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Is it possible to run Springseed in a browser without Atom? #204

Closed ViktorNova closed 8 years ago

ViktorNova commented 8 years ago

Can Springseed in a browser without Atom? I am curious, as Atom is quite heavy. Thanks!

zackp30 commented 8 years ago

Atom is an editor, we use the base of Atom known as Electron. I don't believe Electron is heavy at all.

zackp30 commented 8 years ago

We are also working on Springseed 3 which is a web-based (read: online) application.

megubyte commented 8 years ago

I am thinking about a native client for Linux sometime, maybe you can help test it out sometime?

ViktorNova commented 8 years ago

I did mean Electron, I apologize. It is only heavy in the sense that it runs in it's own version of Chromium which I was under the impression uses a few hundred megs of RAM just by itself, but I am excited to hear there is a web version in the works! Is any of this available right now?

@michealharker - I would be very happy to assist in testing out a Linux native client!