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Question: Generate stringified CBOR from Mdoc #81

Closed warren-gallagher closed 6 months ago

warren-gallagher commented 6 months ago

I have managed to use the issuance API to build/sign an Mdoc struct from a JSON description. What do I need to do to generate a stringified mdl similar to the file shipped in the test directory.

sbihel commented 6 months ago

Apologies for the delay, you should be able to with the Stringify trait https://github.com/spruceid/isomdl/blob/f7b05dfa3cd2d3be4944892b7b2c916668fec738/src/presentation/mod.rs#L8C1-L8C1, but first you will need to convert the Mdoc into Document which is possible with the From trait

cc @cobward

warren-gallagher commented 6 months ago

Many thanks for the help. I'll give that a shot.

warren-gallagher commented 6 months ago

I was able to get things implemented. Thanks again. Closing.