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springseed repo? #159

Open boudiccas opened 9 years ago

boudiccas commented 9 years ago

I want to keep up with the new "springseed" but I can't find a debian-style repo for it anywhere. You used to have one, do you still have one please, and if so what is it?

megubyte commented 9 years ago

It's installed with the .deb

nitishch commented 9 years ago

@boudiccas If you use Ubuntu and want to use Springseed, you can search for springseed in Ubuntu Software Center.

boudiccas commented 9 years ago

Nitish Chandra notifications@github.com writes:

@boudiccas If you use Ubuntu and want to use Springseed, you can search for springseed in Ubuntu Software Center.

Thanks Nitish, but I use Debian testing, and have done so now for a couple of years.


A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk my git repo = https://bitbucket.org/boudiccas/dots TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk Debian testing, fluxbox 1.3.5, emacs

ghost commented 9 years ago

It's installed with the .deb

Yeah, but where to find it. Neither information at getspringseed.com, in this repo nor the wiki.

@boudiccas There are the DEBs, also 2.0: http://repo.getspringseed.com/

Source: http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-springseed-1-1-on-ubuntu-linux-mint-elementary-os-debian-kwheezy-and-crunchbang/


@boudiccas If you use Ubuntu and want to use Springseed, you can search for springseed in Ubuntu Software Center.

Springseed is not available through Ubuntu Software Center. I have searched for it.

nitishch commented 9 years ago

Springseed is not available through Ubuntu Software Center. I have searched for it.

Oh sorry. I remember adding a PPA initially for this.

megubyte commented 9 years ago

Yeah, but where to find it. Neither information at getspringseed.com, in this repo nor the wiki.

When you install Springseed, the Debian repository installed into apt automatically. This adds repo.getspringseed.com, a bit how like Chrome(ium) installs its repo on install too.

ghost commented 9 years ago

When you install Springseed, the Debian repository installed into apt automatically. This adds repo.getspringseed.com, a bit how like Chrome(ium) installs its repo on install too.

Nice to know. But a new user, without Springseed installed, will wonder where to find the DEB. Like me, just now.

megubyte commented 9 years ago

The debian file is on the main page. It won't show if you are using anything other than Linux, for simplicity's sake. (Someone with a user agent switcher got caught out by that too)

ghost commented 9 years ago

This ... is ... embarrassing! I forgot to switch off my agent switcher. A big sorry for that!

I didn't know that these buttons disappear. You never stop learning. Suggestion? How about placing the little info text "Not available for Windows (yet!)" popular at the position of the buttons. It may be that other users are as forgetful as me with their user agent switcher.

megubyte commented 9 years ago

Hm. I'll look into that, everyone has some embarrassing moments like that, I guess :P