Closed spsanderson closed 5 months ago
Provider Data:
#' Fetch Provider Data as Tibble or Download CSV
#' @family Provider Data
#' @seealso \code{\link[]{get_provider_meta_data}}
#' @description
#' This function retrieves provider data from the provided link and returns it as a tibble
#' with cleaned names or downloads the data as a CSV file if the link ends in .csv.
#' This function is intended to be used with the CMS provider data API.
#' @param .data_link A character string containing the URL to fetch data from.
#' @param .limit An integer specifying the maximum number of rows to fetch.
#' Default is 500. If set to 0, all records will be returned.
#' @return A tibble containing the fetched data with cleaned names, or downloads
#' a CSV file to the user-selected directory. If an error occurs, returns `NULL`.
#' @details
#' The function sends a request to the provided URL using `httr2::request` and
#' `httr2::req_perform`. If the response status is not 200, it stops with an
#' error message indicating the failure. If the URL ends in .csv, it uses `utils::download.file`
#' to download the CSV file to a directory chosen by the user. Otherwise, the
#' response body is parsed as JSON and converted into a tibble using
#' `dplyr::as_tibble`. The column names are cleaned using `janitor::clean_names`,
#' and any character columns are stripped of leading and trailing whitespace
#' using `stringr::str_squish`. The default limit for a return on records is 500.
#' If the limit is set to 0, all records will be returned.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' # Example usage:
#' data_url <- "069d-826b"
#' df_tbl <- fetch_provider_data(data_url, .limit = 1)
#' df_tbl |>
#' glimpse()
#' @name fetch_provider_data
#' @export
#' @rdname fetch_provider_data
fetch_provider_data <- function(.data_link, .limit = 500) {
data_link <- .data_link
limit <- as.integer(.limit)
# Check if the URL is valid
url_valid <- is_valid_url(data_link)
# If the link does not end with .csv AND does not start with
# AND is not a valid url then it is should be treated
# as an identifier and then construct the API query URL
if (
!grepl("\\.csv$", data_link) &
!grepl("^", data_link) &
) {
data_link <- paste0(
"/0?limit=", limit
# Check if the URL starts with the required prefix and is a valid URL
if (!is.character(data_link) ||
length(data_link) != 1 ||
!grepl("^", data_link) ||
) {
message = "The provided data link is not valid or does not start with
''. Please first pull an
appropriate data link from the CMS provider data API using the
get_provider_meta_data() function.",
use_cli_format = TRUE
# If the link ends with .csv, download the file
if (grepl("\\.csv$", data_link)) {
dir_path <- utils::choose.dir()
if ( {
stop("No directory selected.")
file_path <- file.path(dir_path, basename(data_link))
utils::download.file(data_link, file_path)
message("File downloaded to ", file_path)
}, error = function(e) {
message("An error occurred while downloading the file: ", e$message)
# Otherwise, fetch and process the JSON data
response <- httr2::request(data_link) |>
if (httr2::resp_status(response) != 200) {
stop("Failed to retrieve data: HTTP status ", httr2::resp_status(response))
json_data <- httr2::resp_body_json(
response, check_type = FALSE, simplifyVector = TRUE
json_data[["results"]] |>
dplyr::as_tibble() |>
janitor::clean_names() |>
dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(dplyr::where(is.character), stringr::str_squish))
}, error = function(e) {
message("An error occurred: ", e$message)
argument tofetch_
functions, default is 500 and 0 will return entire thing.