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springseed for non-deb Linux distro ? #170

Open Ra0EL opened 9 years ago

Ra0EL commented 9 years ago


I am thinking of switching from nvPy to springseed. Unfortunately I am working on many different Linux distro and it doesnt come out of the box so easily...

I have tried to make springseed on OpenSuSE 13.1, for instance. And I had no success. I have no error message. But I cannot find any binary ( like in /opt ).

So what did I miss here ? :smile:

nitishch commented 9 years ago

This is my experience with Springseed on Ubuntu. I don't know how installation works in other distros.

First make Springseed and then download atom-shell from this page. Extract the atom-shell zip file. You get an executable named atom. Execute this file giving the made Springseed folder as an argument. Of course, if you use Springseed frequently, it would be nice to have an alias for this.

niklas-heer commented 9 years ago

I know this is a little bit old, but @Ra0EL have you tried converting the .deb package to an .rpm one?

# 1 install the tools we need to convert a .deb to .rpm (alien)
sudo zypper ar -f http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/utilities/openSUSE_13.2/utilities.repo
sudo zypper ref
sudo zypper in rpm-build alien

#2 we convert the package
alien -r -c springseed*.deb

#3 we install the .rpm package
sudo zypper in springseed*.rpm
blockloop commented 8 years ago

@niklas-heer that worked 99% of the way for me. In some part of the installation the Springseed.zip didn't get unzipped so the app failed to open. After following your steps I had to do the following

cd /usr/share/springseed/
sudo unzip Springseed.zip

Then the application would launch and seems to work well