spsanderson / healthyR.ai

healthyR.ai - AI package for the healthyverse
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Add function `hai_distribution_comparison_tbl()` #133

Closed spsanderson closed 2 years ago

spsanderson commented 2 years ago

Need to compare the following distributions to the empirical, all of which are on a cullen frey graph

Not on Cullen Frey

spsanderson commented 2 years ago

add class of "hai_dist_tbl" to output tibble for other functions

spsanderson commented 2 years ago
hai_distribution_comparison_tbl <- function(.x, .distributions = c("gamma","beta")){

  # Tidyeval ----
  x_term  <- .x
  dl      <- as.vector(tolower(.distributions))

  # Parameters ----
  hskew   <- healthyR.ai::hai_skewness_vec(x_term)
  hkurt   <- healthyR.ai::hai_kurtosis_vec(x_term)
  mu      <- mean(x_term, na.rm = TRUE)
  std     <- stats::sd(x_term, na.rm = TRUE)
  minimum <- min(x_term, na.rm = TRUE)
  maximum <- max(x_term, na.rm = TRUE)
  med     <- stats::median(x_term, na.rm = TRUE)
  n       <- length(x_term)

  # Distribution Table and associate stats function
  dist_df <- tibble::tibble(
    distribution = dl,
    stats_func = dplyr::case_when(
      distribution == "normal" ~ "rnorm",
      distribution == "uniform" ~ "runif",
      distribution == "exponential" ~ "rexp",
      distribution == "logisitic" ~ "rlogis",
      distribution == "beta" ~ "rbeta",
      distribution == "lognormal" ~ "rlnorm",
      distribution == "gamma" ~ "rgamma",
      distribution == "weibull" ~ "rweibull",
      distribution == "chisquare" ~ "rchisq",
      distribution == "cauchy" ~ "rcauchy",
      distribution == "hypergeometric" ~ "rhyper",
      distribution == "f" ~ "rf",
      distribution == "poisson" ~ "rpois"

  # Was a distribution chosen unsupported?
  supported_distributions <- c("normal","uniform","exponential","logistic","beta",

  dist_unsupported <- dist_df %>%
    dplyr::mutate(dist_supported = distribution %in% supported_distributions) %>%
    dplyr::filter(dist_supported == FALSE)

  # Checks ----
    stop(call. = FALSE, ".x must be a numeric vector.")

  if(exists("dist_unsupported") & nrow(dist_unsupported) > 1){
    rlang::abort("You entered a distribution that is unsupported")

  # Make distributions ----
  dist_tbl <- dist_df %>%
      dist_data = dplyr::case_when(
        stats_func == "rgamma" ~ list(stats::rgamma(n = n, shape = hskew, rate = hkurt)),
        stats_func == "rbeta" ~ list(stats::rbeta(n = n, shape1 = hskew, shape2 = hkurt, ncp = med)),
        stats_func == "rnorm" ~ list(stats::rnorm(n = n, mean = mu, sd = std)),
        stats_func == "runif" ~ list(stats::runif(n = n, min = minimum, max = maximum)),
        stats_func == "rexp" ~ list(stats::rexp(n = n, rate = hkurt)),
        stats_func == "rlogis" ~ list(stats::rlogis(n = n, location = hskew, scale = hkurt)),
        stats_func == "rlnorm" ~ list(stats::rlnorm(n = n, meanlog = log(mu), sdlog = log(std))),
        stats_func == "rweibull" ~ list(stats::rweibull(n = n, shape = hskew, scale = hkurt)),
        stats_func == "rchisq" ~ list(stats::rchisq(n = n, df = hskew)),
        stats_func == "rcauchy" ~ list(stats::rcauchy(n = n, location = hskew, scale = hkurt)),
        stats_func == "rhyper" ~ list(stats::rhyper(nn = n, m = n, n = n, k = n) %>%
        stats_func == "rf" ~ list(stats::rf(n = n, df1 = hskew, df2 = hskew) %>%
        stats_func == "rpois" ~ list(stats::rpois(n = n, lambda = hskew) %>%
    ) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(distribution) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(density_data = list(density(unlist(dist_data)))) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%

  # Add empirical data and density to tibble
  emp_dens_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
    distribution = "empirical",
    dist_data = list(x_term),
    density_data = list(density(x_term))

  dist_final_tbl <- rbind(dist_tbl, emp_dens_tbl)

  # Add Class of hai_dist_tbl
  class(dist_final_tbl) <- c("tbl_df","tbl","data.frame","hai_dist_tbl")

  # Return ----

spsanderson commented 2 years ago

Change code to the following (favor the use of an attribute over the class):

hai_distribution_comparison_tbl <- function(.x, .distributions = c("gamma","beta")){

  # Tidyeval ----
  x_term  <- .x
  dl      <- as.vector(tolower(.distributions))

  # Parameters ----
  hskew   <- hai_skewness_vec(x_term)
  hkurt   <- hai_kurtosis_vec(x_term)
  mu      <- mean(x_term, na.rm = TRUE)
  std     <- stats::sd(x_term, na.rm = TRUE)
  minimum <- min(x_term, na.rm = TRUE)
  maximum <- max(x_term, na.rm = TRUE)
  med     <- stats::median(x_term, na.rm = TRUE)
  n       <- length(x_term)

  # Distribution Table and associate stats function
  dist_df <- tibble::tibble(
    distribution = dl,
    stats_func = dplyr::case_when(
      distribution == "normal" ~ "rnorm",
      distribution == "uniform" ~ "runif",
      distribution == "exponential" ~ "rexp",
      distribution == "logisitic" ~ "rlogis",
      distribution == "beta" ~ "rbeta",
      distribution == "lognormal" ~ "rlnorm",
      distribution == "gamma" ~ "rgamma",
      distribution == "weibull" ~ "rweibull",
      distribution == "chisquare" ~ "rchisq",
      distribution == "cauchy" ~ "rcauchy",
      distribution == "hypergeometric" ~ "rhyper",
      distribution == "f" ~ "rf",
      distribution == "poisson" ~ "rpois"

  # Was a distribution chosen unsupported?
  supported_distributions <- c("normal","uniform","exponential","logistic","beta",

  dist_unsupported <- dist_df %>%
    dplyr::mutate(dist_supported = distribution %in% supported_distributions) %>%
    dplyr::filter(dist_supported == FALSE)

  # Checks ----
    stop(call. = FALSE, ".x must be a numeric vector.")

  if(exists("dist_unsupported") & nrow(dist_unsupported) > 1){
    rlang::abort("You entered a distribution that is unsupported")

  # Make distributions ----
  dist_tbl <- dist_df %>%
      dist_data = dplyr::case_when(
        stats_func == "rgamma" ~ list(stats::rgamma(n = n, shape = hskew, rate = hkurt)),
        stats_func == "rbeta" ~ list(stats::rbeta(n = n, shape1 = hskew, shape2 = hkurt, ncp = med)),
        stats_func == "rnorm" ~ list(stats::rnorm(n = n, mean = mu, sd = std)),
        stats_func == "runif" ~ list(stats::runif(n = n, min = minimum, max = maximum)),
        stats_func == "rexp" ~ list(stats::rexp(n = n, rate = hkurt)),
        stats_func == "rlogis" ~ list(stats::rlogis(n = n, location = hskew, scale = hkurt)),
        stats_func == "rlnorm" ~ list(stats::rlnorm(n = n, meanlog = log(mu), sdlog = log(std))),
        stats_func == "rweibull" ~ list(stats::rweibull(n = n, shape = hskew, scale = hkurt)),
        stats_func == "rchisq" ~ list(stats::rchisq(n = n, df = hskew)),
        stats_func == "rcauchy" ~ list(stats::rcauchy(n = n, location = hskew, scale = hkurt)),
        stats_func == "rhyper" ~ list(stats::rhyper(nn = n, m = n, n = n, k = n) %>%
        stats_func == "rf" ~ list(stats::rf(n = n, df1 = hskew, df2 = hskew) %>%
        stats_func == "rpois" ~ list(stats::rpois(n = n, lambda = hskew) %>%
    ) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(distribution) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(density_data = list(density(unlist(dist_data)))) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%

  # Add empirical data and density to tibble
  emp_dens_tbl <- tibble::tibble(
    distribution = "empirical",
    dist_data = list(x_term),
    density_data = list(density(x_term))

  dist_final_tbl <- rbind(dist_tbl, emp_dens_tbl)

  # Add attributes ----
  attr(dist_final_tbl, ".x") <- .x
  attr(dist_final_tbl, ".distributions") <- .distributions
  attr(dist_final_tbl, "tibble_type") <- "hai_dist_compare_tbl"

  # Return ----
