Closed LnkSaber closed 4 years ago
Apologies for jumping someone else's Issue, However I am also having same issue
my elk container worked fine for a month and then suddenly stopped working
below are the details
[root@server1 ]# ulimit -n 65535
[root@server1 ]# sysctl vm.max_map_count vm.max_map_count = 262144
[root@server1 ]# cat /etc/sysconfig/docker OPTIONS="--default-ulimit nofile=1024:65536"
`[2020-11-04T06:56:48,368][INFO ][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment ] [elk] using [1] data paths, mounts [[/var/lib/elasticsearch (/dev/nvme0n1p1)]], net usable_space [73gb], net total_space [99.9gb], types [xfs] [2020-11-04T06:56:48,368][INFO ][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment ] [elk] heap size [1gb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true] [2020-11-04T06:56:53,037][INFO ][o.e.n.Node ] [elk] node name [elk], node ID [DpENUi2_TYW7lp2LJchfIg], cluster name [elasticsearch]
@jaydeepjc unless the logs (where your message is clipped) show anything interesting, I'd still suggest that this is a memory issue (memory as in RAM available for the container). If your container's been running for a while and/or if memory hasn't been specifically dedicated to the container, then the container could become short on memory causing Elasticsearch to fail on start-up.
What can be done, I tried resting container as well as host machine, it didn't helped. Any suggestions?
Assign more memory to your container, not much else that can be done I'm afraid.
Got it, Thanks :)