sproctor / php-calendar

Apache License 2.0
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Embedding Issues.. #63

Closed fitty75 closed 10 years ago

fitty75 commented 10 years ago

Hi, I've embedded the calendar into one of my web pages which works fine. However, as soon as any of the navigaton links (i.e last month, %month name% ro display event) are used, the calendar redirects to it's vanilla index.php.

Is there a way of maintaining the embedded view throughout?



sproctor commented 10 years ago

Do you have something I can look at? It gets the script name from the URL, so if you're doing URL rewriting stuff, you're going to have to specify it in the script. Pretty sure the variable you want to change is $phpc_script in embed_setup.php

fitty75 commented 10 years ago

I actually managed to resolve this...probably not the best way but I captured the call in my main website index.php and redirected it to the embedded page along with the get variables which seemed to work ok.....thanks for getting back to me though!