spsanderson / TidyDensity

Create tidy probability/density tibbles and plots of randomly generated and empirical data.
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negative_binomial #146

Closed spsanderson closed 2 years ago

spsanderson commented 2 years ago


spsanderson commented 2 years ago


#' Distribution Statistics
#' @family Binomaial
#' @family Negative Binomial
#' @fmaily Distribution Statistics
#' @author Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
#' @details This function will take in a tibble and returns the statistics
#' of the given type of `tidy_` distribution. It is required that data be
#' passed from a `tidy_` distribution function.
#' @description Returns distribution statistics in a tibble.
#' @param .data The data being passed from a `tidy_` distribution function.
#' @examples 
#' tidy_negative_binomial() %>%
#'   util_negative_binomial_stats_tbl()
#' @return 
#' A tibble
#' @export

util_negative_binomial_stats_tbl <- function(.data){

  # Immediate check for tidy_ distribution function
  if (!"tibble_type" %in% names(attributes(.data))){
      message = "You must pass data from the 'tidy_dist' function.",
      use_cli_format = TRUE

  if (attributes(.data)$tibble_type != "tidy_negative_binomial"){
      message = "You must use 'tidy_negative_binomial()'",
      use_cli_format = TRUE

  # Data
  data_tbl <- tibble::as_tibble(.data)

  atb <- attributes(data_tbl)
  r <- atb$.size
  p <- atb$.prob

  stat_mean   <- (p*r)/(1 - p)
  stat_mode   <- ifelse(r > 1, floor((p*(r-1))/(1 - p)), 0)
  stat_coef_var <- (p*r)/((1 - p)^2)
  stat_sd <- sqrt(stat_coef_var)
  stat_skewness <- (1 + p)/sqrt(p*r)
  stat_kurtosis <- 6/r + ((1-p)^2)/(p*r)

  # Data Tibble
  ret <- tibble::tibble(
    tidy_function = atb$tibble_type,
    function_call = atb$dist_with_params,
    distribution = atb$tibble_type %>% 
      stringr::str_remove("tidy_") %>% 
    distribution_type = atb$distribution_family_type,
    points = atb$.n,
    simulations = atb$.num_sims,
    mean = stat_mean,
    mode_lower = stat_mode,
    range = paste0("0 to Inf"),
    std_dv = stat_sd,
    coeff_var = stat_coef_var,
    skewness = stat_skewness,
    kurtosis = stat_kurtosis,
    computed_std_skew = tidy_skewness_vec(data_tbl$y),
    computed_std_kurt = tidy_kurtosis_vec(data_tbl$y)

  # Return



tidy_negative_binomial() %>%
  util_negative_binomial_stats_tbl() %>%

Rows: 1
Columns: 15
$ tidy_function     <chr> "tidy_negative_binomial"
$ function_call     <chr> "Negative Binomial c(1, 0.1)"
$ distribution      <chr> "Negative_binomial"
$ distribution_type <chr> "discrete"
$ points            <dbl> 50
$ simulations       <dbl> 1
$ mean              <dbl> 0.1111111
$ mode_lower        <dbl> 0
$ range             <chr> "0 to Inf"
$ std_dv            <dbl> 0.3513642
$ coeff_var         <dbl> 0.1234568
$ skewness          <dbl> 3.478505
$ kurtosis          <dbl> 14.1
$ computed_std_skew <dbl> 1.718317
$ computed_std_kurt <dbl> 6.09096