spsdco / notes

Awesome note taking.
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Running it #143

Closed nataliethistime closed 10 years ago

nataliethistime commented 10 years ago

I followed the instructions on the README but idk how to run it from source. Is it one of the files in /src ??

Silberling commented 10 years ago

Sorry, but ACK.

"Springseed is the simple and easy way to take your notes." does not apply for installing and running a simple demo.

I used 30 minutes so far and I think I have to run "cake server" somehow. (peeked into the Cakefile)

"./node_modules/.bin/cake server" should do it but this throws some errors where modules weren't found.

Setting this up for the first time without having much to do with ruby and node this is just a pain in the buns :-S

At least a good readme should be there.

(edit: oh btw, gotta build this from scratch because there are only DEB files)

Silberling commented 10 years ago

@Vasari Try running

npm install coffee-scrunch uglify-js node-static node-sass node-watch ./node_modules/.bin/cake server

inside your building / installation directory.

Or just "cake server" if you're using the DEB. You've just to figure out where the files are.

megubyte commented 10 years ago

You don't need cake anymore. Use git submodule --init update sudo gem install sass, make, then install atom-shell https://github.com/atom/atom-shell and run it with atom-shell . (while in the springseed directory).

nataliethistime commented 10 years ago

Oh awesome, that works.

megubyte commented 10 years ago

Glad it works for you.