spsdco / notes

Awesome note taking.
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Unusable :( #206

Closed s777s closed 8 years ago

s777s commented 8 years ago

I like springseed, it looks stylish and simple. But many users have a few languages on keyboard, and it is well-known, that 2 standard methods of changing keyboard layout are "Ctrl+Shift" and "Alt+Shift"/ When I type some text in Springseed and try to change layout - appears menu and I can't continue typing. I think - that is very big issue for international users, springseed becomes almost unusable when typing a lot of text and changing layout often... May I change that behavoir in some config file for now?

megubyte commented 8 years ago

I'm bundling all issues under #210 for bugs such as these - is this a issue with locale, like, your language inputs?