spsanderson / TidyDensity

Create tidy probability/density tibbles and plots of randomly generated and empirical data.
34 stars 1 forks source link

beta #75

Closed spsanderson closed 2 years ago

spsanderson commented 2 years ago

Here is the code:

util_beta_param_estimate <- function(.x, .auto_gen_with_empirical = TRUE){

  # Tidyeval ----
  x_term <- as.numeric(.x)
  minx <- min(x_term)
  maxx <- max(x_term)

  # Checks ----
  if (!is.numeric(x_term)){
      "The '.x' parameter must be numeric."

  if (minx < 0 | maxx > 1){
      message = "For the beta distribution, its mean 'mu' should be 0 < mu < 1. 
      The data will therefore be scaled to enforce this.",
      use_cli_format = TRUE
    x_term <- healthyR.ai::hai_scale_zero_one_vec(x_term)
    scaled <- TRUE
  } else {
      message = "There was no need to scale the data.",
      use_cli_format = TRUE
    x_term <- x_term
    scaled <- FALSE

  # Get params ----
  n <- length(x_term)
  m <- mean(x_term, na.rm = TRUE)
  s2 <- var(x_term, na.rm = TRUE)

  # wikipedia generic
  alpha <- m * n
  beta <- sqrt(((1- m) * n)^2)

  # https://itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/eda366h.htm
  p <- m * (((m * (1- m))/s2) - 1)
  q <- (1 - m) * (((m * (1 - m))/s2) - 1)

  if (p < 0){
    p <- sqrt((p)^2)

  if (q < 0){
    q <- sqrt((q)^2)

  # EnvStats
  term <- ((m * (1 - m))/(((n - 1)/n) * s2)) - 1
  esshape1 <- m * term
  esshape2 <- (1 - m) * term

  # Return Tibble ----
  if (.auto_gen_with_empirical){
    te <- tidy_empirical(.x = x_term)
    td <- tidy_beta(.n = n, .shape1 = p, .shape2 = q)
    combined_tbl <- tidy_combine_distributions(te, td)

  ret <- dplyr::tibble(
    dist_type = rep('Beta', 3),
    samp_size = rep(n, 3),
    min = rep(minx, 3),
    max = rep(maxx, 3),
    mean = rep(m, 3),
    variance = rep(s2, 3),
    method = c("Bayes", "NIST_MME", "EnvStats_MME"),
    shape1 = c(alpha, p, esshape1),
    shape2 = c(beta, q, esshape2),
    shape_ratio = c(alpha/beta, p/q, esshape1/esshape2)

  # Return ----
  attr(ret, "tibble_typle") <- "beta_parameter_estimation"
  attr(ret, "x_term") <- .x
  attr(ret, "scaled") <- scaled
  attr(ret, "n") <- n

  if (.auto_gen_with_empirical){
    output <- list(
  } else {
    output <- ret



Here is a working example:

alpha <- 2.5
beta <- 0.5
tb <- tidy_beta(.n = 32, .shape1 = alpha, .shape2 = beta, .num_sims = 1) %>%
  group_by(x) %>% # groups by each observation, if sim_number then takes mean of the sim
  summarise(y = mean(y)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
> params <- util_beta_param_estimate(tb)
There was no need to scale the data.
> params
# A tibble: 3 x 10
  dist_type samp_size   min   max  mean variance method       shape1 shape2 shape_ratio
  <chr>         <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>         <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl>
1 Beta             32 0.212  1.00 0.798   0.0539 Bayes         25.5   6.48         3.94
2 Beta             32 0.212  1.00 0.798   0.0539 NIST_MME       1.59  0.404        3.94
3 Beta             32 0.212  1.00 0.798   0.0539 EnvStats_MME   1.67  0.424        3.94
> attributes(params)
[1] "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"

[1] 1 2 3

 [1] "dist_type"   "samp_size"   "min"         "max"         "mean"        "variance"   
 [7] "method"      "shape1"      "shape2"      "shape_ratio"

[1] "beta_parameter_estimation"

 [1] 0.9935692 0.5702770 0.9768198 0.9835949 0.9743270 0.9933977 0.8366687 0.9911934 0.2116736
[10] 0.9996197 0.6960581 0.8134849 0.9998215 0.7535200 0.5729446 0.9466399 0.9934446 0.9822580
[19] 0.4181436 0.5219418 0.9457714 0.4061314 0.6482816 0.9421323 0.9943604 0.7716284 0.7928856
[28] 0.7834011 0.9999155 0.8963023 0.8547636 0.2587532


[1] 32