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dropbox problem #171

Closed gilbertohasnofb closed 8 years ago

gilbertohasnofb commented 9 years ago

After logging in on my Dropbox account with Firefox, I opened Springseed, click on the settings icon and click on Sign In for my Dropbox. It takes me to a page named "API Request Authorization", with the options to Allow or Cancel Springseed's access to my Dropbox. When I click Allow, I get the following mispelled message:

Springseed conenction broken

This message's link is: https://springseed.azurewebsites.net/callback/dropbox?code=ZS_9IID8JycAAAAAAAABCUQK82AqHBoN5HGoGj6yG5c

Any ideas what is going on?

I am using Springseed 2.0 64-bit on a Linux Mint 17 computer.

gilbertohasnofb commented 8 years ago

This issue has somehow been fixed.