spujadas / elk-docker

Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK) Docker image
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Advise required - override kibana.yml and elsaticsearch.yml #289

Closed silentFred closed 5 years ago

silentFred commented 5 years ago

Hi all,

Firstly thank you all for this epic contribution!

I'm playing around and trying to get basic user management and security up and running without any 3rd party plugins. So far I understand this should be possible with the pre-installed x-pack plugins.

I've tried overriding the yml configs by using a docker compose file and mounting file directly into the image where the configs are expected to be like so:

    image: sebp/elk
        # Kibana port
        - "80:5601"
        # Logstash port
        - "90:31311"
        - "5044:5044"
        - "9200:9200"
        - './logstash-input.local.conf:/etc/logstash/conf.d/03-input.conf'
        - './30-output.conf:/etc/logstash/conf.d/30-output.conf'
        - './kibana.yml:/opt/kibana/config/kibana.yml'
        - './elasticsearch.yml:/etc/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml'

Pretty simple but it seems Kibana is ignoring the flags I am setting:

elasticsearch.username: "someuser" elasticsearch.password: "somepassword"

Has anyone else managed to spin up the stack with basic user management and login? Am I even putting these configs where they should be? Been stuck here a few days now and Search Guard plugin installation has also not proven fruitful given the package optimisation stalling regardless of the resources allocated to the image.

sandeepsuvit commented 4 years ago

Hi @silentFred i think for this we need to activate this plugin elasticsearch-setup-passwords as per elastic docs https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.8/built-in-users.html#set-built-in-user-passwords but i am not sure where do we enable this in the current package. Any thoughts?

sandeepsuvit commented 4 years ago

Also when i tried to do this manually from within docker container. I got this error

root@9cc2090d64e4:/opt/elasticsearch/bin# ./elasticsearch-plugin install x-pack
-> Installing x-pack
-> Failed installing x-pack
ERROR: X-Pack is not available with the oss distribution; to use X-Pack features use the default distribution

Which means that the current distribution oss doesn't support X-Pack which is required for user management. @spujadas Any comments on how to get this working please.

spujadas commented 4 years ago

@sandeepsuvit use a non-oss version of the image, then follow Elastic docs.

sandeepsuvit commented 4 years ago

Got it @spujadas. I did try your suggestion and it worked out well, thanks. One more question related to this: So i used the version without oss tag and it does show the X-Pack plugin files. Now is there a way i can enable default users without manually going and triggering bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto from inside the container, through some scripts after elk setup completes?

spujadas commented 4 years ago

Well as far as I know there isn't a nice streamlined way to do this, but the closest may be to use post-hooks (https://elk-docker.readthedocs.io/#pre-post-hooks) to run the command after everything starts. Still a bit inconvenient, but this fiddliness doesn't seem to be Docker-specific.