spruceid / ssi

Core library for decentralized identity.
Apache License 2.0
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Credential/Presentation verify fails if serde_json feature arbitrary_precision is enabled. #528

Open vdods opened 11 months ago

vdods commented 11 months ago

I'm currently digging into the precise cause, but it seems like the something in Credential/Presentation's impl of to_dataset_for_signing is not correctly forming the dataset when this arbitrary_precision feature is enabled in the serde_json crate. The arbitrary_precision feature causes numbers to be stored as strings, so perhaps to_dataset_for_signing is incorrectly canonicalizing numbers as strings.

The specific error returned by Credential::verify / Presentation::verify is "Verification equation was not satisfied" if ed25519-dalek is used, and "ring::error::Unspecified" if ring is used.

vdods commented 11 months ago

Ok, it looks like the call let json = ssi_json_ld::syntax::to_value_with(copy, Default::default).unwrap(); in Credential::to_dataset_for_signing is where it goes wrong.

Comparison of the json variable when serde_json/arbitrary_precision feature is not enabled and when it is enabled: When it is not enabled (irrelevant detail truncated):

    Span {
        start: 0,
        end: 0,
): Meta(
    Span {
        start: 0,
        end: 0,

When it is enabled:

    Span {
        start: 0,
        end: 0,
): Meta(
                Span {
                    start: 0,
                    end: 0,
            ): Meta(
                Span {
                    start: 0,
                    end: 0,

So it looks like because ssi_json_ld::syntax::to_value_with calls serde::Serialize, it's inheriting the problem described here. I'm not very familiar with how serde Serializers are implemented, but perhaps it's possible to somehow specify special behavior for "$serde_json::private::Number".

Unfortunately I'm not able to disable the arbitrary_precision feature, since it's buried my dependency on the ethers-rs crate. But ideally that crate would avoid using the arbitrary_precision flag.
