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Unable to complete authentication / authorization against dropbox #208

Open DarthFlashyPants opened 8 years ago

DarthFlashyPants commented 8 years ago

Springseed 2.0, 64-bit on Kubuntu x64 15.10

When attempting to Connect to Dropbox, I am prompted to login (no problem there) and then provide 2FA credentials (no problem there). Finally, as expected, Dropbox asks me if it's OK for you to use my account, etc. I choose "Sure / Yes / Yep", and see a URL like so:


At point, the page reads: Springseed conenction broken

Next, the browser opens another page (API Request Authrorization from DropBox again with a URI like: https://www.dropbox.com/1/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fspringseed.azurewebsites.net%2Fcallback%2Fdropbox&client_id=43ze2) every 30-60 seconds unless I kill Springseed itself.

Same result whether I set Chrome or Chromium to open HTML pages.

megubyte commented 8 years ago

Looks like the sync server is down - will take a look at this when factoring in a third release of Springseed. Sorry for the issue!