spujadas / elk-docker

Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK) Docker image
2.16k stars 908 forks source link

Ubuntu 18.04 Couldn't start Elasticsearch #332

Closed LnkSaber closed 4 years ago

LnkSaber commented 4 years ago


spujadas commented 4 years ago

See https://elk-docker.readthedocs.io/#es-not-starting-not-enough-memory

jaydeepch15 commented 4 years ago

Apologies for jumping someone else's Issue, However I am also having same issue

my elk container worked fine for a month and then suddenly stopped working

below are the details

[root@server1 ]# ulimit -n 65535

[root@server1 ]# sysctl vm.max_map_count vm.max_map_count = 262144

[root@server1 ]# cat /etc/sysconfig/docker OPTIONS="--default-ulimit nofile=1024:65536"

`[2020-11-04T06:56:48,368][INFO ][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment ] [elk] using [1] data paths, mounts [[/var/lib/elasticsearch (/dev/nvme0n1p1)]], net usable_space [73gb], net total_space [99.9gb], types [xfs] [2020-11-04T06:56:48,368][INFO ][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment ] [elk] heap size [1gb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true] [2020-11-04T06:56:53,037][INFO ][o.e.n.Node ] [elk] node name [elk], node ID [DpENUi2_TYW7lp2LJchfIg], cluster name [elasticsearch]

spujadas commented 4 years ago

@jaydeepjc unless the logs (where your message is clipped) show anything interesting, I'd still suggest that this is a memory issue (memory as in RAM available for the container). If your container's been running for a while and/or if memory hasn't been specifically dedicated to the container, then the container could become short on memory causing Elasticsearch to fail on start-up.

jaydeepch15 commented 4 years ago

What can be done, I tried resting container as well as host machine, it didn't helped. Any suggestions?

spujadas commented 4 years ago

Assign more memory to your container, not much else that can be done I'm afraid.

jaydeepch15 commented 4 years ago

Got it, Thanks :)