spsaswat / plantdis

A Plant Disease Detector App based on Nested Transfer Learning
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

Improve app UI #4

Closed spsaswat closed 2 weeks ago

spsaswat commented 8 months ago

Add an app loader, and use toast/dialogue to show the result of disease classification. This can be achieved by editing the main.dart file. Please don't forget to add dependencies in the YAML file. Also, please add proper documentation to the code.

spsaswat commented 2 weeks ago

Also, reformat the result. For example, Potato__Early_blight. Reformat it as "The plant is Potato, and the disease is Early blight" __ [double underscore as separator between plant and disease]

Donutcheese commented 2 weeks ago

image image seperate to 2 situation, one for healthy plant and others for disease situation