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Springseed is unusable. #210

Open megubyte opened 8 years ago

megubyte commented 8 years ago

Springseed is currently, and for a while now - been in a state for which it is not fit to be used (if you can at all use it) and while I appreciate that this is not ideal - i can assure you I want to make something you guys deserve. Springseed should be something which everyone wants to use and it should be something I have maintained for these years but life has gotten in the way of that as I have navigated college and my first year at my role of a software developer.

Springseed should be back again by the end of the year. The milestone in this issue has a deadline for the first of January 2017 and I hope to have all things completed by then for a launch of Springseed, but do be aware I might have betas come out in the meantime.

I understand if people have given up on this, and I kinda see why you would have done, but let's make Springseed something that it hasn't been for the last year or so - stable and fun to use!

I'll be making issues that people can comment on for any new features and I would appreciate comments on these new features and such as time progresses to better gauge how the functionality should be. Again, sorry for the blackout period in the last year or so.

forethoughtde commented 8 years ago

@michealharker I have really enjoyed using Springseed. For some reasons, founders stopped developing further. I am interested in joining you and take Springseed further.

nitishch commented 7 years ago

@michaelharker Good to hear this. I used to use Springseed for taking notes. After the stale period, I started using Emacs and Org mode substituted Springseed for me. But I want to see Springseed take a stable, usable state.

If you work on any area in Springseed, please post the updates here so that people (including me) can contribute if they can.

segadora commented 7 years ago

Still dead?

akariscarlet commented 6 years ago

Is anyone there? We're in 2018 and still NO UPDATE. I tried to install all the possible versions on my Ubuntu 17.10 but without success. I hope we'll get news for that.