Closed spsanderson closed 1 year ago
ts_geometric_brownian_motion <- function(.num_sims = 100, .time = 25, .mean = 0, .sigma = 0.1, .initial_value = 100, .delta_time = 1./365, .return_tibble = TRUE) { # Tidyeval ---- # Thank you to num_sims <- as.numeric(.num_sims) t <- as.numeric(.time) mu <- as.numeric(.mean) sigma <- as.numeric(.sigma) initial_value <- as.numeric(.initial_value) delta_time <- as.numeric(.delta_time) return_tibble <- as.logical(.return_tibble) # matrix of random draws - one for each day for each simulation rand_matrix <- matrix(rnorm(t * num_sims), ncol = num_sims, nrow = t) colnames(rand_matrix) <- paste0("sim_number ", 1:num_sims) # get GBM and convert to price paths ret <- exp((mu - sigma * sigma / 2) * delta_time + sigma * rand_matrix * sqrt(delta_time)) ret <- apply(rbind(rep(initial_value, num_sims), ret), 2, cumprod) # Return if (return_tibble){ ret <- ret %>% dplyr::as_tibble() %>% dplyr::mutate(t = 1:(t+1)) %>% dplyr::select(t, dplyr::everything()) %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(-t) } return(ret) }
ts_geometric_brownian_motion(.num_sims = 25, .return_tibble = TRUE) %>% ggplot(aes(x = t, y = value, group = name, color = name)) + geom_line() + theme_minimal() + theme(legend.position = "none")
ts_geometric_brownian_motion(.num_sims = 2000, .return_tibble = TRUE) %>% ggplot(aes(x = t, y = value, group = name, color = name)) + geom_line() + theme_minimal() + theme(legend.position = "none")
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