sproutcore / abbot

SproutCore Build Tools [deprecated]
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Infinit loading when I build my app with 1.7.1 beta #67

Closed nicolasbadia closed 12 years ago

nicolasbadia commented 13 years ago

When I do: sc-build gestxi -r --languages=fr

After this two lines, the script never stop:

Executing java -jar "/Users/nicolasbadia/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/sproutcore-1.7.1.beta/vendor/sproutcore/lib/yuicompressor-2.4.6.jar" -o "/Users/nicolasbadia/Sites/gestxi/tmp/build/static/gestxi/fr/ad48f38b161326579f69529ec852948bf3edd5f3/javascript-packed.js" "/Users/nicolasbadia/Sites/gestxi/tmp/build/static/gestxi/fr/ad48f38b161326579f69529ec852948bf3edd5f3/javascript-packed.js" 2>&1
Executing java -jar "/Users/nicolasbadia/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/sproutcore-1.7.1.beta/vendor/sproutcore/SCCompiler.jar" "/Users/nicolasbadia/Sites/gestxi/tmp/build/static/gestxi/fr/ad48f38b161326579f69529ec852948bf3edd5f3/index.html" 2>&1

Everything work great with 1.6 version.

ialexi commented 13 years ago

Interesting. Can you check if Java is still running?

nicolasbadia commented 13 years ago

No, it's not. There is just ruby which make running my CPU at 100%. Java run few seconds after the two lines appears and stop.

nicolasbadia commented 13 years ago

Any clue on how I could debug this ? I know well Sproutcore but I not really Abbot. I'd like to use Abbot 1.7 to be abble to use Sproutcore 1.7 (SC.PickerPane need Abbot 1.7...).

Just in case, here is my build file:

config :all,  
  :use_sprites => false,
  :title => 'GestXi', 
  :layout => 'gestxi:index.rhtml',
  :languages => [:fr],
  :theme => 'sproutcore/ace',
  :css_theme => 'gx',
  :html5_history => true,
  :required => ['sproutcore', 'sproutcore/statechart', 'sproutcore/ace', 'sproutcore/experimental/split_view', 'gx_table', 'flot', 'webcam', 'Jcrop', 'farbtastic', 'sha256', 'aes', 'jwysiwyg']

I've try to use_sprites => true but nothing change. About that, if I use sprite my background use the sprite image (with a lot of pink...). I'm also getting an error that I need to install rmagick (which is installed) for the images that or not png.

nicolasbadia commented 12 years ago

Find my error ! I had set config :all to include my library instead of setting config :my_app