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Cannot set property id of undefined #116

Closed kaning closed 10 years ago

kaning commented 10 years ago

Not sure what this is but I thought I should let you know I was getting this error.

`TypeError: Cannot set property 'id' of undefined at Object.window.Sync.merger     (file:///tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.khTVGP/public/application.js:12974:59) at     Object.eval     (file:///tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.khTVGP/public/application.js:12679:27)
at fire (file:///tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.khTVGP/public/application.js:1188:34)
at Object.self.fireWith [as resolveWith] (file:///tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.khTVGP/public/application.js:1299:11)
at done (file:///tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.khTVGP/public/application.js:8225:18)
at XMLHttpRequest.callback (file:///tmp/.org.chromium.Chromium.khTVGP/public/application.js:8749:12)`
haidaoxiaofei commented 10 years ago

I also meet this problem. Is this project still under developing? I like its design. Hope to fix this bug ASAP. I cannot work with it now....

megubyte commented 10 years ago

In Springseed 2.0 this silently fails and tries again next time.