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Update and lost all my notes #138

Open Nebrit opened 10 years ago

Nebrit commented 10 years ago

I update to 2.0 and lost all of my notes of 1.1.


megubyte commented 10 years ago

Hi Nebrit,

Rest assured your notes aren't gone forever, they are still on your hard drive, so don't freak out. I think I understand what the problem is and as a result I will try to fix this for you as soon as I can.

If you had previously synced your notes to dropbox you should be able to sign in yo dropbox and receive them again.

Sorry for any inconveneience caused.

Nebrit commented 10 years ago

Thank you very much! I look forward to that update have many important data.

While I have to make an analysis of ergonomics to improve accessibility and usability colors with a level of rapid deployment and low cost of development hours. It will take several days.

I welcome your news in the form of renovation.


megubyte commented 10 years ago

Here's the command you should run to get everything back. If it works, please do tell me!

mv ~/.config/{Springseed,Atom-Shell}

nchevobbe commented 10 years ago

Same bug here, the command from @michealharker didn't resolved it. I can see my old notes in my Dropbox folder ( .note files ), and the new ones i think ( .seed files isn't it ? ). So obviously i could go and parse the old files and recreate them, but if we can have a function which can do it automatically, it would be nice :)

megubyte commented 10 years ago

It's a little strange how that has not resolved your issues. Im sure our new and old system use the same V8 engine so it's strange how a simple rename of the Springseed folder to Atom-Shell didn't fix it. Hrm, perhaps I am missing something here. Are you running Springseed for the first time since 1.0?

Nebrit commented 10 years ago


The proposed solution don't work. My terminal:

usuario@usuario-Compaq-Mini-110c-1000:~$ sudo mv ~/.config/{Springseed,Atom-Shell} [sudo] password for usuario: mv: no se puede efectuar `stat' sobre «/home/usuario/.config/Springseed»: No existe el archivo o el directorio

English Version: user @ user-Compaq-Mini-110-1000. ~ $ sudo mv ~ / config / {Springseed, Atom-Shell} [sudo] password for user: mv: can not stat `make 'on' / home / user / .config / Springseed ': No such file or directory

previously had installed the version that was in production at the 1.1 springseed

Please help

pbalczynski commented 10 years ago

Same here. After folder rename to Atom-Shell I can only see welcome message. springseed-screen-01

JervisTetch commented 10 years ago

Same problem here, maybe it has something to do with the .pki directory which springseed creates in my homedir?

// edit: // i've compared springseeds output on both test cases, // with my old data directory i get this: // [14680:0623/213148:ERROR:backend_impl.cc(1308)] Unable to map Index file

megubyte commented 10 years ago

This is most certainly weird.

cwchien commented 10 years ago

Hi all, It also happened to me when I upgraded to springseed 2.0. As soon as I saw this issue, I realized that "~/.config/Springseed" is my old data. Since serveral people have reported that renaming it to "Atom-Shell" doesn't help, I keep it untouched but remove the springseed 2.0 and install the original 1.1.0. After I opening springseed 1.1.0, all my data has come back!

Here is my recovering howto for Ubuntu users:

  1. sudo apt-get purge springseed to remove the currently installed SpringSeed 2.0
  2. Download the SpringSeed 1.1.0 and install it with sudo dpkg -i springseed_1.1.0_amd64.deb Here is my local backup: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80874854/springseed_1.1.0_amd64.deb
  3. If you have renamed "~/.config/Springseed" to "~/.config/Atom-Shell", rename it back.
  4. Open SpringSeed 1.1.0 with /opt/springseed/springseed-bin, and welcome back your notes.
  5. Copy the source or sync them to DropBox.
  6. Uninstall 1.1.0 and install 2.0, then paste the previous source or sync back from DropBox.
allanmason commented 9 years ago

Any status update on this? I'm having the same problem.

proedie commented 9 years ago


zackp30 commented 9 years ago

@proedie, @allanmason did you follow the instructions by @cwchien?

We should put an official guide somewhere, or even better, a migrator.

allanmason commented 9 years ago

@zackp30 thanks, I saw the process @cwchien, which sounds like it should work. I'm not sure why we should need to go to so much manual work, when the upgrade process should have handled it. Plus I don't want my notes up in the cloud. I expected that the app would have noticed my data, in the pre-2.x format, and would have migrated and/or massaged it as needed.

Is there any plans to fix this?

coiby commented 9 years ago

I lost all my notes. I have to recover them manually. It's really aweful.

nictruong commented 9 years ago

Bye bye all my notes. Will @cwchien solution work?

cwchien commented 9 years ago

@heikenmonogatari I didn't use springseed long time ago. for the 1.1.0 deb file, you can download it from this link. http://repo.getspringseed.com/springseed_1.1.0_amd64.deb

In my case, it works. Just remeber that DO NOT TOUCH "~/.config/Springseed".

nictruong commented 9 years ago

@cwchien I really appreciate it. I got everything back to what it was before the update. Thank you again.

ryanvade commented 9 years ago

I lost all of my notes after updating too. :(

schryer commented 9 years ago

This program is abandoned (see comment below), so if you like the interface (which is nice), fork the project and implement a more stable back end. I would suggest adding a way to customize where and how the user data is stored. Also, the binary format should be scrapped and replaced with plain text.

Good luck with your future projects :)

zackp30 commented 9 years ago

@schryer I understand.

I also want to say sorry for leaving this project how it is (I didn't write almost any of the code, if you take a look in the git log it will tell you that, in fact, I only made minor adjustments and accepted a few pull requests). I'm not trying to pass the blame. I understand that I should have contributed more, fixed more bugs, but my life has been very busy, and the other (@michealharker) developer hasn't been motivated at all to work on it. I admit, it really isn't perfect. Sure it looks good, but functionally it doesn't perform that well.

Again, sorry, and I hope we haven't left you with a bad image of us. We just have lost interest in the project.

I also wanted to say thanks to @nitishch for contributing to the project, and fixing quite a few bugs.

There were a few other contributors, I believe, but I don't recall of them (check git log).

There is an issue to work on Springseed 3 (#188), but that hasn't been worked on much, @michealharker has been extremely busy with college, and I've been busy with secondary school.

And for the another time, sorry, we really didn't want the project to have these sort of breakages.

I also want to say sorry to the users of springseed who we seem to have ignored, we have been extremely busy, I know that isn't a good excuse... I really should have made this post sooner.

And a final thing to say, there are definitely better alternatives, such as:

The list is quite bare because I don't know of any others myself.

Thanks! Zack

zackp30 commented 9 years ago

UPDATE: The project is not abandoned, see #188.