spruhaN / nutrition_pal

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Schema/API Design Comments (Dale Percelay) #25

Open dalepercelay opened 1 month ago

dalepercelay commented 1 month ago

1 Include some simple logic to ensure all data is positive numbers, to ensure real information being input (weight, cals, height). 2 Create endpoint for making edits to heights and wieghts of users 3 Definitely distinguish your different endpoints into different files. This will at the least improve organization and readability, and can prevent errors down the line, especially in a group project. 4 Create endpoint for adjusting a meals calories/ingredients afterwards 5 I would create a new join table describing your muscle groups. it should fix the issue of limiting exercises that has more than one muscle groups like a pull up to just one 6 You can do the same for meals, where more than one ingredient/cuisine is of course possible. 8 Allow users to update personal information, create a users endpoint with this data. 9 A supabase timestampz column in all your database will make the testing process easier and faster. 10 ID number isn't relevant to your user, it shouldn't be returned in any capacity.