sheet and published then preview in the resource inspector doesn't change back to the correct texture.
Link to the video is attached:
Build: SpriteBuilder-1.2.0-beta.2
Mac OS X: 10.9.0.