spullara / redis-protocol

Java client and server implementation of Redis
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Replies never received after previous transaction discarded #20

Closed jencompgeek closed 11 years ago

jencompgeek commented 11 years ago

In RedisClientBase.discard(), the txReplies queue is not cleared. This causes Reply gets to hang on next transaction. For example, testMultiDiscard hangs on the last line of testMultiExec:

private RedisClient client;

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    client = new RedisClient("localhost", 6379);

public void testMultiDiscard() throws Exception {
    client.set("testitnow", "willdo");
    client.pipeline().set("testitnow", "notok");
    assertEquals("willdo", new String(client.get("testitnow").data()));
    // Ensure we can run a new tx after discarding previous one

public void testMultiExec() throws Exception {
    ListenableFuture<StatusReply> reply = client.pipeline().set("key", "value");
spullara commented 11 years ago

This appears to be a race condition in discard(). I have added your test and am looking at a couple of different solutions.